Showing posts with label Memorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memorial. Show all posts

Thursday 11 November 2010

Memorial in the Park

Photo copyright: Maggie May

There is a small place in our local park that has a remembrance plaque for three men, out of a crew of six, who crashed their plane there, during World War Two. There is a full explanation here.
I have walked through the park on many occasions but think the memorial has only been there for a year or so and I took some photos of it earlier, in the spring.
As we will be remembering all the men who died during the First and Second World Wars and all the men and women who have died because of recent wars, by a two minute silence on Sunday in Church, I thought it would be fitting to post about this crash in the park during World War Two, that happened before I ever moved to Bristol.
It is because of men and women like these that we are free to express ourselves today. Life ( if we would have been spared), would have been so different if we hadn't won the Second World War. We really do need to reflect on this.