
President Hinckley

Sadly, our beloved prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away tonight. He was 97 years old and was the 15th president of our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He will be fondly remembered and sorely missed.


Desert is calling!

My family had a week in Palm Dessert, so baby and I went to vacate with them for a couple relaxing days! Naomi LOVED the swimming and the play time with her cousins and aunt Camille. The breeze was a little on the cold side, but the sun was out and very hot! It was a nice winter weekend trip.

Grandma and Lucy walking to the pool.

Lucy making aunt Camille take her to the "big" pool.

Naomi basking!

Loving her princess swimsuit from Great Grandma Rasmussen!

Loving some sunscreen!

And her favorite non-toy KEYS!

Swimming with aunt Camille.

Kicking machine!

Matching outfits with all 3 cousins. It was the best pic I could get with all of them in those outfits!

Cute little divas.



Heath Ledger was found dead in a New York city apartment today by an apparent overdose. I loved him as an actor. He was only 28 years old and even had a little girl. I am rarely surprised by deaths of hollywood stars, but I was surprised about Heath and very sad about it.


Maltese puppies for sale and first tooth!

Today was the most beautiful California day. We noticed Naomi's bottom tooth finally has poked through! Then my family came to visit, so we walked over to the Cook's house to see the cute puppies. Yes, my Thor and the Cook's Stella had more puppies! She had 2 girls and 4 boys. I know, 6 puppies total. Crazy! They were born early December and couldn't be cuter! Let me know if you are interested in a puppy! Then we made our way over to Taco Mesa and Cherry on Top. Yum!


I'm missing you.

Here are some faces I have missed seeing on my tv lately.

At least 3 out of the 4 are planning on returning, thanks to the accursed strike.


I don't think so

They have casted Robert Pattinson to play the amazing Edward in the Twilight film. I am not sure about him, but maybe it's just the picture that I am not feeling. What do you guys think? He also is known for his role as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter.

Oh, and don't forget to leave a comment with your favorite cleaning supplies! I am going to Target to load up this week on new stuff.

I need....

...some new cleaning supplies. I think I am having some OCD issues. I feel like my house is just not clean enough. Ever. I figure switching up my methods might help. Leave a comment endorsing your favorite cleaning product and or method PLEASE! Is it possible to be stuck in a cleaning rut? It is almost 1 am and I am blogging about cleaning supplies....?


9 months baby!

Today was a fun day at the park with Grace and Madison. Naomi loved having some friends to celebrate with her at the park. Naomi was born 9 months ago today. Time flies!


Long time no see!

A couple days before we took off for the holidays, we were able to hang out with some friends that were in town that we haven't seen in forever. It was the first time Chris and Amy met Naomi and we are so excited to meet their little addition coming soon! Houston's was yummy as usual. We miss them and hope they move closer to us someday!

Caught on tape

Naomi was caught on tape playing with a couple new favorite Christmas toys!

Don't you love the morning hair? That's my girl!

This horse toy came from Aunt Jamie and she loves it!


Good stuff

Disclaimer: (I stole this word for word from Megan's blog)
Friday night we went to the Irvine Improv with three other couples to see Joel Mchale from "The Soup." He started by lamenting that of course this is the one weekend they aren't on the air and of course it is the day that Britney is found on a gurney laughing. He talked about all of the shows on the E channel and described Keeping Up With The Kardashians as Five Gypsies and a Scarecrow (Bruce Jenner being the scarecrow). He also had two other comedians he works with come up and the one guy used to be on Singled Out (blast from the past) and he did the funniest stuff on Abercrombie & Fitch. Fun night.

Thanks for summing up a great night Meg! Haha. I couldn't have said it better, so I thought I would let you :)