Showing posts with label google chart api. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google chart api. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Visual Storytelling: The Little Prince and Our New Embedded Charts

“My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.”
The Little Prince, Chapter 1 - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Drawing Number One

Inspired by the Little Prince and in honor of
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 110th birthday, we are dedicating this blog post to his timeless masterpiece The Little Prince.

The Little Prince starts with a picture titled “Drawing Number One”, which grown-ups typically interpret as a hat, but only the acute eye of a child can reveal is actually a snake digesting an elephant. Well, unfortunately we were those kids who just saw it as a sum of two Gaussians.

As the team responsible for Google’s Chart Tools, we continuously think about how to enrich your options for visual storytelling on the web. To be able to generate figures like the one above, we thought it will be cool to enhance the Image Chart API with the capability to draw TeX formulas and plot mathematical functions. Once we added these capabilities, we thought it would be even more useful to combine the two into one chart, and therefore developed a simple way to place one chart within another chart. This chart embedding is not just limited to formulas and equations; it can be applied to any combination of chart types.

As you can see, we are working hard to support all of your visualization needs, but please always keep in mind the saying of the little prince’s fox:

(a creative contribution to our user submitted charts by James Andrews)

Before saying goodbye, we invite you to open the figures above in a new tab. This way you can observe how they are rendered using URL based requests to our Image Chart server.

"And no grown-up will ever understand that this is a matter of so much importance!"

Roger Trias Sanz and Nimrod Talmon,
On behalf of the Google Chart Tools team

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Announcing Google Chart Tools

A good chart can tell a story, such as depicting when you get home on Saturday night by plotting your tweet patterns along the week.
A good chart can take an elusive concept and clarify it in a visually appealing manner. This ingenious XKCD strip uses a pie chart, a bar chart and a recursive scatter plot, to demonstrate the concept of self description.

Whether you need a simple line chart, an interactive Geo Map or a complex Motion Chart , Google can help you add live charts to your web page using our Chart and Visualization APIs. Both of these APIs are free and simple to use, however they each have distinct advantages:

1. The Chart API provides Image Charts which are rendered by a Google chart server in response to a simple URL request. Image Charts are fast to render and can be easily emailed and printed. In addition to the extensive gallery of charts, this server now also provides dynamic icons, QR codes, and math formulas.

2. The Visualization API provides Interactive charts which are rendered on the browser using a Google developed JavaScript library. Interactive charts trigger events, providing tool-tips and animations. In addition to a rich gallery of charts, this tool can also read live data from a variety of data sources such as Oracle PL/SQL or Google spreadsheets.

We have discovered that developers occasionally need some help in navigating between the many options and distinct advantages of Image Charts and Interactive Charts, and therefore decided to bring the two APIs under one new framework which we call the "Google Chart Tools". We've accordingly renamed the APIs to Image Charts API and Interactive Charts API and created a simple side-by-side comparison page which you might find useful in choosing which chart tool is better for you.

Image Chart: Oceans of the world

Interactive Chart: Oceans of the world

We hope to meet you in person at Google I/O this May. In our Google Chart Tools I/O session we plan to present many of our new features including dynamic icons, which helped us plot our version of the recursive XKCD chart below:

Monday, July 06, 2009

Google I/O Scavenger Hunt Winners

The astute conference attendee would have noticed hidden QR codes around the conference, as well as the scannable QR codes on everyone's badge. We wanted to find a fun way for people to bond with their new phones, as well as network with other attendees, so we set about creating a scavenger hunt game using Google App Engine & Friend Connect. The app handled game logistics (a leaderboard, URL endpoints), and we printed up a bunch of custom QR code stickers that pointed to game URLs.

App Engine made writing the scavenger hunt app much easier than it otherwise would have been. The initial version of the app took one developer less than a day to turn out, and we continued to add functionality and tweak it as I/O approached and we tested it in real-world situations. The versioning deployment made it very easy to test and push out new versions without disrupting existing users.

The overall structure of the app was very straightforward: every QR-code had a unique URL, which was embedded into the generated QR code. A URL was associated with a number of points to be awarded and a destination URL (such as the user's profile information, in the case of a user's badge QR code). Users were signed in using Friend Connect, which allowed us to avoid concerns of authenticating users and managing sessions.

When a user visited a URL for the first time, we recorded that fact so they couldn't try and get extra points with repeat visits, then sent them to the destination URL. We also kept a running count of the user's score against the User entity, so as to not have to count up their points on every request. Generating the leaderboard was a simple matter of querying for the users with the most points and displaying them.

QR codes were generated using the Chart API, which simply takes a string of text and a few other parameters, and returns a fully formed QR code.

The three resourceful and persistent folks below beat out the competition to rise to the top of the scavenger hunt ranks - going to great lengths, including swag bribery, to gain points. A hearty (if belated) congratulations to the winners of the Google I/O mobile scavenger hunt!

1st Place - Abraham Williams
2nd Place - Waylon Flinn
3rd Place - Pete Richards

We hope everyone that participated learned how to use their Android phones a little better, met people they otherwise wouldn't have, and had some fun :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bringing Visualizations One Step Closer to Developers

At Google, many teams use the Visualization API to create charts and visualizations of their data - both for external and internal products.

The Visualization API wire protocol has been made available publicly so that anyone can connect their data on the web to the list of powerful visualizations available (from Google and third parties) since late last year.

