Showing posts with label David. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wordless: Verse 60

This is the place where Saul camped before the battle of Gilboa mentioned at 1 Samuel 29:1…..The Philistines gathered all their forces at Aphek, and Israel camped by the spring in Jezreel. The Philistines at this point were being led by Saul’s enemy…..the future King David.

This could also be the fountain mentioned in Judges 7:1 as the Well of Harod

Other bloggers are participating in Wordless Wednesday. You can find them here

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wordless: Verse 30

This is a picture of Warren’s Shaft believed to be the way King David and his men entered Jerusalem. The shaft runs from Gihon Spring up through the old city section of Jerusalem. (See 2 Samuel 5)

See more pictures of Warren's Shaft here.

Follow this link to others participating in Wordless Wednesday.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

13 Things Concerning 2nd Samuel--The Second Book of Kingdoms

The painting I've included here is titled David and Bathsheba. It was completed in 1640 by Artemisia Gentileschi. If you look very closely you see David across the way on the balcony watching Bathsheba.

1. The entire focus of this book is David’s reign. His name is used over 200 times.

2. David’s story relates times of elation such as his conquest of Jerusalem and the Lord’s promise of an everlasting dynasty.

3. David’s story also shares times of great failure with David’s adultry with Bathsheba and the treason of his son Absalom.

4. One enduring point concerning man’s relationship to God is seen through David. While his heart was passionately turned to pleasing God he was able to accomplish great tasks.

5. Another lesson learned from David’s life helps us to understand we can be redeemed but we must still deal with the effects of our sins and failures.

6. Salvation is taught in 2nd Samuel through the story of David’s adultry, Nathan’s confrontation, and David’s repentance and restoration after he confesses. The Lord has take away your sin, you will not die. David reflects on this experience in Psalm 51.

7. The time period presented in 2nd Samuel is between 1110 to 970 B.C. It was during this time that the Israelite culture rose to great heights.

8. 2nd Samuel is written honestly and David’s faults are not hidden.

9. We expect to see David’s poetry in Psalm but we also see it in 2nd Samuel: The Song of the Bow (1:19-27) and Psalm of Praise (22:1-51) which is also recorded as Psalm 18, and David’s Last Words (23:1-7).

10. The themes of 2nd Samuel are kingship and convenant, the Ark of the Covenant, and of course, David’s adventures.

11. The story of David is an extension of the covenant between God and Abraham. Jesus Christ fulfills the promise God made to David regarding his family and how they would be an unending dynasty of kings.

12. The book can be divided into three sections: David secured his kingdom in chapters 1-4, chapters 5-10 discuss David’s capital, covenant, and conquest, and finally David’s faults are shown in chapters 11-20.

13. Chapters 21-24 are considered to be the epilogue for 2nd Samuel and may have been compiled from many sources.

You can see other 13s HERE.

You can see more fact lists about the various books of the Bible HERE.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

13 Things Concerning 1st Samuel: The First Book of Kingdoms

The image seen here is Michelangelo's David.

The book of 1st Samuel is the first time we are introduced to David and his interesting story from being a boy shepherd to King of Israel.
Here are some other facts concerning the book of the Bible that details the kings of Israel.

1. The book is named for Samuel. He was a judge who annointed Saul and David, the first two kings of Israel.

2. In the Hebrew Bible 1st and 2nd Samuel were originally one book and must be considered together.

3. The people of Israel desired a king and asked God for one. Saul, the first king was a failure while the second king, David, though a flawed character did succeed.

4. This history of Saul and David answers questions for Israelites possibly living in Solomon’s day such as: 1. Were they wrong to ask for a king? 2. Since God rejected Saul as king, why should the Israelites suppose that David’s line will continue?

5. As you read both books you can compare the dangers of having a king (1 Sm 8) with the hope for an enduring dynasty (2 Sm 7).

6. The lesson learned is God’s plan will continue despite human evil (2 Sm 7:16).

7. Three heroes are found in 1st Samuel that teaches about mankind. They are Samuel, Saul, and David. Samuel failed as a parent even though he was dedicated to God. Saul had many things going for him. He was handsome and a talented leader, however, he failed miserably in his task of remaining glad when confronted with God’s will. In 1st Samuel, David’s life indicates we don’t always know when and why God will choose us. God doesn’t always choose those we would think would be chosen. Once chosen we may face great difficulties, but should serve whole heartedly.

8. The two kings presented in 1st Samuel represent foreshadowing of Christ, Israel’s true king, Jesus Christ.

9. Jesus is connected to the family line of David and is called the Son of David.

10. Samuel’s role as priest, prophet, and political leader foreshadows Jesus’ role as prophet, priest, and king.

11. Within 1st Samuel is the first time we see “annointed of Yahweh” mentioned which is significant since Messiah means “annointed one”.

12. The events in this book occur sometime between 1105-1010 B.C., and this is the first book of the Bible where scholars begin to agree concerning the time period.

13. The author is relatively unknown and is someone who used sources since none of the characters within 1st Samuel could have witnessed all of the events found within the account.

You can see other 13s HERE.

You can see more fact lists about the various books of the Bible HERE.
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