August 16, 2012

Vacation Home

Guest written by our friend Gladys Fuentes

There’s really something to be said for buying a vacation home. My husband and I thought about it for the longest time and weighed the pros and cons over and over again and decided at the end of the day it just didn’t make sense to keep throwing good money away on hotels season after season, you know? The kids were in on the whole thing and we all went house hunting together (my sister’s a realtor so that made it much easier.) There are actually quite a few great beach towns here in Texas which a lot of people don’t realize but we decided on a craftsman style bungalow only about three miles from the beach. It’s the cutest little house – purple with a red door – but it needs a small bit of “upgrading” as my husband calls it. 

I thought that was the best idea since that way we could put money into it now and sell it for more later. Beach property never really goes down in value, you know? So anyway, we’ve been working on getting it ready for us to come down in a couple of weeks and actually bring friends to show it off. We got cable installed and I’ve been researching things like the rates on and whether or not we want to put new sod down in the front. My husband is actually the one who loves decorating so he’s been online all day since we bought the place looking at patio furniture and paint colors and whatnot and I know he’s excited about all of us going down there and really making the place our own. 

It’s going to be great to have a vacation home that we can leave clothes and sunscreen in but we need to eventually decide whether or not we’re going to rent it out when we’re not there. I’d like to avoid it so we can leave all our stuff out but it sure would help with the second mortgage we’ve taken on!

August 12, 2012

To understand what jungian therapists do, we must first know that Swiss psychiatrist C. G. Jung opened the door to a more comprehensive understanding of ourselves.  Basic to all of us - the things in our lives we think of as being “normal” - mom, dad, birth, childhood, friendships, love marriage, religion and death make us all human.  Sometimes, though, life unfolds with discord, almost too much to handle. 

Sometimes that discord is so great we must seek help and the best help may very well come from having a jungian analysis done by trained Jungian therapists. In order to give and get good responses to our need for help, one needs a positive relationship with the therapist who will help us come to terms with the events or crises of our daily life, which may reveal where we have lost touch with ourselves.  Generally, our inner self already knows part of what’s wrong and the therapist is there to help draw out the things we don’t really want to talk about.

 Douglas Tompkins is a jungian psychoanalyst in New York.  He obtained his credentials in Zurich and New York, and is a graduate of C. G. Jung Institute in New York. He tells us there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to determine how many sessions will be needed.  At there was a quote by C. G. Jung that needs to be repeated here in case you have missed it. “Where there is bitterness, wisdom is lacking and where wisdom is, there can be no bitterness”.  Seems to me those few words would fix a lot of so-called problems in a hurry.

August 09, 2012

If we are like most of you, our utility bills have continued to spiral upwards at an alarming rate. We have hot and humid months in the summer in New Jersey and the coldest of winters.  Neither of which helps us keep our utility bills down, even though we try everything to make the bills lower.

A friend mentioned she had contacted  and was very pleased to find they would send out a professional team to help her identify problem areas and offer easy solutions to reduce her utility bills.  One of the “little” problems, and I know most of us have them, were the old incandescent light bulbs our parents grew up with. They are now being phased out.  The “curling” light bulbs (CFL’s) are easy to use, but there is a disposal problem because they contain mercury. If you change to LED lighting, you can save as much as $65.00 a year.

The Energy Star company is a contractor who participates with the New Jersey Office of Clean Energy.  They can help you with home repairs assistance in new  jersey.  They have a solution to many of your problems by doing energy audits, consulting on water conservation, spray foam insulation and LED lights.  The clean energy program of New Jersey may give you up to $15,000.00 in rebates and incentives for home repair grants.  While you must use approved energy contractors to do the work, there is no income restriction, and the grants may be available to anyone who can use them.  Schedule an energy audit to see if you qualify. 

