Dungeoncasting made easy
Even if I didn’t just love the name, Super Galactic Dreadnought is a fun blog that shows off a wide variety of hobby interests, much like my own past-times. Recently its author, Desert Scribe, decided as a sort of solo venture to come up with nine dungeon levels, using the old original B/X D&D rules for random dungeon encounters. Or rather, he just decided to populate them, leaving the trivialities of a graph paper map to a later date. It’s a fascinating bit of reverse engineering, and I thought I’d copy the process here. Basically, every level has roughly sixty rooms, with one-third being occupied. So using the random generator charts for dungeons, you come up with twenty encounters. You then look at the encounters to see if there are patterns or obvious alliances between the creatures, and then sub-divide the entire lot into factions, plus the odd roaming monster or vermin. Once you understand the “big picture” you can build the dungeon aroun...