
3 & 1

We were so lucky to have Nana Pat here visiting from Idaho this week. The kids have loved having her here celebrating birthdays and Easter with us while doting over their every move. They can't get enough of all this attention!

We had a little family party to celebrate my babies' birthdays.

Grant downed his entire cupcake AND Naomi's.


April 1, 2009 my little mighty man Grant was born and we have all fallen under his love spell since then. He is one of the craziest and most wild little boys. He loves to scream, tackle, drool, pull hair, laugh, clap, and wave...to name a few things. I love when he puts his arms out and opens and closes his hands to indicate he wants something. This usually means he wants what you are eating, or to be picked up. Screaming usually follows soon after if this doesn't work. Grant loves his sister. He follows her around and loves when she pays attention to him and never cries at bed time as long as she is in the room with him. He takes a few steps here and there, but has no interest in walking quite yet. He crawls and pulls himself up onto anything and everything. His new favorite activity is pushing/walking all the kitchen chairs along the tile. Grant loves his blanket. He rolls around on the floor with it, wrapping his little body around and around, all while laughing out loud hysterically. He loves to eat, and usually finishes whatever Naomi doesn't eat herself.
G is a blessing.

April 10, 2007 my little princess Naomi was born and has had us wrapped around her little finger ever since. She has been such a good big sister. She looks out for her wild little brother. She makes sure that he doesn't get too close to the stairs. She holds his crazy strong body back as long as she can until mom comes and takes over. Naomi has been doing so well with her communication skills. She is interacting with her cute little friends and playing so well with them. She is a social butterfly who loves being fancy. She loves to dress up and be "beautiful" with her tutu's and glass slippers. Naomi is also starting to enjoy painting and coloring. She loves singing and dancing and pretend playing with her babies. She is not yet potty trained, but she does like to sit on the toilet once in awhile. I know, I know....I have to get on this before preschool. We shall conquer this horrific obstacle once in for all- soon. I love Naomi's zest for life and her positive never ending energy!
Naomi is a blessing.


Ashly said...

Look are you miss party planner. Soooo cute! Happy birthday to your two darling babies!

Ashly said...

umm LOVING that while i am reading your blog and commenting, ERASURE Oh L;amour came on and I couldnt be happier about it!!!!!! I used to make up dances to this song with my friends in 5th grade.

Audrey Crisp said...

Happy Birthday kiddos! Great cupcakes and odes to them! ; )

Unknown said...

You have the cutest kids ever!!! Happy Birthday to the both of them!! I didn't realize how close both of their Birthday's are.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to both your little blessings. They are both so adorable. Elle hopes Grant will forgive her for giving him a little bit of a cold as I think she was into him at their last playdate. Can't wait to see Fancy Nancy par-tay!

Yvettes Campbell said...

Fun!! Love your kids! Words can't describe how cute they really are. Happy Birthday guys!!!

Yvette and Mila

Adam and the Girls said...

Oh I love them so much Chrissy. I also love what a wonderful Mommy you have turned out to be (not that I doubted you for a second) it just brightens my day to see you enjoying them so much. I am so happy for the Hansen family!!!!!! Miss you bunches. oxoxoxo ~Jeffi

Wendy said...

I love the colorful party colors. Naomi is really so beautiful