Did you know that in a home like yours and mine that as much as 25% of heating and cooling dollars fly out the window so to speak, through unseen cracks and gaps, usually found in our heating duct system, attics and basements. You may be able to qualify for an insulation grant in New Jersey and all you have to do is contact the Energy Team for an audit.  A detailed inspection will tell you if you are losing utility money and solutions you can afford will be offered. Insulation repairs might be in order and an insulation grant in new jersey would help you financially. 

Card playing in one form or another has been around for centuries.  With the advent of the internet nearly thirty years ago, free poker games have grown like Topsy.  No longer do we have to plan for months to go to Vegas or Reno or the nearest new American Indian Casino.  In the comfort of our own homes we can play free poker games with the click of a few key strokes. One such site is I like the way you can maneuver around the site easily and if you don’t like the poker game you are in, you can leave with one click and go to a different game.

One of the games I like best is Texas Hold ‘em Poker.  It is a variation of the standard poker game.  Two cards are dealt face down to each player.  Then three cards are dealt face up in front of the dealer.  This is known as “the flop”.   Each player has the opportunity to check, bet, raise or fold after the three cards are dealt. The dealer then deals himself one card face up, sometimes called “the turn”.  Checking or betting again takes place.  The fifth card is dealt by the dealer (sometimes called the “river”) and betting takes place again.  Best poker hand made from your two cards and the dealer’s five cards takes the pot.   Texas holdem poker is now the most popular form of poker, upsetting Seven Card Stud, due to it’s popularity on TV and also internet exposure.

Face Up gaming was formed by two people who didn’t like playing online poker games and having no interaction with other players.  It took them several years but they have come up with the first and only online, interactive, subscription based place to play poker online , comfortably in your own home.  Check them out.  They have many friendly leagues with such interesting names as Card Shark Poker, Sin City Kitty and Under the Gun. Their online poker tournaments offer cash and other prizes to die for. They offer as many as twenty tournaments going on all hours of the day or night. There is a $5,000.00 cash prize offered in one online poker tournament on August 19, 2012.  If that doesn’t sound good to you, just remember you can plan when and where you want, as much as you like.  Give them a try.  Membership is easy.

August 05, 2012

I’m one of the million women out there who loves to buy expensive stuff.   For me, I love jewelry, purses, and wrist watches.  Especially michael kors watches.  Michael Kors is one of my favorite designers in the market.  He knows and understands about the fashion.  Most of my watches are from Michael Kors.  The wrist watches are not too expensive.  Most of the Michael Kors jewelry or accessories are very nice and elegant.  That’s why so many ladies love Michael Kors brand

Watching my friend take apart my broken washing machine was a little bit scarey.  I knew that I didn’t know much about the workings of my washing machine, but was more than a little worried that he didn’t know very much either.  As the sides of the washer came off and little bits and pieces of washers, screws, nuts and bolts started appearing in neat order on the floor, I began to get very antsy.  Later I was even more worried when some needed washers seem to have disappeared.  Of course I was called upon to run down to the corner hardware store and pick up some washers.

 Lo and behold, when I told the clerk what I wanted, his immediate answer was “What kind of washers are you looking for?”  When I looked confused he guided me to the section of the store where the washers stretched out over several shelves.  It was then that I got an education about washers.  Did you know there are “standard” washers, as well as something called Belleville washers (which I found out later was a conical disc-spring washer), special “flat” washers, military and odd shaped washers and shims. 

Any or all of these washers are made by the Superior Washer Company, founded in 1972.   Their two facilities, located in NY and SC are fully automated and computerized to produce any of their washers to your exact specifications.  They have received many awards for the excellence of their products.  Buy Superior washers with confidence.  Oh, by the way, I guess I chose the right washers as my washing machine is working just fine.

August 03, 2012

The husband and I were talking about moving to a different city possibly in Arizona. Of course, I'm excited when I think about it. Honestly speaking, I love the place where we live right now.  Very quite, the weather is never hot or cold, pleasant people, and lots of public transportation. It’s a perfect place to live.  Most importantly we are close to all the Asian markets and schools. 

