Thursday, March 11, 2021

Here is a dilemma. A couple days ago I read this on Facebook: "Tips is in need of a home.....We are here to help, all others will be deleted and banned.....We adopted 16 yr old Tula 10 yrs ago. She is a beautiful tiger striped cat with a very calm and timid personality. We are moving to SC this summer and there is no way we can bring her.. I'm looking for her to be the only pet as she deserves special attention in her late years. She has early stage of kidney disease with no meds required right now. Her numbers actually improved from last May. We will miss her terribly if we find good home , but believe it's in her best interest."

It is from Steve Caporizzo pet connection, he is a weatherman for the local ABC affiliate and an animal advocate. His page occasionally spins out of control, with followers judging and harshly criticizing pet owners who are seeking to re-home a pet. Sometimes the object of condemnation asks for the post to be deleted and takes drastic action with the unwanted animal. (Taking it to shelter, euthanasia…or maybe dropping it along the road*, choking it to death*…) The post quoted above would be a classic example. Steve deletes and bans anyone who comments negatively, and puts up a scolding post when it happens. He believes such dialogue does not help the needy animal, and of course he is correct. I don't join in because I can't stand the drama and also respect the page host's wishes. I really, really appreciate moderators who reduce or eliminate animosity in comments and try to facilitate a kind community. However, I also believe behavior such as the above quoted text deserves to be called out as unacceptable, immoral, and abusive, rather than normalized or condoned with a shrug that all is relative.

So here's my dilemma. Not whether to join or start a slugfest (I wouldn't, and it would get me banned anyway) but whether to unfollow Steve? I hate to do that, as I might be able to help someday (and in 1995, I adopted Rudy - a MHHS puppy who was on Pet Connection), but reading such posts greatly upsets me. The subject isn't of the "just scroll by" variety. It hurts me to know that such people are out there. At least I can share this here! Well -- move to SC, lowlife. NY surely doesn't need you.

Unrelated, except in the appalling behavior category: The media continues to hound the governor. I believe it is because of his requirement for police to create a plan by April. That lobby has risen up and will do whatever they can to try to bring him down.

 *Kidding, sort of


Tuesday, March 09, 2021

 This month I am eligible to retire, because I will hit 59.5 years old next week. Ironically, I am being considered for promotion in academic rank- my first since at the campus. And tomorrow those 60 or over become eligible for the vaccine; will miss that by 6 months!

Thursday, March 04, 2021

I am pissed that Texas and Mississippi have rolled back mask mandates. What aholes the governors
must be. I'm happy about J&J vaccine, alarmed by St. Louis & New Orleans dioceses advising against. I oppose abortion but mostly feel that battle was lost in 1972 and in a democracy toleration is important. I thought all vaccines were based to some degree on aborted material, even if the cell chains go back 50 years and the connection is remote. I guess the J&J connection is more direct? Does that matter? This is actually a serious philosophical, moral and ethical debate (but sadly the media is too stupid and agenda driven to seriously and sensitively explore it). Is outcome more important? Does science trump those concerns? Does public health and the good of society overall take precedence? I oppose animal experimentation. Were lab animals used in the development? How should I feel then? What about a hypothetical - say if the research was not based on aborted material, but derived from Nazi science or unwilling prisoners or people of color? Would it still be okay?

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

This is true: It is COLD and windy. I forgot...yesterday was GBP's 19th anniversary! And I didn't forget -- but didn't post here, Saturday was Rosie's ninth Gotcha Day.

Monday, March 01, 2021

 Today I got another sales call from the newspaper hawking a four-day per week subscription. I told the
sales rep what I have been saying ever time I am pitched, that I have not read a paper copy in a
decade and cancelled my digital subscription a couple months ago because I must maintain my peace
in this stressful time. I unfollowed news sites on facebook, cancelled subscriptions and don't watch TV
news any more. I wasn't rude, and didn't share that I think 99% of journalists are scum.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

 I am so, so happy our trends are going in the right direction again. I ventured out and got a haircut! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

I've stopped following news sites on social media, but last night I was so upset by the 11 o'clock news (I wanted & needed to see the weather) -- I resolved that I am no longer going to watch any news on television. I am following the weatherman on social media and will find out the forecast that way. I cannot be exposed to the unethical, snarky, blowhard full if itself media. F each & every one of them.

Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Warning, this post will be vulgar. The New York Times makes me feel like puking. Latest example...A front page story dissing the health department. As an outsider, I see it on a daily basis because of the "new normal:" The staff works 24/7 to contribute to the fight against the pandemic, and that snarky elitist scum J**** et al play "gotcha." I've never been a fan of its self-absorbed urban hipness POV; I remember once during a grad school presentation that I gave on Gould's Mismeasure of Man (for a class I now teach), I described the book as having been panned by the popular press (ie, the NYT), the (spacey, snotty) instructor interrupted me, all offended, to say, "the liberal intellectual press" and I shot back, "hardly, it's written for eighth grade reading level!" Years later, they were exposed for shoddiness when articles were written in Brooklyn that alleged to be eyewitness reporting from Iraq--complete with photo-shopped images! So not only are they grade 8 but unethical too. Well - the NY Times was once used to wipe asses in outhouses, and it still is used to train puppies, shredded to fill cat litter boxes, and line birdcages. In other words, it's only good for absorbing piss and shit.

Friday, January 29, 2021

I am annoyed at our local media again. It pisses me off that they focus on minutia in the past, instead of having a present or future orientation. There will be plenty of time when this pandemic is in the rear view mirror to review, reflect and opine about what could have been done better, right now we need to laser focus on beating COVID-19. We don't need legislative hearings about which column on the spreadsheet deaths should be entered in.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

 Just now I noticed a post on Facebook from Mohawk Hudson Humane Society that said Major, who is one of the new first dogs at the White House, is a rescue, adopted from a humane society in Delaware. Wow!! That makes me so happy, raises my esteem!

Monday, January 18, 2021

There is a narrative that people have been drinking more during the pandemic. Is it true, I wonder? I have hardly been drinking at all. I thought about why, and I guess because I would have a glass or wine or two in restaurants while having dinner. It was totally social, and now I am ordering GrubHub and not doing any socializing. I ordered a bottle of wine with dinner on New Year's Eve and didn't even open it!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Interesting POV. I'm not sure I agree - the horror of this series comes more from how evil and mentally disturbed this guy was. He was extreme even for a serial killer. I didn't think the theatrics or photos (admittedly the one showing his teeth was nightmare worthy) were any worse than the other true crime shows we've seen or even the average Criminal Minds.

Saturday, January 09, 2021

 I noticed this week that many of Trump's ardent supporters among my Facebook friends are women around my age. Why? The cult of celebrity? Sexual fantasy? Dreams of wealth?  It isn't that Biden was a great choice; he is senile and he has had so much plastic surgery he can't even move his eyes. Why don't we choose better candidates? Younger, visionary, ethical, smart - not the least common denominator, because it is their turn? But regardless, anyone would be better than the conman Trump, the carnival barker that the media enabled to win.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Today I cancelled my digital subscription to the Albany Times Union and un-followed them on Facebook (I haven't gotten the paper version in years). You have to do it on the phone, and the very nice customer service person asked why? So I told her that I have no choice, it's self preservation. I can't take it any more. I'm tired of all the articles grousing about restrictions, then today the final straw was when writer Chris Churchill called the governor out for allowing the Bills to have fans at their playoff game. I told her I've already stopped following CBS-6 WRGB for all their snark on pandemic issues. She laughed and thanked me for my honesty and said she found it refreshing, that she completely understood being offended by the hypocrisy. I also told her I hope the cancellation doesn't result in me getting nonstop hot room calls hawking subscriptions to the TU, as always happened in the past, and she laughed at that too. I forgot to add (but never fear, I'll have the opportunity when I get future sales pitches), that the comments on their Facebook posts are appalling and the toxic forum they encourage is a disincentive to following the newspaper.

PS Bob's birthday. He's 61. GrubHub & Amazon movie. Life during the virus!

Thursday, December 31, 2020

 Happy New Year! I'm making this post because I want an increase in posting over last year - and this post does that!!

