Showing posts with label Random Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random Thoughts. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Sometimes words fail me. Oh perhaps the more accurate statement is my voice fails me.   I am a relatively smart person.  I have fairly good grasp of the English language, my vocabulary is broad, I'm knowledgeable of current events, I'm well read, and I have opinions.

With all of that going for me, I find it difficult to speak - with a modicum of intelligence - in certain instances.   

I listen as others voice opinions.  I have my own.  But I seldom voice them.  On the rare occasion that I do, I find myself feeling uncomfortable and uneasy.   I hear a voice in my head saying "you're not interesting enough for them to listen to you," or I feel all eyes on me and I want to shrink in to the background.

I've taught classes in front of hundreds of insurance professionals, I've taught software demonstrations to insurance agents, taught yoga to hundreds of students, stress management to correctional employees and never batted an eye.   But to voice an opinion in a group of people?  Oh  Hell No!  LOL

My father used to say that if you wanted to lose family and friendships, all you needed to do was 1) loan them money and 2) talk politics and religion.    Two things, I might add, that my father never did.   Perhaps I'm taking after my  father?     Opinions should be kept to myself, yes?   Or do I fear losing people close to me by telling them how I really feel.   

Then there is the old adage:  "Better to let them think you a fool, than to open mouth and prove it."    Maybe that is where I get my reservation from.    

I'm a strong, articulate woman.....who is perfectly fine letting others speak their minds.   I'll keep my opinions to myself, I won't lose relationships, and no one will think I'm the fool!  😉

Friday, June 19, 2020

Picking up Sticks

I've been spending some time with a friend, Toni.  Toni is 74 years old.  I first met Toni several years ago when she did a story on me (teaching yoga) for the local paper.  Since then, our paths have crossed several times throughout the years.   Most recently, she was a student in my Friday afternoon senior yoga classes. After I stopped teaching that class, we kept in touch.

Toni has led a very interesting life - a life that hasn't always been the easiest for her.  I think, if truth be told, none of us have had the easiest of lives.  Of course, perspective enters in to that as well.  What may be difficult for some, may be considered as a cake walk for others.

Last Saturday I picked Toni up and we attended the Kite Festival.  It was a perfect day for it as the ND wind was blowing at hurricane levels.   We sat in the car mostly and watched the stunning kites dance in the wind.  I'm always fascinated by the movement - so mesmerizing and freeing.

We had a great time, talking and conversions about life.  It wasn't long and our conversation turned to energy, specifically the energy of others, and the affect it has on us.  Toni said something that resonated with me.   "We have to learn not to pick up the stick."    When I asked her to clarify what she meant, she said again, "Don't pick up the stick, Sherry."    

Toni, a former writer for the local paper has the most unique and amazing way or looking at things.  

She gave an appropriate analogy; Imagine yourself on top of a tree looking down at the ground after a wind storm.  There are branches strewn everywhere on the ground from the turbulent wind. .  From on top of the tree, they look small and insignificant to you.  You think they are manageable and easy to carry, if you were to pick one of them up from the ground.   But as you descend to the ground, the twigs become larger branches. If you were to pick one up, it be would be difficult - heavy and cumbersome to carry.  That, she said, is your choice; to pick up the branch.    The stick, of course, is the energy (negativity) of others.  

The same goes for my own sticks, in this case - emotions or feelings.. She offered another appropriate analogy.  I'm sitting on the banks of a flowing river.   If I look up stream, I can see sticks in the river flowing in my direction.   They may look smaller in size, but as they draw closer, their size increases and they are, in fact, branches.  I can choose to pluck the branch from the river and carry it, or let it float by until it gets smaller in the distance and disappears from site.  My choice....pick up the stick, or let it pass.  

I explained that I am a classic Virgo and it's in my nature to want to help others - to want to be a caring and compassionate person.  But it wounds my heart  when people call me and the entire conversation is all about them and their problems and I rarely hear, "and how are you doing".    It wouldn't sting so bad if it was an occasional thing, but it happens with some people over and over again.

Tonie, in her infinite wisdom smiled and said,, "of course they would do this to are carrying their sticks!"  

Wise one, that Toni, wise one.  

I had a conversation with a very close and dear friend this week about cutting toxic people from my life.  (They are not one that needs to be cut, by the way - just to clarify if they're reading this!).   They definitely agreed that some people can be draining and toxic....woefully so, I'm afraid...and it may be time to distance from a few people ....and let them learn to carry their own sticks.   

As for me, I'll try very hard to only pick up sticks that serve my purpose - the happy sticks, and to let the anger, judgement, guilt, sadness, mistrust, etc float by on the river.   

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sherry's Top 10

I'm going to start a Sherry's Top 10 corner.  Hopefully.  We'll see how many top ten things I can come up with so that I can keep it going.  I'll post here in the body of the blog as well as make a seperate page on the side so you can check back periodically and see what if I've changed anything.  lol

So here goes.