But, our dilemma is the cost of living here in the Bay Area is more expensive than living in Arizona. With all of that said we really have to gather our thoughts together and fix up some of the areas around our house that need to be fixed before we can put the house on the market for sale. One of our concerns is our guest bathroom and kitchen. 

I’d like to change one of our sinks in the guest bathroom.  The sink we have is too old and rusty.  Our guest bathroom is too small and the sink and sink faucet too old. I'm thinking about replacing our sink with a new one to make it more appealing for the buyers in the possible near future.  I’m glad that is there to help us every step of the way. has everything you need for your bathroom improvement, no sales tax and free shipping.  They really take the job seriously to make their customers satisfied. Call them for more information and talk to their expert service.

August 01, 2012

I am not old enough to remember flour coming in large flowered sacks, but I do remember all the flour sacks my grandmother kept on hand for this and that in and around the kitchen.  The flour sacks which were not printed with flowers were an off white, perfect for embroidering and using as dish cloths as we called them then. I guess "tea-towels" hadn't been invented then.  When someone sent me this poem, I thought it was something that needed to be shared.  Thanks to Colleen B. Hubert for the memories.

In that long ago time when things were saved,
When roads were graveled and barrels were staved,
When worn out clothing was used as rags,
And there was no plastic wrap or bags,
And the well and the pump were way out back,
A versatile item was the old flour sack.

Pillsbury’s Best, Mother’s and Gold Medal, too
Stamped their names proudly in purple and blue.
The string sewn on top was pulled and kept:
The flour was emptied and spills were swept.
The bag was folded and stored in a sack
That durable, practical flour sack.

The sack could be filled with feathers and down,
For a pillow or t’would make a nice sleeping gown,
It could carry a book and be a school bag,
Or become a mail sack slung over a nag,
It made a very convenient pack
That old adaptable cotton flour sack.

Bleached and sewn, it was dutifully worn
As bibs, diapers, or kerchief adorned
It was made into skirts, blouses and slips,
And Mom braided rugs from one hundred strips.
She made ruffled curtains for the house or shack,
From that humble but treasured old flour sack.

As a strainer for milk or apple juice,
To wave men in, it was a put to good use,
As a sling for a sprained wrist or break,
To help Mother roll up a jelly cake,
As a window shade or to stuff a crack,
We used a sturdy, common, old flour sack!

As dish towels, embroidered or not
They covered up dough, helped pass pans so hot,
Tied up dishes for neighbors in need,
And for men in the field to hold their seed,
They dried dishes from pan, not rack
That absorbent, handy old flour sack!

We polished and cleaned stove and table,
Scoured and scrubbed from cellar to gable,
We dusted the bureau and oak bed post,
Made costumes for October (a scary ghost)
And a parachute for a cat named Jack,
From that lowly, useful old flour sack!

So now my friends, when they ask you
As curious youngsters often do,
"Before plastic wrap and Elmer’s Glue
And paper towels, what did you do?"
Tell them loudly and with pride don’t lack
Grandmother had that wonderful flour sack!

July 30, 2012


Since June 12, 2009, full power television stations have been broadcasting their programs exclusively in digital format.  For the past three years, Grandma has been complaining to Grandpa that they need a new TV.  Now Grandpa is one of those thrifty souls who likes to hold on to his money as long as he can.  Along comes Grandson to help Grandma persuade Grandpa that buying an analog converter will do the trick.  There is a place on the internet called and they offer great value for a great product.  Now buying an analog converter will add years of usable life to Grandpa’s rather obsolete, but still perfectly functional TV, and he won’t have to spend very much of his hard-earned money to get good results.