Today I concluded that the regular media news, print and television and radio are determined to undermine and harm us in any way they can, and justify it by claiming the moral high ground and proclaiming the purity of journalism's motives. I have always felt this way a little but now I am sure of it. It isn't social media -- it is regular media. The news outlet's social media administrator shares certain stories on social media and generates a forum of ignorance in comments, but social media is not the culprit (although the regular media glories in placing blame there). Today I noticed a headline "Vaccine rollout is more like a dribble so far. What went wrong?" I've seen or heard stories like that a lot recently. Anyone with a functioning brain knows it will take a long time to vaccinate everyone, assuming that's even possible, which it really isn't. Yet I know this is what reporters are going to be pushing, ginning up controversy, pointing fingers, starting fights, increasing drama, hoping for Congressional hearings, hoping for scandal and unrest.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

This makes me sick. Also I have more respect for the small number of members (happy to know it's a bipartisan group) who are waiting until all front line workers and seniors have access.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Last week we watched the new season of Blue Bloods. I was surprised when they announced a season 11 after 10 was supposed to be the last. The show seemed "done" to me but I wondered how they would handle two major issues, the pandemic and civil unrest.Well, the answer is: badly. Seriously appalling in both cases, although I suspect the racial issue will be the subject of future episodes (but perhaps not). The pandemic story seemed like an aside so they could pretend COVID-19 was a minor incident in the past and not address public health or the huge, still unfolding cultural impact this long crisis has had and will have on our society. It would have been better if they didn't make another season IMO. The actors not wearing masks, not social distancing, not dealing with the subject in a serious way is pathetic and cowardly. Or maybe everyone connected to the show thinks it is a hoax. As if the dead son's surprise progeny is shocking or scandalous or likely or worthy of center stage treatment. What a crock! How about a real story line - grandpa battles the virus.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I am offended by the politicians, celebrities and all the famous elite people jockeying to get the vaccine first to allegedly set an example for us ig'nant plebes. Yesterday I heard young, healthy members of Congress got it and I was appalled. But, I do have a comforting thought. They can be the next wave of guinea pigs for the miraculous shot. The mutation is concerning. I suppose we should be paying more attention to 1918. There is still a long way to go no matter what the truly ig'nant, elite and otherwise, may say.

Obviously I am not happy about the global pandemic, but I hope some of the changes are permanent. I think more people should Zoom rather than travel for work and personally. I think people should think more about where they live - if loved ones are hours and hours away, requiring all sorts of carbon usage to be with them, maybe reconsider taking that job or going to that college. I think more administrative staff should telecommute, rather than sitting in conference rooms and work stations in office buildings. I think education should utilize synchronous remote approaches more. I hope significant investment is made in broadband and cell to enable this. I hope we never go back to shaking hands. I hope people learn to stay home when they are sick. I have not had even a sniffle since March! I like online shopping, online food delivery, online church, and telemedicine.


Monday, December 14, 2020


I noticed all semester that one of my Fall classes was very special. It is not that I never encounter outstanding students or teach classes that are great; both are common. But the fact is, in 20 years of university teaching, the number of classes that stand out as truly extraordinary is small.
At the end of the semester, during the grade slog made more hectic than usual because of an unrealistic turn around time that the university imposed, I listened to their final vlog assignment. The deadline was looming ominously; I was working feverishly to not miss it. Then I played their recordings, one after another, about what they had learned. I had to pause to take it all in. 
Fifteen years ago, during Spring 2006, I taught a class where hand-written journal entries in a notebook were assigned. Technology advocates could choose to use a word processor for composing instead, but either way, it was handed in as paper. The tenth vlog in my Fall 2020 class evoked a clear and very gratifying memory of the last entry in those paper journals thirty semesters ago. It was so strong I could remember the room, the number of students, even some of their faces and where they sat. I recall that when I reflected on that class afterwards, I thought maybe its vibe had been at least partially caused by the time slot (2:45-4:05). I had always taught earlier and wondered whether lunch time hunger was normally a distraction. 
I suspect some of what drove the class this Fall to sparkle is that one-third of the students had taken one or more of my classes in the past, and that cohort of Dr. G fans had significant impact on class aura. However, there were also excellent class members who I did not know before this semester. The topic, the setting, the time slot, the delivery method, the pandemic, were all different from 2006. And yet the outcome in terms of student and faculty takeaway was similar. When this happens, I so appreciate the gift. As soon as I submitted grades (and slept LOL), I wrote a thank you note to the class.

