Showing posts with label clocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clocks. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 November 2010

The Thing I Was Waiting For...

Photo copyright: Maggie May

Yesterday, things went very smoothly with the daily meeting of these two rabbits, so I decided to put them in the run together and take the partition out.
I watched them very closely and they seemed to be completely accepting of each other.
Several hours later, it was time for me to go to work. What should I do? Separate these new friends who were snuggling up together, or take a chance and leave them? It would mean they'd be one hour on their own, as Harry had gone out. I decided to take the chance and leave them, as my gut feeling was that they would be alright.

I could hardly wait to get home and when I did, the rabbits seemed very close to each other and Ash looked very happy.
He still seemed to need a cuddle from me though, which greatly pleased me, as I wondered if I would be redundant now he'd found a friend.
I decided to leave them together in the run, for the night and not confine them in a cage, where they might feel restricted and fight.
Next morning they were actually licking each other and there was a real look of pleasure on their little faces.
I feel that I definitely did the right thing getting another bunny for Ash and although I now have double the expense of having Lily inoculated and at some point spayed, it will be worth it in the long run.
So, in the end, the bonding happened very quickly and easily which just shows that you can never guarantee anything with animals.

As Britain put the clocks back last weekend, we now face darker evenings which I hate. I would have liked to keep the time as it was. Even though it was dark in the mornings, I preferred it that way. What do other people think?