Cuckoo Buds 3 Column

Showing posts with label crochet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crochet. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Hello My Dear Friends! Merry Christmas!!

Oh my gosh, it's been so long since I've written, I'd almost forgotten how to get on, write and post to my blog!

I have been so busy - I visited with family all over the country through October, and then began a series of oral surgeries.  Why do we women always think, 'ah, not a big deal, I'll be up and around in a couple of days!'  Really a good question - it's because WE ARE WOMEN!!  When did we take time being sick, or lazy or down when our children, or even our grandchildren were really little - we didn't - unless we were half dead!  Which may be the reason things hit us so hard now.  But, I digress.  The last surgery I had was a 3 hour bone graft 10 days ago.  Doc explained, 'going to be taking bone from the back of your jaw and screwing it in here (showing me on ex-rays, like that's really English to me!)  If we need to - we'll take some from the chin area - ack!  Wait a minute, CHIN AREA???  Like - isn't that going to leave a bruise?  'Donna, you're going to have quite a bruise anyway, this is major surgery.'  Hangs head - me, that is.  Well, at least it was scheduled after all of my business meetings.  My sweetie is still taking really good care of me.  Tonight - Christmas night, I ate my first full meal - last one for a while because I'm in a lot of pain now, but it was yummy, and I did get to help cook most of it.  We were able to laugh a bit throughout this entire process, no talking really because at first I sounded like Scooby Dooby Doo, then like Sylvester the Cat (still do when my mouth starts to hurt because my tongue swells badly.)  But we go on - life is good, it's wonderful, today is the day our Lord and Savior was born to save us all!

Our garden still has it's lovely visitors - even though we have had many nights at 25 degrees.  Because we are so close to the coast, we still get many, many hummingbirds.  They must know how much we love them, as we are still feeding them at the rate of - - - drum roll please - - - one half gallon of sugar water A DAY!!  We have two feeders up, about 10' apart or so, and they love our home we have for them!
It's really something to see so many birds feed in our yard, and then our neighbors for a block in all directions my get a stray bird once in a while.  The only thing I can think it could be is water.  They will not feed on tap water.  Ours is reverse osmosis and they'll drink regular water if it is boiled, but most people won't take the time to do that for them.  It's so worth it for us!

We have about 2 months when we have no birds at all, and take the feeders down - usually January or so, then one will go up for a month around March, then the other goes up shortly after that.  At first, we will get One male who will try to lay claim to the feeder - but when all come
home, and hundreds are here, there is no room for bossy boys here!  They say they come back to the same feeding area each year, and I must say, each year, we have had more and more birds.  Feeding one half gallon of sugar water a day is feeding a lot of birds - and they are a joy to watch.  These are the two feeders we have.  The blurs are 'birds in flight!'

Have you all been keeping your crafts up?  It's so much fun to create something with our hands!  I've been making tons of journals.  I love making them for gifts.  I can't seem to find my folder that has all the photos, so here's the latest one I made.  I made it for one of the ladies in our Daughters of the American Revolution chapter as a Christmas gift.  I loved having a tree, symbolizing the 'family tree' aspect of the group!
Then, as always, I have a crochet project in the works.  My friend told me of this pattern, though she never knew the name.  She said, 'all you do is double crochet 10, chain 10, until you have the length you want, then I'll show you how to twirl and tie it up.'  You know me, I'm always game for something new, so I double crochet, chained 10 to what I felt was a comfortable width, and length - it looked like this -

Then twist the chain 10, pull through the next chain 10 and repeat until all are finished.

It's actually very pretty and looks as if it's braided strands and not twisted and brought through. 

When all are twisted and brought through, I went around the entire afghan twice in a very nice half double crochet, placing 3 stitches in each corner to have it lay straight.  The color scheme I used was a variegated with dark brown, medium brown, orange, tan, and beige - 6 colors total.  The pattern was 5 rows of each 6 colors, 3 rows, 1 row to the variegated and then 1 row back, 3 back 5 back. 
The colors came out beautiful!  The size was a bit smaller than I first thought it would be, but never making it and not having much to go on, it's great.  My next one will be twice the size, as this is just for one.  But, it was given today to my newest granddaughter - my grandson was recently married and they are expecting their little wee one on March.  This will keep her nice and toasty.  The fringe was a new one for me, a triple knot.  I really like it, for fringe.  Only on one end.  I prefer no fringe because it always tickles or makes me think something is crawling on my neck when I'm sleeping.  But, it was a gift, so I fancied it up.  I read a pattern on Pinterest some time back and they had a variation of this as a ripple and called it Jacob's Ladder.

