
Maltese puppies for sale and first tooth!

Today was the most beautiful California day. We noticed Naomi's bottom tooth finally has poked through! Then my family came to visit, so we walked over to the Cook's house to see the cute puppies. Yes, my Thor and the Cook's Stella had more puppies! She had 2 girls and 4 boys. I know, 6 puppies total. Crazy! They were born early December and couldn't be cuter! Let me know if you are interested in a puppy! Then we made our way over to Taco Mesa and Cherry on Top. Yum!


Anonymous said...

we went and visited the puppies too at the Cooks house1 Thay are sooo cute! I love that picture of Naomi with that big smile on her face!

Requel said...

I'm so jealous! It is freezing here! I wish we could be playing outside and going for walks.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Baby Girl, Naomi is so cute, it won't be long and she will want to eat steak. The puppies are so sweet. Thor you done good. See ya in April. love ya all.

Nash said...

Ok. My kids want a dog so bad and i wanted a maltipoo, but maltese are sooooo cute. I wish we lived there and could take one. Are they pricey?

nicole said...

are you serious with that sunny weather? I am dying with jealousy as I sit cuddled up in 23 degrees of inversions... ho hum.

TC said...

Hey Luke & Chrissy,

I accidentally stumbled on your blog! Your baby is too darn cute! How r u guys doing?


Anonymous said...

Those puppies are so cute! If I liked them, I would probably want to buy one! Alyssa just got her 2 bottom teeth too! I'm so glad, because she has been so onery!

Danielle said...

ugh. I am so jealous of your weather. that last picture of naomi is super cute.