However, internal developers at Google had access to our complete code base for implementing data sources with full query capabilities and more. We felt that the whole web community should also enjoy the same benefit, so yesterday we released a full open source Java library that lets developers expose their data (publicly or to select users) for visualizations, charts and dashboards with a fraction of the effort required previously. This is the first complete free Java package for implementing a Visualization API data source - complete with a full implementation of the API's query language - and it joins our growing list of other tools and data source implementations by third parties and Google.

While we were at it, we also took the opportunity to bring our developer community many more goodies. Most notably:
  • We're launching new versions of the wire protocol and query language, including improved security features for sensitive data.
  • We're launching a generic image chart that provides access to all our popular Chart API's charts and their options through the simple but robust Visualization API JS interface (without the limitation on data quantity imposed on the Chart API URL length limitation).
Check out the full list of new stuff on our What's New page.

We will be reviewing the Java library and many of the new features in our sessions at Google I/O. If you can't make it be sure to check out our full documentation, where we will also post the videos from the sessions.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Google Chart API all spruced up

It's nearly a year now since the Google Chart API was launched, and we've got some treats for you to celebrate!

We've added several new options for adding markers to your chart, including financial markers, which lots of you have been asking for!

And you can now use invisible guide data sets to position markers accurately on your chart. Anyone who's got independent data lines on their wishlist - this one is for you!

If you were looking for concentric pie charts, or the ability to control the orientation of your pie chart, you're in luck!

Other new features include
  • Control for axis lines and tick marks
  • Data labels
  • Margin control
  • Automatic spacing for bar charts

You can read more about all of these features, and the updates we've made to the existing features, on the Chart API site.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

QR Codes now available on the Google Chart API

You can easily render 2D bar codes, known as QR Codes, with the Google Chart API, along with pie charts and bar graphs. If you haven't seen a QR Code before, you are looking at one on the right hand side (To see more, do an image search for "QR Code".)

QR Codes are a popular type of two-dimensional barcode. You can encode URLs, contact information, etc. into a black-and-white image like the one on the right. A QR-Code-enabled device can later scan the image and read back the original text. Learn more about QR Codes from Google Print Ads. If you don't have a reader Google also offers a QR Code decoder library: Zebra Crossing (ZXing).

This is how you can creating these with the Google Chart API:

Simply, there is a new chart type, qr, with attributes to tell the service what to produce:
<text> is text for the QR code. This must be url-encoded in UTF8. Note the space between hello and world is written as %20 in the following example.
<output> optionally specifies how the text is encoded into bytes in the QR Code. If this is not specified the default of UTF-8 is used. Available options are: Shift_JIS, UTF-8, or ISO-8859-1.

For the details, please read the full documentation.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New features for the Google Chart API

Many of the features you've requested via Google Chart API forum are now live in the Google Chart API:

  • Easily create Sparklines (&cht=ls) without having to manipulate other kinds of graphs.


  • Support for Radar charts (&cht=r or &cht=rs) to display data in a polar coordinate system.

    radar chart

  • A new Map chart type (&cht=t) which makes it easy to colour countries and regions according to your data.

    thematic map of europe

Some other changes we've made:
  • Added scaling for text encoded data
  • Added support for negative numbers on bar charts
  • Added ability to draw data lines on bar charts

You can read more about all of this -- plus the fact that we've lifted the 50,000 queries per day limit -- on the Chart API site. And special thanks to our Technical Writer Lesley Burr, who put together this documentation in her 20% time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lifting the limit on calls to the Google Chart API

We got a lot of feedback after releasing the Google Chart API in early December. By far the most questions were about the limit of 50,000 queries per user per day. Some of you who are webmasters of larger sites are afraid of overstepping this limit. We've heard your concerns, and have decided to drop that limit altogether.

However, should you expect to regularly cause more than 250,000 queries per day to the Google Chart API, we'd like you to let us know by mailing so that we can plan for the demand.

And with that said, from now on, if your site can't handle the Slashdot effect, it shouldn't be because of the Google Chart API. ;)

But why did we impose a query limit to start with? It was there to ensure that we could provide a reliable service for all legitimate users because we were able to lock out malicious users.

We work hard to provide reliable services, and even have a specific team of site reliability engineers (SRE) dedicated to keeping our services up and running (as well as fast). I cover the Chart API for SRE. A very important part of an SRE's work is capacity planning, because only a service with sufficient capacity can serve reliably and with low latency. For a new service, planning the capacity is naturally very hard, because there are a lot of unknown contributing variables. That's why we started with a quite conservative query limit. Now, that we've had the public API running for some time, we've collected enough experience to feel comfortable raising that limit without jeopardizing the service's reliability.

By the way, there's a lot more to what an SRE does. We also run, debug, optimize and troubleshoot very large scale distributed systems. If you're interested, come join Google SRE -- for instance the Zürich SRE team, where I work.

Monday, January 07, 2008

ChartMaker: A tool for the Google Chart API

Since we launched the Google Chart API last month we've been thrilled to see so many creative tools written to use it. From Ruby, to Python, to Groovy, it looks like languages are being covered one by one.

Even our own Dion Almaer stepped into the fray with his new ChartMaker tool. ChartMaker, the source code for which is available on Google Code, is an Ajax-based application that makes it easy to experiment with and customize Google Charts.

Have you been building something interesting with the Google Chart API? Please let us know in the comments and join us in the discussion group.