Showing posts with label wolverine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wolverine. Show all posts

29 November 2011

Baby Shower Invite Illo

Here's an illo I did for our baby shower invite that we're having over the weekend.

Poor lil baby.  All tuckered out saving breakfasts in a town near you.  Starting with Tony the Tiger. :)

Whatcha expect?!  Babysteps, right?

Man, the due date is coming up so quick!

Hope y'all digs. :)

15 July 2011

Bag it!

If you miss out on today's end of day deadline for the pre-orders of my new book Cheeks:Still Together for the free bag don't fret, lose sleep, pull hair outta your head or tear hair outta the 2 people sitting on either side of ya...


(drum roll please...)


the bags are open to the public for purchase! WOOT!  WOOT!
Bag price: $5.00 (shipping rate not included)
Ordering info: Payments can be made to via paypal.
You can still get in on my new art book Cheeks:Still Together pre-orders here <--

13 July 2011

Backround check

Howdy, howdy... been awhile since I posted 2 things in one day. HAHAHA

Wanted to share with ya a Gumshoes 4 Hire background I have been working on as well as some Ryan studies. 

Hope y'all digs!

Leapfrog game

Howdy, gang.
Just got word the Leapfrog game that I did the designs for is coming out soon!  They released a promo piece I did for it, too.

The team involved really made it amazing.  We have a great art director.  Everyone is super talented and crazily nice! If you'd like to see a promo video of the game you can check it out by going here.  Once you're on the page click on the video link underneath it.

27 June 2011

Ham Ba Gah Meet Godzilla

HAHAHA  This is a piece I did for the art exhibit at the Ham Ba Ga Show over the weekend.  It was a great turn out and fun times with cool people.   Info can be read here: