Now that the leaves are turning, I'm thinking about pumpkin pie and and homemade mashed potatoes (not together! lol) Lots of people in our daily lives to show some appreciation to: teachers, crossing guards, postman (or woman), coworkers, that thoughtful person at Starbucks who asks you if you want your 'regular' (that can't be just me...that's a chai creme frappucino with soy, whip and now pumpkin sauce, thank you!)
With friends and family scattered across the globe, gift cards are a lovely alternative, but they can be a little low on the 'WOW' factor when you receive/give one, right?
Spoiler: I'm planning on giving quite a few gift cards this year! ;)
How about a decorated envie (aka envelope) to dress up that drab little card?
I attached cardstock to the top and bottom side of the flap.
(What's normally the back of the envelope is the front of my gift card dressing!)
I prefer not to leave the inside of my cards nekkid.
(Yep, I know it's misspelled...hiding from the nasty searches...)
Same went for my envie! I used Pumpkin Flourish (F500) to stamp the tag and the inside.
The A2 envelope is large enough to hold multiple gift cards, a handmade card, money, even a wrapped cookie! (My 9 year old made a German version of Mexican wedding cookies today (are those really Mexican?). ..they were so yummy!)
What are you doing to make your gifts a little more special?
Inky hugs,