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BMG's Copy-Protected, Computer-Crashing CDs Mean Swede Must Download Music
posted by mpawlo
on Thursday June 20, @04:43AM
from the send-this-letter-to-the-CEO dept.
In a rather bold move, Swede Thomas Tydal, wrote an open letter (in Swedish) to the Swedish branch of record company BMG stating that he downloaded a record from the Internet. The record was labeled 'copy protected' and could allegedly not be used in a computer. Tydal writes that he has no other CD player than his computer and while he wanted to listen to the music of Swedish pop group Kent, he downloaded the record from the Internet. Tydal, being a good citizen, enclosed SEK 100 in the envelope, adding 'will you continue to sell CDs with copy protection? I find this method of buying music rather inefficient.'
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BMG's Copy-Protected, Computer-Crashing CDs Mean Swede Must Download Music
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This story highlights an interesting point. Doesn't the copy-protecting of CDs make an excellent argument for needing Napster-like solutions to gain fair use?
Of course, the DeCSS decisions seem to indicate that one plausible argument against extending fair use, even with the inability to use one's CDs in a manner they like, is that analog copying is still possible. Of course, if the CD doesn't work at all and you've got no other CD player, recording dead silence won't get you anywhere. The only way to enjoy your music would be to get it elsewhere...
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