Showing posts with label kevin mcpherson eckhoff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kevin mcpherson eckhoff. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2016

kevin mcpherson eckhoff : bulletprove

British Columbia lives in kevin mcpherson eckhoff, whose living comes by teaching, writing, acting, and daddying. The most recent book of his devising is their biography: an organism of relationships (BookThug, 2015). Find him Twitterside as @Kayem_Ee  and find his bestfriend in your local library as Merz Structure No. 2 Burnt by Children at Play!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

kevin mcpherson eckhoff : from walleyed

British Columbia lives in kevin mcpherson eckhoff, whose living comes from teaching, writing, acting, and daddying. The most recent book that features his name is their biography: an organism of relationships (BookThug, 2015). He often collaborates with his bestfriend, Jake Kennedy, performing improvised cabarets, composing pretend poems, and guest editing deathblow issues of Canadian journals.