Showing posts with label Amazing Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazing Travel. Show all posts

Teahouse of the August Moon

Posted by ajegiledotcom | 1:49 PM | | 0 comments »

Tgl. 5 Dec'07 kemarin aku dapet E-Mail Forward, isinya tentang Kedai Teh di China yang harus ditempuh dengan perjalanan ala Mendaki Gunung... Coba simak deh artikel dibawah ini, cukup layak buat dijadikan pengalaman seru tuh... (Artikel aku biarkan dengan bahasa Inggris seperti aslinya). Oh iya, untuk perbesar Gambarnya cukup Klik saja Gambarnya OK?

Try a mountain trail stroll in China .
1st - Let's take the tram up to the start of the trail.

Now follow the path.

Be sure to hold on to the railing.

Keep an eye on the person in front of you.

Be very careful when passing someone going in the opposite direction.

Now just up a few steps. (They are on the left in the picture)

Gets a little steeper here - so put your toes in the holes.

A few more steps to go.

Finally in sight, the Teahouse!

The view's great, BUT - Would you dare try it??
How'd they get that building material up there?


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