Friday, November 20, 2020

I think, or at least I hope, that the stress is making people unkind. I write "I hope" not because I want
people to be unkind, but because people seem unkinder, and I hope COVID-19 fatigue is the reason,
so that in a few years when this is over, niceness returns. But maybe people have always been mean,
and my perception is off -- or stress from the virus isn't the cause of the current nasty -- or it won't "go
back" and become kinder. I don't know. I have been called a coward (by a resident of my village in a
Facebook comment), told to stop hogging the floor (by a senior colleague in a Zoom private chat
message), that bad Karma would get me (in a Facebook message) and a neighbor is sending
me aggressive texts. All except the Zoom chat were related to my village board seat - which I lost by
two votes on 9/15, after an excruciatingly executive order delayed election. I know many mean things
were said about me behind my back and various untruths were gossiped, but that's politics. It's ugly
even at the local level. I never said an unkind or untrue word about anyone (publicly that is; I certainly didn't hide my assessment of the opponents from close friends or family, LOL), I didn't even ask for a
recount. Everyone of these bullying incidents was direct - to my personal accounts. And the bad Karma
note and the texts are after the election is long over! I made peace with the loss immediately,
and have moved on. Why can't I be left alone?

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

I was SO IRRITATED at snarky TV-6 WRBG last night. They had a "news" report by anchors Ann McCloy & Greg Floyd  & reporter Briana Supardi that was downright harmful. I understand dissenting from the government, but I follow every virus-related State press conference and press release, and at no point was it remotely suggested that the State or localities could, would or should aggressively enforce the 10 person gathering limit on private residences. The Governor cajoles and pleads about the law, but only a fool doesn't "get" that it is intended to encourage good sense; it's positive public health messaging at a time when we are seeing a huge spike and health care is being taxed. It is the bully pulpit, which is so needed with the holidays and the temptation to ignore guidance and party hearty with family and friends and spark a super-spreader event. Floyd & McCloy & Supardi and some moron local law enforcement making statements about non-enforcement and Constitutionality (DUH!) are encouraging bad behavior and they are empowering cretins (who can be clearly seen posting in comments on their and other local media's Facebook pages). I am disgusted by the irresponsibility. #shameonyou

Sunday, September 20, 2020


We had the most beautiful basil this summer, and yesterday we cut it because of the threat of frost. It was bittersweet - but the yield was 8 cups of pesto, and that is awesome! Simple recipe from NYT: 10 c basil, 10 cloves garlic, 10 T walnuts, 2.5 c parm cheese, 2.5 c olive oil.
I turned 59 two days ago! I can retire in 6 months - or at least t the end of Spring semester 2021, but probably won't. Still, the thought is there.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The universe has started to send me cartoons again! 

Friday, August 21, 2020

I am not really a "hugger." I know some people proudly proclaim they are, and this pandemic has sorely tested them because they can't randomly hug. I've thought about my preference for not hugging acquaintances and I've concluded it stems largely from Donna. She insisted on being hugged long and often, while she cried with happiness or sorrow. This may seem terrib;e of me, but I always felt there was more than a touch of manipulation in those hugs. I can write that, now that she is gone. Regardless, today is a day when I would joyfully hug others in relief and celebration, if there was no COVID risk.

Friday, July 24, 2020

The appalling new logo has gotten some media coverage. I plan to give my annual donation to an animal welfare organization instead, and when UAlbany calls to solicit me -- I will tell them so.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

I am feeling annoyed and disgusted that the university that employees me (and awarded me two graduate degrees and a teaching award) adopted a new logo for sports without consulting faculty or staff - a fierce-looking Great Dane with cropped ears. I am so pissed that they are promoting barbaric animal cruelty. The old logo had cropped ears too - but the new look is more realistic and severe and vicious - and this was an opportunity to embrace humane cultural change! Most of Europe, the AVMA, and enlightened vets in the USA do not condone the practice, and even the old fashioned, elitist AKC no longer prevents natural dogs from being registered or participating in events. Sign a petition opposing the abusive logo.

