Thursday, June 09, 2016

Robert Parigi - a bit like Terrance Lindall

Robert Parigi

I came across an interview that Mr. Parigi gave in September 2014 with Van Gogh's Ear, Volume 11, and I could see why he and Lindall would appear to have gotten along, for they have mutual interests:
[Among other things,] Robert Parigi is . . . known as the . . . producer [of] Tales from the Crypt.
That's film, but it's the same sort of genre Lindall was working in when he was illustrating Creepy Magazine and the like. Parigi could even be Lindall:
The craziest thing I've ever done was getting into this business! I dropped out of a philosophy doctorate, with no industry connections or training, hopped a plane from New York City to L.A., and started looking for work.
Lindall also dropped out of a doctoral program in philosophy and pursued his artistic passions.

For more on Parigi, see here, here, and here.

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Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Robert Parigi with Terrance Lindall's Madonna of the Monsters

Madonna of the Monsters
By Terrance Lindall

A photo to Terrance Lindall from Robert Parigi, who holds in his tentacles Lindall's Madonna of the Monsters, which Parigi commissioned and about which he says:
Sorry for the casual snaps: our office is shutting down for the season, many things are in transit, and I have not yet found a frame that does justice to the Madonna. I'll try to take better pix later, and hope these will do for now.
I've mentioned Mr. Parigi before - he has a role in constructing on film part of the complex Marvel Universe.

My younger kid, En-Uk, will probably be interested to know this. He's still in high school and intends to study animation someday, so he's taking art lessons to prepare.

This will inspire him . . .

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