5000 Pageviews!
First I hit 100 posts just earlier this week, and now I'm at 5000 pageviews, so it is a week of benchmarks for Graph Paper Games. I started this blog as an off-shoot of my wargaming blog The Army Collector , but lately I've been finding my interest being more on roleplaying games than wargaming. Not surprising, since wargaming itself was an off-shoot of roleplaying games. Right now, I'm in a curious play in terms of roleplaying games. I've got a game, and I've got a great group, and we meet regularly. But I'm discontented. I've been running this game (D&D 4E) off-and-on for almost two years, and I'm a little bored. I'm trying to ascertain if I'm bored with the fantasy genre as a whole, or if I'm bored with the "three fights fill an evening" game mechanic that seems to have evolved over time with the group. I know the group (some of whom read this blog) have a great time hanging out with each other and playing the gam...