I am also pissed about the idiots in other states, and the dopes in my own, who refuse to wear masks. The big social gatherings alarm me too. Jerks. I have always known a large number of people celebrate ignorance and resent smart people. Unfortunately it is so in-my-face right now. Idiocracy = accurate.

Thursday, July 09, 2020

A long time since I have written here. Still drinking from the work fire hose of email with barely a moment to spare. New York is doing fine, slowly re-opening. However other states, the ones populated by a-holes with bad leaders are now surging. I have dark thoughts on this that I won't share right now. I am still afraid to eat inside a restaurant and do not plan to do so. On Tuesday I got a haircut after 4 months! When I taught toleration (I don't any more, which says a lot), this would have been an awesome source for discussion. I wish I was "important" enough to sign -- because it reflects my views exactly.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

I finished grades in my classes. It is a big relief. It was the most difficult evaluation experience I have
ever had to do. Afterwards I made the mistake of reading evaluations in one of my classes. Very few
students bothered to do it, and the evaluations were fine overall, but one student who was motivated
enough to complete it wrote extremely mean comments. What drives some people to be cruel? And why do I let it bother me?

Monday, May 11, 2020

I am in grading hell this week - deadline is Sunday night. We were told many times to be flexible and empathetic to students (I always am - and don't need someone to tell me this), but apparently faculty don't deserve the same courtesy.

I saw on FB that Greyhound racing closing for good in Florida - HOORAY. Another good thing about the shutdown and new normal. I assume that means this season or year, not forever - wish it meant forever - but regardless good news. May they all find loving forever homes.

Friday, May 08, 2020

I don't know whether to believe the news about violence and unrest. Really? Does media just gin this stuff up? What about no shirt, no shoes, no service? Isn't that an infringement on rights? I think I was controlled more in the before time. I was a slave to my job. Others were a slave to materialism. I am more free now.

YAY. Semester is over. Now - all grades all the time, starting Monday.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

In my last post, I focused on a man who called me a coward on social media - unprovoked. Today a
colleague was rude to me (in a private chat message) during a Zoom meeting. It was a coffee hour
meeting we are encouraged to attend. It is right before one of the classes I teach and I almost didn't go
because I had things to do, but decided I wanted to share something important if given the chance. I
really wrestled with sharing what I did - it wasn't easy to do, it was real and honest, and possibly
uncomfortable - but I was given the opportunity, so I did share. The private message I received was
beyond unkind and it made me realize why I usually avoid meetings, why I hesitate to contribute when I do attend, and why I am doing something I disdain - wishing for retirement. I guess the stress of the situation is getting to people, and I am an easy target. I shouldn't let it bother me - but it does. I
responded to him with "thanks, really appreciate being scolded by you. Why didn't you share your note with the whole group so everyone could bask in your kindness?" And he messaged back "I apologize." As if saying I'm sorry inoculates one from responsibility for being a jerk?

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

It's a beautiful day today and I feel pretty optimistic, but I made sure to comment on the journal I'm writing about something that bothered me yesterday. Here it is: "I am not sure whether this is related to the pandemic or restrictions in terms of my feelings, because I always obsess when someone is unkind or irrational, but I do believe the individual I am going to write about was being influenced by the "open it up" sentiment some have been expressing. Yesterday a man attacked me on Facebook for no reason. He called me a coward and said I do not deserve to be in office (I am a very low level practically a volunteer elected official). We were not engaged in a debate and I do not argue about politics or anything else on Facebook. He was mad about the postponed elections and commented on the reminder I posted about it on my public group. When I asked him who he was addressing (as a coward), the governor or BOE, he said me! Then proceeded to spin out of control. I have heard he isn't a nice person, he's an abusive philanderer and a drunk, but I have no clue why I would be a target. If I was a young man rather than a middle aged / oldish woman, I would beat him up for calling me that name!"

