Sunday, February 2, 2025

And just like that, the year of January has ended. Thank goodness! It was long, cold, dark and depressing! February shows promise of what is to come, which is hopefully Spring.  However, I've lived in the frozen tundra long enough to know that Winter can have a death grip on us until June; she's a fickle bitch for sure! 

I noticed daylight on the horizon the other day as I pulled up to the ole salt mine at 730am; it almost made me giddy with excitement... had I not been going to work. That said, we are a lot closer to Spring; the daylight hours are getting longer which is always a good thing in my book! The ND Legislature has proposed House Bill 1259  which would end Daylight Saving Time and keep Standard Time. I'd rather have ND permanently adopt the Daylight Saving Time (more daylight time at the end of the day). I'm okay with staying with Standard Time too; it would eliminate the need to change the clocks twice yearly (Spring ahead, Fall back). This Bill has been introduced before and never made it through the Senate, so we'll see if it gets passed this time around. 

If I thought the first week under the orange clown was tumultuous, the second week proved to be even worse. Even more concerning is the fact that Elon Musk seems to have muscled his way in to the White House and gained the ear of the orange buffoon. Last time I checked, he wasn't voted in to any office (ie Vice President), nor was he named for any top-level cabinet position.  This CNN article pretty much summed it up:  We do not know what exactly Elon Musk is doing to the federal government

 Yet, he's making headlines for wanting access to the nation's checkbook. Top Treasury Official Exits as Musk makes grabs for federal payment system What????!!!  I wouldn't trust that man with my own checkbook let alone the nations!

 I barely listen to the news, and I've unfriended people on Facebook. Mostly the idiots that get their news from Facebook and do not research a damn thing on their own because they're either too stupid to see what is happening in our country or ......well, I think I'll just leave it at "too stupid".   

My anxiety cannot handle this despite all my yogic meditation, breathing techniques. I'm going to buy wine, a LOT of wine, and be in a drunken stupor for the next four years; I just need to make sure its domestic wine and not imported. Dammit!!  

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Today was definitely a Monday cleverly disguised as a Tuesday; I hate it when that happens.  

It's my early week, meaning I need to be in the office by 7am.  I've never minded it; most of the staff, excluding correctional officers, don't start rolling in until 730 or 8am.  That's changed recently though.  

The Warden is a huge advocate for flexibility in the workplace. We offer our correctional officers the choice or working 8, 10, 0r 12-hour shifts.  There are some, including myself, that enjoy a flex schedule, which means that more and more people are coming in at 7am and doing 10-hour or 12-hour workdays. I've been doing ta flex schedule for 20 years and absolutely love it.  Another lady and I in my office alternately work four 9-hour days and a 4-hour Friday. I usually book my Friday afternoons up with appointments or take annual leave for 4 hours and give myself a 3-day weekend.  

I hit the ground running at 6:45 (yes, I was early!)  and didn't get to drink my coffee until 930am. Trust me, that is not a good thing for my co-workers.  Then I got pulled into two meetings today that literally were a waste of time; everything could have been handled with an email. I don't like wasting time when I have other pressing things that need my attention.

Since we're short a person in the office, we've had to readjust workload; essentially, it's all hands-on deck.  The crew I have right now work well together.  We have a good communication style between us, we know each other's strengths, weaknesses and workload. Human Resources mucked up on the paperwork to reclassify the open position, which means another delay for it go through the hiring committee, which means a delay in posting the job.  I had hoped to have someone in the position by the end of February; it isn't looking very promising.  One of my girls will be out on maternity leave starting in mid-July, I keep reminding HR of that fun little bit of information; but it's State government, nothing moves quickly unless you're in an actual panic situation.  They'll be panicking if I am down two people in July!  Just sayin!

Monday, January 20, 2025

Today was  Martin Luther King Jr holiday.  It was the Inauguration of the President. I avoided watching any of the coverage - I just couldn't stand to watch the egotistical, narcissistic clown.   It's going to be a long four years!  