Also done a bit of sewing.  My little Wee One, Leila, asked for a Yoshi blanket for her gift.  So how does one make a Yoshi - well, first buy the material, then take it all to Colorado to my daughter there and ask her to help!  My son married an Angel and she sews like a professional, so she helped me.  Son made the Yoshi pattern, I cut, daughter did sewing - a family affair!

She loves it Auntie Kim!!  Thanks Uncle Jeff for helping, too!  And yes, each piece is sewn on separately!  It was a lot of pieces, a lot of work, I can't thank Kim enough as she has this beautiful, professional sewing machine that really hit the mark! 

These are my kids who do costuming professionally.  She does the sewing of costumes of fabrics and leathers,

he does all of the props or items fabricated in different metals or plastics.  They are an amazing team together!

And, so with that my good blogging buddies, as Yoshi to the right is ready to say good bye for now - I promise it won't be another 4 months before I stop back by.  I do get by to see many of your blogs, but have just not had time, as you read to leave messages.

May God bless each and every one of you, keep you safe, loved and forever thankful we live in the greatest country in the world. 

For those who have soldiers away from home, God bless you and them.  Thank them and thank you for your service to our country.  Without them standing on the front lines, keeping our liberty and freedom, and you all keeping the home fires burning, we would not live in the greatest country any longer.  God bless you all.

May you all have a wonderful, healthy, and Happy New Year!  May it be all you want it to be, bring you the happiness you deserve, the prosperity you work for and the health our Lord bestows on you.  This new year I look forward to better health, a brand new Great Granddaughter (Grandson and new Granddaughter will be having her in March) and a wonderful new year.

Blessings and hugs,

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Crocheting And Knitting And Tatting, Oh My!!

Last weekend I held a 'Let's Learn Together' for some of the ladies in my Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter.  I crochet, and one of the ladies said she'd love to learn.  I'd love to learn to knit. Our knitter said she'd be happy to teach me to knit as well as show tatting. Before I knew it we'd set a date and time for a get together in my home for Crocheting, Knitting and Tatting.

So what does one need?  Yarn!!  I keep mine separated - Acrylics, Wool, Cotton, Ribbon, chenille.  I also keep it stored in plastic bins until used.
And, you'll need to pick out a good hook !

The size of the hook depends on the yarn the pattern calls for.

Sharon wanted to learn to crochet and finally learned to make a chain - which as we explained is the foundation of all patterns and learning to gauge, was second on the list.


Or a set of knitting needles!

A REALLY good Learn How Book is also very helpful!

By the time I got to row three with my knitting, Alice had to take over and try to make mine look rectangular again, as I'd done something incorrectly right smack dab in the middle and had a perfect pair of lips!  Like Lucille Ball's upper lip for those who remember!!

We had a ton of fun, and it's easy to see how it looks so easy to do when some one who is schooled in the art is doing it and quite another as I felt I had two left hands!!  We'll be doing this at least once a month, maybe twice.  But, here's the real treat -

Alice brought this over to share - this is a 'Tatted' baby bonnet that her mother or grandmother had made for her older brother, so it had to be AT LEAST 93 years old!  It was amazing, as was tatting - she gave us a 5 minute lesson on how it is done.  It's this silver pincher thingy that looks almost like a strawberry corer, except pointed with an ever so tiny hook on the end of it and a spool, like a sewing machine bobbin in the middle.  See how thin the thread is by the 'O' shapes?  This is the size of the thread, the 'O's' are actually 20 or 30 knots all around in a circle - there must be 1,000's of knots in this little cap! You have to find some one to show you - it's AMAZING!!

Oh, one other thing I really needed, so I went out and got this for myself to help me learn how to learn knitting a bit better - with this little book, I can see sweaters in my future!!!

Week's almost over, and we're coming up on Memorial Day weekend!

Stay safe,

Monday, May 21, 2012

My Secret Dove Arrived All The Way From Vietnam!

I have a made some of the most wonderful friends here in Blogland. I met Love Stitch early on in my blogging and she and I have become such very good friends.  You all may remember, about a year ago, her father had a horrible stroke and the recovery was grim. Both LS and I believe it was all of prayers offered by our friends in Blogland all over the world who prayed for him, for his health and determination to get well, that brought the miraculous healing to her wonderful father.