Thursday, April 23, 2020

My next post from Cornell study: I wrote this yesterday but was using a tablet and think it did not save. I am upset that people are pushing to re-open. Not that I am unsympathetic to business and unemployment, but I'm scared people will be careless, not social distance, and we will have a spike in cases. People protesting! Really? Also ignorance on Facebook - blaming the left or the right. Why are people so petty? I thought we were all in this together.

I didn't write this as an entry (yet), but Facebook "friends" who take the appalling Darwinist view that the vulnerable should just die are held to the policy displayed in the cartoon below. It's better than a sleepless night, or a commenting argument. (Although I am so tempted to respond to their cold, hearless views by writing inspired by Scrooge ("are there no workhouses?," -- "wouldt you be offended if I took the similar position of asking why I should care about unemployed people with money problems? I have a good job. I have a cushion. I can work from home. Why didn't the struggling get a better education, find more secure jobs, and be smarter about saving money?") Of course I would never respond that way, it's just a fantasy.

Friday, April 17, 2020

On March 1 -- I meant to post that it was the 18th anniversary of this blog. I didn't, which is no surprise, given my infrequent posting in the past few years. The Village election was postponed (at this point, no new date set), which was also no surprise, because we are in the middle of a pandemic. It's excruciating - both the postponement (two opponents and my need to get going!) and the pandemic, which has changed everything. I'm OK, but this is a surreal time to say the least. I have wanted to journal, wondered what Elwyn wrote in 1918 (diary is not extant, or at least was not available for transcription). But, for whatever reason, I didn't write here or privately, then a few days ago, I joined this Cornell effort.

Here is my first post: At first my job felt like I was drinking from a fire hose, there were so many needs. Now it has settled into a boring routine, although about 1/4 of my students are struggling for one reason or another. I worry about my very elderly parents, I worry about my siblings and myself, since we are all (young-ish) seniors. I mourn having to skip all our loud, large family gathering, I don't like not being able to adopt a new cat after Teddy died (by now in normal times I think I would have). I can't stand the blame game, the finger pointing, all the political divisiveness. I notice many young (20s, 30s, 40s) people in the daily count of people who have tested positive. Are they essential workers I wonder, or selfish jers who are not staying home and social distancing? I am happy it has been cold, since I suspect warm temperatures would encourage people to go out & about rather than to social distance & stay home. Plus, I've discovered masks are pretty hot! I'm glad no one is flying and there is less driving, our environment needs the break. It alarms me on Facebook to see people discussing the rescheduling of travel plans -- really? Not only am I afraid to restart - to go out in public, I am too vulnerable - but hello! All this wasteful business and vacation flying helped to spread the virus (and BTW as I already mentioned, it damages the environment).I hope the pandemic changes us - makes us utilize technology instead of planes, causes us to work from home (The Greening of America was 40 years ago!!), be more flexible, more appreciative, less materialistic.
Inspired to make this by the Facebook group 518rainbowhunt

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Today is Rosie's 8th Gotcha Day!!

In other news...the professor who has the room after me is a rude b*tch. OMG, talk about "micro-aggression." This is just plain aggression. She was so mean today. She's been mean to me before, but today she was mean to one of my students!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Although I would like to get another cat right away, Rosie is old, and we have to be mindful of what is best for her. I know something perfect will come along eventually.

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

A very sad time. Our Ted passed away suddenly on Sunday. He must have had a stroke in the night. He was nearly 15, the best cat ever. RIP sweet Teddy.

Friday, January 17, 2020

I reviewed the rosters for my spring semester classes and one of them has more students with unpronounceable first names than I've ever had in a class of 25. As someone with a name that is routinely misspelled and / or mispronounced, I completely "get" the need to be sensitive. It's common to have some students with unique or unfamiliar names in class, but this list isn't mostly international students, or simply parents choosing clever phonetic spelling or culturally inspired monikers. Something must have been going on twenty years ago. Maybe it was the impact of the millennium or hanging chads or 9/11. Really hoping several save me when I am stumbling over Jxldyrr and Zjnlee by suggesting I call them Jo and Zee.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Happy New Year! Didn't want to let January slide by without making a post. I've had several thoughts about things to write since my last post, but then never actually logged on and composed. The one that comes to mind right now: we watched two movies within the past few weeks. First, was Eat, Pray, Love. I can't believe we'd never seen it before. It is new to Netflix (I think) and it caught my attention in an email. It was entertaining (I guess) but also annoying. Why do we celebrate shallow things and act as if they are actually deep? The second is a fairly new movie, The Mule. Also entertaining, but seriously? Clint Eastwood is the star and yay to him still working, but why - even when a senior actress is cast in the role of his ex-wife - is there still a ridiculous gap in age - and she is the sickly, dying character?

