Monday, February 18, 2008

3 Months...

I can't believe she is 3 months already! Things Adeline is doing:
1. Always wanting to SIT up...
2. Sucking on her hands and gaging herself with her fingures!
3. Loves her big brothers, especially Elijah because he can pick her up.
4. Laughs
5. Coo's(for awhile now)
6. Weighs in at 15 pounds 23 1/2 inches.
7. Still loves her passy.
8. Wants to be up more...getting tired of her beloved chair... :(
9. Can almost roll herself onto her stomach
10.Holding things and bringing them to her mouth...we have taught her to wipe her own mouth after she spits up!! LOL
11. Has her family wrapped around her finger!!


Jordan said...

I have the cutest niece! Elijah keeps calling Emma Addy. He is so cute with babies.

Jenni said...

what a pretty baby girl.

Em said...

I love this picture, she is so cute! I hope you are well. Write a blog about yourself. Just so I see how MOM is doing. PS Is Michelle pregnant?