Monday, May 2, 2016

Week 2 in NICU

Last week I had plenty of melt downs in the NICU when Lila's stay kept getting postponed. They started off by telling us at the beginning that she would most likely only need to be in the nicu for 1-2 weeks. Then they gave us the impression she would by chance be coming home that first weekend. Then the nurse said possibly the next Tuesday at the earliest. After that, I stopped believing them on dates. 
On Monday April 25th I had 3 major melt downs after finding out Lila most likely wouldn't be coming home that week since she hadn't been gaining weight for the past 3 days. Her not gaining weight also affects the ability to keep her body temperature warm enough in an open bassinet.
She also wasn't nursing well any more from getting spoiled with he bottle which really broke my heart.

The day after that things starting improving. She started gaining weight and nursing successfully with the assistant of a lactation specialist recommending I try using the shield one more time. 

April 20th - 4 days old

It's very few times when we capture her with eyes open, so I took advantage of the moment.

April 22nd - 6 days old

She was moved into an open bassinet on Thursday and has been able to keep her body temperature warm enough. That evening, Nanna came into town and couldn't wait to meet Lila.

April 29th - 13 days old. This was Nanna's first time meeting Lila. They connected right away and Lila was lucky to get some good solid cuddling in with Nanna.

This picture totally makes it look like she is feeding herself a bottle. Look at how tiny those feet are.


May 1st - 2 weeks old

Another shot with eyes open. :)

Selfy Smiles!

Mark and I had a chance to visit Lila for the 6:00 pm feeding on Sunday, thanks to my mom for taking the kids. The nurse mentioned that she hadn't had a brady (heart rate drop) since last night. Now the mystery question is, how long until she can go 48 hours with out one. That is the only thing we are waiting for until she can come home. She only gets them during feedings and it's because she will forget to breathe (suck, swallow, breathe, etc...). It's a good sign that she doesn't get them during her sleep because then she would have to be in the nicu a lot longer. I really hope she comes home this week so I can have her home on Mothers Day. It's only been 2 weeks that she's been in there and it seems like an eternity. I don't know how I did it with Chantel in the Nicu for over 2 months.

I promise, I haven't forgot about my other 2 children. Next post, will be info and picture of them enjoying their spring break last week and Chantel's beautiful violin recital she had last night.

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