Thursday, February 28, 2008

Things we have been up to...

The boys love their little sister!

Got caught in the act...see that bread...they sneaked it!

My little poser at 3 months!

Boy was this a great invention!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Visit to California

My sister lives in California so my mom took Elijah for a week to visit! They went to Lego Land and the Zoo. They got rained out of going to Sea World so maybe next time! I love the San Diego Temple so I asked Elijah if he would take a picture of it for me...what a great picture huh!! He had a great time and hasn't stopped talking about it! Elijah says Thank you to Aunt Jordan and Grandma for a great time! Oh he also wanted me to say he went swimming too!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


This doesn't beat Lego Land where Elijah is, but it was a great day for the Park and we needed to get out! Here you go Emily...a pic of MOM! I am doing well and the photo biz is starting to pick up! I have my first wedding(by myself) in April!! I have four friends lined up for newborn pics and they are all boys...Things are good!

Monday, February 18, 2008

3 Months...

I can't believe she is 3 months already! Things Adeline is doing:
1. Always wanting to SIT up...
2. Sucking on her hands and gaging herself with her fingures!
3. Loves her big brothers, especially Elijah because he can pick her up.
4. Laughs
5. Coo's(for awhile now)
6. Weighs in at 15 pounds 23 1/2 inches.
7. Still loves her passy.
8. Wants to be up more...getting tired of her beloved chair... :(
9. Can almost roll herself onto her stomach
10.Holding things and bringing them to her mouth...we have taught her to wipe her own mouth after she spits up!! LOL
11. Has her family wrapped around her finger!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ouchy Update.

One week later and it is healing great! Everyone is calling him Harry Potter.

Friday, February 15, 2008


I have been learning how to use textures! I did my first engagement pics! Check them out at my site (NFocus Photography)and let me know what you think.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Elijah needed valentines for class so I busted out my paper and got to work!! Hope everyone has a great V-Day!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Stinky Dish Cloth

What is it about stinky dish cloths! I just got these for Christmas(pic taken 1 month ago)and I think I used this particular cloth three times and it already stinks!! I have tried everything(I think)so they last longer and don't stink and nothing has worked. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Yeah isn' that pretty! Elijah and Ian were doing there usual(chasing eachother)only this time Elijah slipped and hit the coffee table right on the corner! I heard it but didn't think it was that bad because he reacts that way all the time. Robert was first on the scene and he yelled back to me, he will need stitches! I still wasn't convinced(I was nursing this whole time)BUT got up quickly to have a look! Uhhhh yeah he needed stitches! There was blood EVERYWHERE! If you have never been involved with a head injury...they bleed A LOT! Elijah cannot stand the site of blood so we hurried and got that all cleaned up ASAP! He kept telling us that he was ok and that we could just go into the Doctor tomorrow...Ian was scared for his brother and was helping him feel better by giving him cold wash cloths.

While they were at the hospital they ran into some Missionaries! This poor missionary had only been out for 6 weeks and in the Hospital twice!! Not more than a half hour into his flight from the MTC he was eating potato chips and had an allergic reaction to some peanut oil. He had a blessing and didn't go into Anaphylactic shock until they landed more than an hour later! Then just tonight he was hit by a car on his bike and came out with a bruised arm. The preisthood power is real!

Well, three hours later he is home. It was clean cut so he didn't need stitches!! They used that cool glue...your good old Superglue!! Boy am I glad I have Photoshop!! We will keep you in touch!

Elijah has anxiety towards doctors called White coat syndrom. Thank you to those who had Elijah in their prayers! It helped him stay calm through this whole thing...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Good Ticket Update.

Ok this has worked really well for Elijah who is 5, but Ian(my LOVELY 2 1/2 year old) could care less! I actually did this more for him because he won't have anything to do with cleaning up his room. He would rather wine for 2 hours than touch a toy! If any of you have any suggestions out there I would gladly take them!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Hinckley Challange

I got this from my sister's blog and thought what the heck! I need to read more of the Book of Mormon anyway, and I am a competitive person so this will help! The challenge is to read the Book of Mormon in 97 days! If you are a non-member that looks at my blog and would like a Book of Mormon leave me a post and I can get you one in one way or another. Here is the link to join us in the challenge!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Good Ticket.

My mother teaches Kindergarten and she uses "Good Tickets" to encourage the kids to well, be good! I have had a HARD time getting my two LOVELY boys to clean their room...ALL their toys are on the FLOOR!!!! This takes us awhile. Anywho, she suggested using this system. I have decided for my boys that once they have earned 10tickets by cleaning their room they get to go to the dollar store(the amount of tickets earned and reward at the end will very for everyone.)Let's give it a try....

Another Cute Outfit

Ok it might be overload but I can't help it! These shoes are to die for!(thanks Michelle) and the skirt.....LOVE IT!

Friday, February 1, 2008

So Cute!!

I used my Urban Vintage Action on this one...

Ok so I found this hat and MAN IS IT CUTE! Have I told you how much fun it has been having a girl?!! SO FUN!

Spikey Hair.

Ian came in my bathroom today and tried to SPIKE his hair! I was so EXCITED because he never wants it spiked and I think it is cute. I knew it wouldn't last long so I had to get some pics!