Hancey Family

Adam and I have been married since 2003. We met while attending Utah State University. I graduated in 2005 with a degree in Sociology and Adam graduated in 2007 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I am currently a stay at home Mom and Adam is a Engineer working in aviation. We have three wonderful daughters, Riley, Kaitlyn and Eden. Riley is 6 and enjoys playing Barbie and going to Kindergarten. Kaitlyn is 4 and is a ball of energy who enjoys getting into trouble. Eden 18M and enjoys being the baby and getting all the attention.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I didn't have every ones address to send our Christmas card, so I decided to post our card and letter. It is also a lot cheaper and saves a few trees.

Hi Everyone!

We would like to start by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, as well as a Happy, and fun-filled, New Year! This year we will be driving up to Denver to celebrate Christmas with Adam's family.

The year 2007 was a busy one for our family. Adam graduated from USU in Mechanical Engineering and also from our church's Institute program. We are all very proud of him and thankful for his hard work. He got a job at Eclipse Aviation as a Mechanical Systems Engineer and moved us all to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Eclipse Aviation makes the first VLJ (Very Light Jet). Adam has always loved airplanes; he is enjoying his new job.

Our girls have grownup fast, they are constantly changing. Riley is now 3 ½ and Kaitlyn is 1 ½. Riley is finally potty trained and talking nonstop. She loves to play dress up, draw mermaids, and play "My Little Pony". Kaitlyn has learned how to walk and talk. She can say: Ma Ma, Da Da, Ball, No, Cat, Backpack.... Both Riley and Kaitlyn are balls of energy constantly keeping us on our toes.

Crystal has been very busy at home with Riley and Kaitlyn. Some of the things we enjoy here in Albuquerque are: The Zoo, Aquarium, Botanical Gardens and, Park. Crystal has made a lot of new friends and plays volleyball on Tuesday nights. This year she has been working on a family blog. She has also been babysitting on the side to earn a little extra cash. Crystal plans to master Photoshop in the upcoming year and try and digital scrapbook.

One of the many fun things we did this year was attend the Balloon Fiesta here in Albuquerque. It was really a sight to see. In June we had a surprise visit from Holly, Paul, and Elijah. Throughout the summer and fall we also had visits from Adam's Mom, Dad, and Brother Mike. In September Crystal, Riley and Kaitlyn made a quick trip back to Utah to visit family and friends. Riley and Kaitlyn really enjoyed Halloween this year and dressed up as a black cat and a pink care bear. We spent Thanksgiving here in Albuquerque with Adam's Mom, Dad, and Brother Mike.

We are very excited for the up coming year. We are building a new house in Rio Rancho a city North of Albuquerque. It should be completely finished in January and we will probably move by the end of the month. We have plans to visit Holly, Paul, and Elijah in California this spring. We will also probably make a few trips to both Utah and Colorado to visit Family.

Our family has been blessed in many ways this last year, we are grateful for the many blessings and opportunities we have received. It is our hope that this Christmas will be joyous for you and your family.


Adam, Crystal, Riley, and Kaitlyn

"River Of Lights"

Tonight we went to "River of Lights". The "River Of Lights" is a Christmas light show at the Botanical Gardens. It was cold, but we still had a lot of fun. Riley and Kailtyn really enjoyed the zoo animal display. Riley also really enjoyed the choir, she was singing "I Wish You A Merry Christmas" all the way home.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

House Update!

We went up to look at our house today, it's looking more and more like we actually will be moving in February. Here are just a few new pictures of the progress, I won't bore you with any more.

Dining Room (looking in from living room)

Master Bedroom

Our Street

Front Porch

Master Bathroom (looking in from bedroom)

Kitchen (looking in from the living room)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Since we were tagged....

1. Adam and I are both identical twins. To add to this, we are the oldest of our look a likes.

2. If our family made it onto Maury Povich or Montel Williams shows, no DNA testing would be needed. Riley and Adam have matching crooked pinky toes with the nails outward. The first thing Adam said to me after Riley got back from the nursery was "We have the same pinky toes". I had no idea about the toe defect, but luckily Kaitlyn has be spared.

3. When Adam was growing up, he thought that New Mexico would be a horrible place to live. Come to find out, his dream job brought the family to Albuquerque. It's not that bad here:)

4. Adam and I made each other genuine TRUE AGGIES after homecoming at USU in 2003.

5. I have a texture issue. I can't stand the feel of cheap carpet and sometimes folding clothes freaks me out. I'm still searching for a cure.

6. I always bragged to all my friend growing up that I would marry a balding man. I would joke about how cute they looked. It turns out that all my dreams have come true. Adam has a receding hairline. He just keeps getting better and better looking;)

7. I had to take my driving test three times. However, I passed in the winter. I had to drive on ice and parallel park next to snow drifts. I have never been in an accident or been pulled over. The DMV in NY obviously doesn't know a skilled driver when they see one.

Digital Scrapbooking

I got my Adobe Photoshop today and this is my first page. I worked on it forever, I really have a lot to learn! I couldn't figure out how to put in drop shadows.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Email

Our new Email is: hanceyfam@gmail.com, can't wait to hear from everyone!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Block Tower

We got Riley some Mega Blocks on Saturday. Riley and Adam built a tower together this morning. Riley had such a fun time and was very proud of their work.

Friday, November 23, 2007


We got some snow here in Albuquerque last night, hopefully we will have a little snow for Christmas!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

House Update

They framed our house over the last week, we were very surprised at how much got done. It is really starting to look like a house and that we could actually be moving in the near future.

Happy Thanksgiving

Adam's parents and brother Mike drove down from Colorado to spend Thanksgiving with us. We had a lot of fun and a wonderful dinner.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


We started this thing five months ago and this week they finally poured the cement on our house. We should be ready to move in about ninety days. The framing should be going up in the next week. We are getting really anxious and excited!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kailtyn's 18 Month Pictures

Monday, November 12, 2007

Kaitlyn's New Bed

Kaitlyn is officially in a toddler bed! Yesterday was her first night and she only fell out once, she even climbed back in before I got there to help her. I think she really enjoys the freedom of being able to get in and out of bed. I was relieved that she gave us no trouble at bed time or at nap time, she just climbs in and goes to sleep.

Sleepy girl!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sewing for Dummies

I thought it would be fun to make Riley some clothes for her Barbie, I was wrong. I found this pattern at the store and was sure that it was easy enough and that I could handle it. How hard could it be? It's called "Sewing Patterns for Dummies". It turns out that it was pretty hard, It took me over 3 hours to make this one dress. I don't know if that means that I'm in a category worse than dumb, I hope not. I don't think Riley is going to have a big wardrobe for her Barbie.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Riley's Smile Picture

Riley colored this picture today, I thought it was pretty good. Usually her drawings are not as detailed. I think that this is a picture of Riley, Kaitlyn, and me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I was going to cut an apple up for a snack, but Kaitlyn insisted on have a whole apple like Riley. I wasn't sure at first, but she proved she was a big enough to eat a whole apple.

"Big Bite"

Friday, November 2, 2007

Green Shades

I just thought this picture was cute. I decided to put Kaitlyn's hair up in pig tails and she added the green glasses (Thanks Grandma Hancey!). Kaitlyn is such a fun little girl, she keeps us on our toes.

She doesn't have too much hair yet, but I still managed a pair of pretty cute pig tails.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick -or -Treat!

This year for Halloween Riley decided she wanted to be a Cat and Kaitlyn got to be a Care Bear. We went to our wards Trunk-or-Treat and had a lot of fun.

Nice Kitty!