
Excited about life

HE is walking
and has been getting more and more stable and comfortable since he started taking steps a few weeks ago.

SHE is potty trained
At least I think she is. She has done her business (both kinds) in the potty the last 6 times. I think she's got it!

I freaking love these kids of mine.


Out & About

During our final days with Nana Pat, we made them count. Saturday we hit the matinee showing of Hairspray at the Performing Arts Center. It was Naomi's first and she loved it...as long as there was dancing and singing. She was a little too young to take to this long of a show, but we realized we had an extra ticket last minute and so she came. We all had a fun time going to the theater and celebrating Naomi's actual 3rd birthday!

Of course what would a visit from Nana Pat be without Cheesecake? It was yummy.

The kids didn't last long this time!


Naomi turned tois (that's french for 3)

There are some things they just don't understand...

...sandwiches taste so much better when they have frilly toothpicks
(and the chocolate helps too)

cupcakes taste so much better with fancy pearl sprinkles

what's a fancy girl to do?

luckily she has her friends to be posh with her (that's a fancy word for fancy)

what's that word called again? Oh yes....some accessories!

bubbles are so fancy

we accessorized tiaras and neckties

and made glamorous butterflies (that's fancy for beautiful)

we danced to Carla Bruni (because everything in French sounds fancy)

she was ecstatic to open gifts (that's a fancy word for happy)

sipping fancy juice and looking dapper in the top hat

Max and Taylor getting fancy with their decor

remember to lift your pinky and call each other darling

such a fun soiree (that's a fancy word for party)

Merci friends (that's French for thanks!)


Beach Day

Grant can't get enough of the beach. As cold as the water is, he still loves it! He screams in anticipation as each wave rolls up towards his little chubby feet. Naomi loves the beach, but steers clear of the water usually. Ever since the sea ate her sand toys, she has not trusted it. Good thing she loves making sand castles and digging holes so much! It looks like we will be having a good summer.

Snuggie Night

We are in the Guinness Book of World Records!
Snuggies were handed out to everyone with a ticket.
We were asked to wear them for 5 minutes in the 5th inning.
It was a sea of red.
It was funny.
It was the best.
Even though the Angels lost.


Because I like stats

weight 23 lbs 52%
height 31" 88%
head 19" 92%

weight 28 lbs 30%
height 36" 30%

The Happiest Place on Earth

The happiest place on earth was also the most crowded and chaotic this week. There is a reason we were blacked out for this Spring Break week. Yowza!

Luckily we still had a good time elbowing our way through the crowds and getting on a couple rides at the beginning of the day. It sure was nice having Nana Pat join us this time!

Easter continued

There was an Easter Extravaganza at the Rasmussen's this year. We had yummy lunch and an out of this world egg hunt!

The Inkley's had the Easter Bunny show up there too! The kids had some serious candy and eggs to hunt for in the yard. How does the Easter Bunny know how much we love In n Out gift cards? He is magic I guess.