July 29, 2012

I’ve often wondered why we bother to have a living room or dining room in our home as most of our friends end up in our kitchen along with the kids and all their friends.  We were so pleased to have found discount kitchen cabinets when we finally decided the kitchen was outdated and had to be redone.  The entire family was in on choosing the colors and styles of the cabinets. The men in my life are pretty handy, so we ordered kitchen cabinets that they could put up themselves. They arrived in a flat pack, holes had been pre-drilled and all hardware necessary was there too.  We were all delighted to find that the discount kitchen cabinets absolutely do not use particle board or pressed board in their products. We found the carpentry to be way more than expected. We are so pleased with our “new” kitchen!  If you don’t have a handy man about the house, discount kitchen cabinets also makes pre-assembled cabinets, ready to hang by a contractor of your choice. provides discount kitchen cabinets made of the highest quality materials and finishes, so you will not be disappointed.   

July 28, 2012

We are enjoying our retirement years by spending the summer time in Minnesota where our home is located and at our home away from home in beautiful Arizona in the winter time.  We’ve been to Arizona many times and are now thinking about buying Luxury oceanfront condominiums in Fort Lauderdale.  It would be nice to see some water for a while instead of the desert scenery.

We found on the net and must say it is one of the most beautifully done websites we have visited.  Whether you are looking for condos, houses or island properties, they have it all.  Absolutely gorgeous pictures.  We liked the Palm Beach, with it’s billiard room, pool and fitness center.  Stunning landscaping against the ocean view was terrific, too.  Also, we like the Luxury oceanfront condominiums in Miami.

Now would be the perfect time to buy.  Mortgage rates are at the lowest level in years, with 30 year loans falling to 2.58%.  Of course we are older now and enjoying good health, but we would probably opt for a shorter loan period.   If it is luxury you are looking for, look no further. has it all.   

July 26, 2012

 When we were considering remodeling our bathroom, we did not find many salespeople in the tile stores near us to be very helpful. We went online and found and really liked the quality and versatility of their tiles, as well as their experienced staff. Whether you are looking for specific colors, textures, shapes or random patterns, can fill any of your needs. 

They offer stone, glass and wood tiles. 
Stone, of course, is one of the oldest materials for tile. It may not fit in an extremely modern bathroom, but it does offer a cozy and warm feeling. I particularly like the look of Troya Stone Mosaic tiles. Wood tiles come in white oak, chocolate oak and teak, which offer an exotic style.  The oak and teak edenmosaictile called Falling Water would work well if you have a fondness for wood. Glass tiles are probably used the most in bathroom and kitchens. To name two of the edenmosaictiles I liked the best are Black Gold Iridescent and Linear Brick Blue Indigo Blend.

Any tile offered by is sure to please.  The tile sheets are easy to cut and install.  The friendly, experienced staff is more than willing to answer questions. Be sure to take some time on their website.  You probably didn’t know so many different kinds and colors of tile are available. You’ll be glad you looked!   

July 25, 2012

Technology is unlimited when it comes to its advancement and every now and then you will see new versions of the product that you just bought several months. This is more prevalent in smart phones, computers and tech accessories like movie converter. And because of the need and demand for newer versions, what you just bought today may no longer be the top of the line in a few months time. I can think of two reasons why the influx of these gadgets is happening.

First that I can think of is that people get so easily bored with what they have on hand especially when they get used to it and would want more from it. We also have this strong desire to step up to the next level. Second is the strong notion that this upgrades are there already in the pipeline even long before the first version came out. Perhaps, they just want to release those features one by one to make more profit of it. Does it so? Who knows?

July 22, 2012

When shopping at the grocery store, one only has to take a quick look at the pictures on the magazine covers to see that being skinny is considered beautiful in the eyes of most.  We all know excess weight puts strain on our joints and muscles, especially the back. What can we overweight people do to make ourselves look better on a daily basis?   One way to help ourselves is to shop  This pharmacy is recommending phentermine as a diet appetite suppressant.  It is one of the most popular diet and energy pills in the weight loss industry today. Reading reviews for this pill shows that it is helping many people in varied walks of life.  How can one pill do so much?  Phentermine is an amphetamine, meaning it stimulates the central nervous system, which in turn depresses the appetite.  So you eat less but have more energy. recommends you always consult your doctor before deciding to take any over the counter diet medicine.