Bob turned 60 a couple weeks ago. We always go to the movies for his birthday, because he likes going to a movie theatre. In the age of streaming I could skip it. Anyway, we couldn't make going to the theatre work for various reasons, so bought the Eastwood movie streaming on Amazon instead. I promised a rain check!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

I'm not sure why it looks crooked. Doesn't appear that way IRL.
Here's a beautiful story, beautifully written.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Here's a beautiful piece of writing. And, I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately I don't think anyone is interested in toleration. That reminds me, I haven't taught it in a year, and probably will not be teaching that class again. I have not been annoyed by this change because it hadn't been fun to teach for a while. But I will be teaching ethics; that's a good thing.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Two steps forward, one step back. If animal abusers are permitted to walk free, get their animals back, or the shelters have to bear the words I can write here. I am so mad!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Now my university account is requiring a two-step log in. Seriously, the hacking situation must be at crisis level or something. The process wanted my cell number, and I thought, no way, even though that was the recommended choice. My cell is often not charged, and frequently is downstairs, far from my computer.

Friday, November 08, 2019

The past couple months, I have no luck logging into accounts I've paid electronically for years, I am forced to submit a forgotten password request, create a new password, verify the account, answer the security question - every time I log on. I don't even bother with trying to remember any more, because no matter whether ScReWuIhAtEdOiNgThIs7$ is correct, it never works. What is going on? Is hacking really this rampant? It's making mailing in paper checks seem efficient.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

This is excruciating!! But I am glad to see another small Village was empowered enough to apply.

On Tuesday night, a house five houses away burned. It was a total loss. It was next door to a county-owned house (seized for taxes) that was condemned & unsafe, and that was demolished too. These two little row houses were similar to mine, which originally was in a row of 13 nearly identical houses built circa1900-1905 for factory workers, and now they have been torn down (three had already been lost when I moved here in 1987). It's so sad to lose old buildings, but a derelict structure that is too far gone to save is worse. It is the fault of bad owners, and a tax sale process that enables them.

I wrote in the DRI proposal that we only get publicity from fatal car crashes & sex offenders living in town, but apparently fires grab headlines too.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Imagine calling the police because you don't feel like being bothered with the public you represent! How dare someone FOIL! Sure the public can be obnoxious and loudmouthed and sometimes a little crazy but that's the job. It's truly amazing how entitled many elected officials become. It's shameful - but this story comes as no surprise to me.  I could say a whole lot more about background unrelated to this particular town, but still relevant -- but I won't.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

A rant. Everywhere on campus, the paper towels are being removed and replaced with air dryers. I am so pissed. Everyone knows those things suck filth from the floor and blow it on your hands. Also, how do you dry your face? Finally, I always use a paper towel between my hand and door knobs or elevator buttons. Guess what? I have not had a cold in ages, and I am already sick from this. I completely blame the University at Albany. (I hope there is a BOT scanning the web for mentions.)  I know the justification is being "green." OK -- my carbon footprint is quite likely less than anyone on this campus. My house is 900 square feet. I don't drive. The last time I flew in a plane was 1988. I am a vegetarian. I compost. I founded in 2017 and have organized Repair Cafe for the Village for over two years. Regardless, I call BS. The reason for the change is probably to cut janitorial staff. I WANT PAPER TOWELS IN THE BATHROOM.

Friday, October 04, 2019

We may get a frost tonight. I think I'll cover these beauties. They are right near the front door. I never have good luck with marigolds, but this year these yellow ones are fabulous.