Many months ago, I sent to her a package of items I felt she might enjoy, bring her a bit of happiness and joy, and kindness from across the Pacific Ocean.  We lovingly call it our "Dove."  She sent it back to me last week or so and when I received the knock at the door from the Post Man this morning, I said, "I hope this is my Dove from Vietnam!!"  He looked and sure enough - there was our Dove!
I felt like a little girl, jumping up and down, ran and got the scissors out and opened it up - I'd love to share these heartfelt and hand made gifts that LS sent to me that she made herself!
I was so excited!  I knew she had made some very special items because she asked me about colors, but I had no idea it would be this much!  LS is self taught in all of the crafts and sewing I will be sharing with you!

This is the very first hand made card she has ever made!  LS, you did such a lovely job on this and I will treasure this forever! The note she wrote is a very special message and is all hand written to me!  And, on the very last page, oh my goodness, look at this beautiful hand crocheted heart with a motif in the center.  This is crafted with a thin cotton thread, like we use to make doilies!

Hand embroidered handkerchief.

She made me this beautiful Cowl (knitted I believe) scarf to wear when the winters get icy cold again - and I just adore the colors, the design, the softness of the yarn!  I wish you could each reach in and touch it ~ it is so soft and so beautiful!
Enclosed was this beautiful ruffled scarf, also made for me - it feels like cotton - so soft and will be perfect for adding to our cool Spring or even Autumn evenings as just a neck wrap.  The detail is gorgeous!

Three cute bookmarks hand made in Vietnam!  They are beautiful!

A total surprise was this cap for my Sweetie!  He was so touched my LS's generosity and love!  It is knitted and is very soft!  And, while it has a design, it is very manly!

Can you believe this small Dove has no bottom!  Gift after precious gift, kept appearing!  This is a set of four absolutely wonderful dish clothes!  And, look closely at the ribbon - it too is hand crocheted!
This scarf is the most special to me!  First, they are my favorite colors!  Pinks and Lavender, Purples, just love, love, love the colors.  This was a very exquisite skein of yarn, very expensive, I know, because I gifted it to her.  LS, living where she does, doesn't have the same opportunities for shopping for the multitudes of yarns and threads we do, so I sent this as a special gift to her.  What a wonderful thing she has done, to turn around and make something just for me and send it back with all of the love it took to make it.  LS~I will treasure this forever and think of you with love every time I wrap it around my neck!

So, all of these gifts flew across the Pacific Ocean from Vietnam to California, United States.  Each item made with love for a friend.  I have already started my Dove going back to Vietnam in a couple of months.
Each one of these crafts she has taught herself - crochet, knitting, embroidery and now paper crafting.  This young woman is so beautiful inside and out.  We have become such wonderful friends.  If you have a moment to visit her, please do ~ compliment a self taught Artisan on the beautiful items she has made.  She goes by Love Stitch - there's love in every stitch, too!

Thank you all for taking a peak at my gifts of love.  And, Love Stitch, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity and love.  You are an amazing woman.  May God continue his blessings upon you, my friend!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Long Distance Thrift Store Purchases!

My sweet daughter in law in Colorado sent me this box of goodies, just jam packed and filled to the brim!

This is what the box was full of!  Can this girl pack a box or what?  There's a little of this, a bit of that and a bunch of everything! 
Here, let me show you around!

Here are some pearls and beads.  Oh, just look at the ribbon - the organza blue ribbon off to the side!  There's also some in some yummy green, yellow and lots of tapestry ribbon!

 Lots and lots and lots of lace!
By the yard and look at the Eyelet Lace with Roosters! Cute, cute, cute!

Kim found the prettiest antique doilies!  Some stitches I've never seen before and all well taken care of!  Very few had stains, and I think I can tea dye them and use them for other items!  Oh ~ I love it!
So much beauty!!  Don't you agree?
 Tons of Ribbons, cording and
Calla Lily's on Ribbons!
And then there's bundles and bundles and bundles of this stuff - paper raffia ribbon - I don't know what to use this for!  Any ideas?  Any of you use it for ?  What???  Let me know, as I have lots of it!!!

Looks like great fun to work with ~ just need to know what, when, where and how?
Ideas?  Suggestions??  Have you used it yourself?  This is only a small portion of it!
Thank you so much Kim!  She is such a sweetie to go out and bargain hunt for me!  All of this cost me what??  A whopping $17 - yep - this gal knows how to shop! 
Love you, Sweetie!
Thanks for stopping by, I wish you all a wonderful rest of the week!