It was so cold outside (-19) for a high temperature; I canceled any appointments I had for the day and stayed home.  Rather than watch the Inauguration, I chose to do some serious puttering around the house. I cleaned and organized the bathroom cabinets and drawers, did the same for my office - including filing the 2024 documents and setting up for 2025.  It's always a good feeling to get some cleaning and organizing done. I'm such an outdoor nut that I cannot stand to do "indoor" projects in the summer or spring, so I take advantage of the winter months to do all the projects; what doesn't get done by April just has to wait until the following winter.  

Blaine Update:  He didn't break his ankle after all; he severely sprained his ankle and knee.  He'll be out of work for at least a few more weeks then go back to work as a 'people greeter' until his ankle and knee are healed to the point where he can do carts again. Wal-Mart has been awesome to him and have told him that he doesn't need to worry about his job.  He was concerned.  As he put it to me the other day, "If I don't have my job, then I can kiss my apartment goodbye."  His family will always provide him a safety net to some degree - but he knows that earning his own way in life is key to the things he wants - an apartment scooter, cell phone, etc.  He's pretty self-sufficient for being intellectually challenged. I'm beyond proud of him and what he has become.

Terry and Marna are in the process of moving into town; they're moving in the absolute coldest part of the year. Terry is stressed to the max, which I can understand.  He just wants it done! Luckily Blaine has been able to be with them a little bit and help as much as he can.  His getting injured was kind of a good thing in one respect; Terry and Blaine needed some bonding time. 

 I try to take each day as it happens and live in the moment; this wasn't always the case. Yours truly has battled anxiety quite a bit in the past, especially the last 12 years. While I am thankful for the medications, which provided me a modicum of relief from the stress, I knew that they were not the answer.  It has taken me countless hours of reflection and meditation to learn to 'protect my peace.' Most days I am pretty good at letting things roll off my back, other days, not so much. Those are the days when I repeatedly say to myself "Inhale peace and let the Universe handle the rest."  I'm not going to lie, the seasonal stuff (S.A.D) is rearing its ugly head right now, especially with the artic blast. I don't like to pass time away; it goes far too fast as it is. However, I cannot wait until the daylight gets longer and the temperatures aren't so brutal. I know it's a reoccurring theme every year at this time, just as I know that I always survive and come out stronger. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

 It's another cold day in the northland. I did manage to get to the gym this morning for a pretty intense workout.  It was good but my legs felt like jelly afterwards. 

I'm in relatively good health for 62 yrs old and I'd like to keep it that way.  I have an appointment with my kidney specialist tomorrow; nothing serious, just a checkup on my labs to make sure my kidneys are doing what they're supposed to be doing and to keep an eye on kidney stone development.  I have an affinity for kidney stones, and they tend to put in me in the hospital with sepsis.  That is not a fun experience.  

Blaine is in town while his parents (my brother and sister-in-law) start the process of moving into town. I took him out for lunch and heard all about his accident with ice.  He is in quite a bit of pain still but it is manageable with Tylenol.  His MRI is this Wednesday, which should determine further course of medical care and/or how long he'll be out of work.   Walmart has assured Blaine and his parents that he'll be given a 'greeter' job while his ankle rehabs.  Blaine said that being a greeter is 'for sissys". LOL    

My heart aches for the people in California that have lost their homes and their livelihood.   I can't imagine, nor do I want to. I'll donate money to the Red Cross; I wish I could do more, but it's something at least.  

This week I'll be losing an employee; her last day is Wednesday.   It'll leave us short staffed for a bit until we can get the job reclassified and posted.  It'll be busy for a while, but we've gone through it before and managed just fine.  Hopefully we'll get some great applicants with a specific skill set that will enhance our office and the team.  

I'm hoping this week will be good week.  