Monday, September 30, 2019

F You SNL. If you ever had any relevance at all, it was lost 25 years ago. How about you keep your snarky snottiness in the NY metro area and stop riding the train or Thruway up here. #elitistaholes

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A very sad week. It almost goes without saying that September 11 is a solemn day, but this year something else happened: Gary died on Sunday. Typing it is surreal. He had myelofibrosis for nearly  20 years, and it started getting worse about two years ago. In the spring it was decided that it was time for stem cell transplant, which he received on June 28. It engrafted, but he did not have enough healthy bone marrow for his numbers to go up. He received a booster on August 30, but developed pneumonia. Here is his obituary.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

This is maddening. Heslep (1996) assets in The Moral Presuppositions of Multicultural Education that because of multicultural education’s limits on tolerance, some of its advocates have tried to restrict hate speech, politically incorrect speech, and other “linguistic modes of cultural disrespect.”

According to Heslep, cultural respect is a virtue in multicultural society. Cultural disrespect is a vice because it is the opposite of cultural respect. Disrespect is also bad because it is offensive to individual members of targeted cultures; being offensive, it also is antagonizing, thereby encouraging cultural discord, another vice for multicultural education.

He argues that the use of a linguistic sign of cultural disrespect might offend members of the involved cultural group regardless of the innocent intention of the user of the sign. Such is the case with youth - sometimes they absorb elements from popular culture and don't understand the context of the words they casually use.

Then, some cultural groups have language of cultural disrespect as one of their features. Teaching intolerance of the language of cultural disrespect might be self-defeating in that it might promote cultural disrespect. Outsiders may judge users of those linguistic signs as being offensive, when the insiders do not mean each other harm. Heslep writes that multiculturalists answer that such intolerance is simply a necessary socially therapeutic act. A multicultural society cannot exist in harmony if any of its cultural groups are inclined to speak ill of each other.

How to remedy? It is not enough for multicultural educators to instruct their students to be intolerant of linguistic signs of cultural disrespect, explains Heslep. We must learn discernment - how to determine what the user of a linguistic sign actually intends in using it. Both speaker and listener are important. It is one thing to be intolerant of ethnic jokes whose users intend to be culturally disrespectful in telling them; it is another to be intolerant of such jokes when their users do not mean to be culturally disrespectful. They may be innocent, or ignorant, or mean-spirited.

Heslep is being generous - two decades later we tend to believe that what the speaker said hardly matters. What the listener heard is what is important, and if someone feels uncomfortable, those sentiments are valid and should be respected.

Yes, Chris Cuomo overreacted and his language is not what I'd use, but there is no question that the guy who said Fredo to him intended it as an ethnic slur. And who cares whether wop means guappo or without papers? You're really going to cite Google? It is also intended as an ethnic insult, no matter its origin. Maybe Casey Seiller & Rex Smith have never been called an ethnic slur or been close to anyone who has been insulted. But they shouldn't have to be to understand they are defending a wrong and being insensitive.

BTW, I have never seen or read any of the Godfather, nor have I watched the Sopranos.Not sure why that would invalidate a point of view.

And for something completely unrelated that I haven't bothered writing about here this year (although I do address on Facebook, to the (I suspect) chagrin of a (small) group of so-called "friends:"): It is animal abuse season, that disgusting time of year when the Capital District media, including the TU, gushes about how glamorous horse racing is and ignorant, plastic people can't wait to go to Saratoga. >:-(

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Still lots of things I can't write about. Finished the show I wrote about in the last post. It got better as the season went on and had a strong finish. The actors were strong and that helped.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

It is hard to write here, because I have so many things I cannot share! Then there are several I could share - but it's probably better if I don't. This is one of the advantages to the old, pre-tech, private journal model. Summer is rolling along. Lots of basil growing. Tomatoes aren't ripe yet. I don't want to go back to campus next month.

We've been watching a new Netflix series called "Tales of the City." It's actually the fourth season of a show from 1993. Every few years, they made another season with some of the same actors. They re-released Season 1, but did not release season 2 or 3. That is extremely annoying. My takeaway, Season 1 was WAY better than the latest season.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

I have really, really, really big exciting news that has to be kept secret...extremely hard!