Hancey Family

Adam and I have been married since 2003. We met while attending Utah State University. I graduated in 2005 with a degree in Sociology and Adam graduated in 2007 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I am currently a stay at home Mom and Adam is a Engineer working in aviation. We have three wonderful daughters, Riley, Kaitlyn and Eden. Riley is 6 and enjoys playing Barbie and going to Kindergarten. Kaitlyn is 4 and is a ball of energy who enjoys getting into trouble. Eden 18M and enjoys being the baby and getting all the attention.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Kaitlyn's New Bed

Kaitlyn is officially in a toddler bed! Yesterday was her first night and she only fell out once, she even climbed back in before I got there to help her. I think she really enjoys the freedom of being able to get in and out of bed. I was relieved that she gave us no trouble at bed time or at nap time, she just climbs in and goes to sleep.

Sleepy girl!

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