Saturday, January 4, 2025

You Are In Love Eras Tour 8/4 Sofi Stadium (surprise song)

This song makes me smile and happy.   I am happy for her.  She is a brilliant bright light in this world and that is something that is so needed in today's world. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

 I always struggle with some people's work ethic, or lack thereof. I've always been raised with the mindset that if there is work to be done, and you can do do it.  You don't put it off until later (unless it's dusting or folding clothes!), you don't wait for 'someone else to do it', and you certainly do not say "that's not my job".  None of those flew around my father and mother and it certainly does not fly with me.  

Society has gotten lazy. No one seems to want to work or put forth an effort to even appear to work.  It's disheartening.  It's sad and pathetic. Not to mention frustrating as hell for those of us who do the work.  Perhaps the lazy are the smart ones?  They know how to get out of work by portraying laziness so the hustlers of the world get bent out of shape and say "fuck it! I'll just go ahead and do it myself.".   

I've seen it in my work environment, which is a medium security prison.  Laziness and lack of respect for the job is's dangerous.  And yet, we have officers that skip doing rounds (which are required) on time, they can't accurately perform count of inmates (because they're lazy and/or probably do not know how to count), exerting themself to go above and beyond what is required of them is unheard of in their realm.   These are the people that are supposed to have my back when I walk on a floor with 97 male inmates; Hardly a comforting thought.  

I don't remember it being this bad 10-15 years ago.  What changed in society to make it socially and morally acceptable to be lazy?   Did my parent's generation think these things when they were my age?  Is it a generational thing?  

And what's even more scary is this:  The people who work the hardest, for the least pay, are often immigrants here on a work Visa or (yes, I'm going to say it)....illegal immigrants; all of which Trump wants to deport.    Bet the Maga Trumpers (who generally think in the terms of $$ in their wallet) wasn't thinking about the cost of fruits and vegetables rising astronomically due to the shortage or farm laborers trying to get crops off the field.   

You sure as hell don't see white people out there picking vegetables and fruits; some can't be bothered to even do the jobs that they have.  

I'm mad.  And everyone in 'Merica should be scared as hell regarding the direction this country is taking.

Thursday, January 2, 2025


 After an extended time away, I'm back to writing on my blog...well, at least until I drop off the face of blogland again.  

I cannot seem to find the time to write consistently.  I have plenty of content, I mean my life is horribly busy so I should have plenty to write about. I always have something to say (just ask the people around me). 

Today's January 2nd, 2025.  Unbelievable.  

I'm on annual leave today and tomorrow.  After a busy Christmas, it felt like my mind and body needed to downshift a bit.   I don't have anything spectacularly fun planned, just resetting and relaxation.  And music.  And a book.  And the gym. (Always the gym). 

So what have I been up to? 

  • I've been obsessed with Taylor Swift and the Eras Tour
    • Literally combing the interweb for videos, pictures, alllll things Taylor
      • No, I didn't go to her concert. But I have watched it on Disney like 5 times.
        • Favorite Song, "Style"
          • New favorite non-Eras Tour song, "You're in Love"
  • It's winter, which means that I'm driving Blaine around since he parked his scooter.
    • Sad note, he fell on the ice yesterday and injured his ankle badly.
      • Visit to the Orthopedic Dr tomorrow to determine if hairline fracture or small broken bone.  He's off work for at least a week, longer if it's broken.
  • My supervisor retired in May. (Not sad about that).
    • I've taken on a supervisory/mentor role in the office.
      • Cross training staff is paramount, time consuming, but worth it. 
        • I just finished up 25 years at the prison. I'm 62 and probably have another 2-3 years in me. lol
  • Health is good
    • I did retire from teaching yoga though. I just have too much going on and it's been like 20 years that I've held space for my students.  It's time to hold space for me. Yes, I'm selfish!
  • Tom is good, stubborn but good. 
  • Family is good
  • I'm laughing at all the Maga Trumpsters who are getting what they voted for (idiots).
    • Unfortunately, it also means I'm getting what they voted for.
  • Life is good.
  • I'm sure there's more but it's past my 62 yr old bedtime and I'm tired. LOL

And just like that, the year of January has ended. Thank goodness! It was long, cold, dark and depressing! February shows promise of what is...