Sherry's Top 10 Pet Peeves!

10:  People who chew food or gum with their mouth open. 
9: People who eavesdrop on conversations then ask you all kinds of questions about the conversation that they overheard.  If I want you to know my business, I'll tell you!
8: When I can't find the mate to my socks.
7:  Going to use (insert item here) and finding an empty container.  Really?!
6:  People who do not know how to properly use a 4-way stop. 
5: Sales clerks who "hover."
4:  Flat tires when I'm running late for work.
3: Finding a product that I really, really love in a store only to find that the manufacturer has discontinued it.
2:  Those supposed friends who will dart in to another aisle so they don't have to speak to me.  Seriously, you're no longer a friend if you have to do that.  Sorry for your loss. 
1: Know it all people. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

As The Mist Leaves No Scar


As the mist leaves no scar
On the dark green hill,
So my body leaves no scar
On you, nor ever will.

When wind and hawk encounter,
What remains to keep?
So you and I encounter,
Then turn, then fall to sleep.

As many nights endure
Without a moon or star,
So will we endure
When one is gone and far.

-Leonard Cohen

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fuel for the tummy!

As I sit on my lunch break and feed my face...I get an email from a fitness friend about "fueling your body" like you would fuel your car.  Long trips require more fuel and short trips require less.

This gets me to thinking. 

That homemade pizza on Saturday was worth at least a couple of trips around the world! Lol

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Torn Between Two Trainers

Yes, it has happened to me.  I'm stuck between the fabulous Jayme, who works me hard, makes me sweat and gives me the attention that I'm seeking in the gym.  And Jarad, the intense but quiet one who encourages and advises me in to each and every exercise with the pride of a coach sending his team out to battle for the first time.

Ok, so I'm a little melodramatic here.  LOL   But yes, I am torn between Jayme and Jarad.  Now, if you saw both of these young men, you would probably say that being between them isn't such a bad place to be.  (hmm, Who said that?!).

Jayme had to take a break for a few weeks due to injuries and recertification.  Jarad competently stepped up to the plate and took me under his wing.  I learned something new from him each and every time we met.

I kinda like that....the learning  part.  I should actually be  writing all of their tips and wisdom down so when it comes time for me to fly solo (shudders at the thought!), I will have something to guide me. 

But I digress. 

The point is, I was getting used to Jarad and his softspoken ways, but killer workouts.  We were building a repoire with each other.  I began to trust him.


Jayme calls me Sunday night.   "When can I see you next week?"

My heart sank to my toes.  "What about Jarad?" I ask...feeling guilty for stepping out on my new trainer, yet excited to be back with Jayme.

"You're my client, Jarad was just there for you temporarily until I could get my issues cleared up."  Ahhh, a man who takes charge.  Not entirely a bad thing, when I'm willing to let go and let him lead.

He senses my hesitation.  "Unless you want to continue with Jarad?" 

Oh noooo..... there it is!  The "don't you want me anymore?" hurt in his voice. 

I panic.  What do I say?  (Think fast Sherry!)

"No, I want to be back with you" I whisper...almost as if I'm afraid Jarad was listening the conversation.   "Who will tell or me?"  I ask hesitantly.

"I will let him know that you'll be on my schedule" Jayme says, "See you on Tuesday, be ready to rock!"

And rock we did!  Three sets, 10-12 reps, alternating weights, 20 minutes of cardio and a whole lot of sweat.

I wonder if Jarad will take me back.  LOL!

Just kidding guys!  You both rock in my book and I'm happy to call you my trainers.  Jarad, when Jayme leaves me again (he graduates in May), you're my guy...I promise!  :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

But I Don't Want To!

Why is it when I get going on a project, I look at the clock and it says 11:30 pm.  All my adult sensibilities say "Go to bed Sherry, 5 AM comes awfully early."

Then my inner child kicks in and protests, kicking and scremaning, "But I don't WANNA go to bed yet, I'm not tired!"

Guess which one wins.  LOL

Goodnight Blog Stalkers....sweet dreams! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Even I Have Limits!

No denying it; I love food.  Haven't met a food I don't like yet.  Oh wait!  I take that back.  I'm not a fan of liver and onions. (blech!)

What I've noticed though is this....  you want people to open up and relax, there are two safe topics to discuss:  food and the weather.    Am I wrong here?? 

Now, I'm all about food. My lifelong battle with weight and weight loss pretty much is a testament to just how much I LOVE food.  But there are somethings that just do NOT go together.

1) Pickles and Chocolate Cake.   (I guess if you're pregnant it has merit)
2) Pineapple Pizza.   (That's just wrong!)
3) Apple Pie and Cheese (Why?)
4) Radish and Bread Sandwiches (Sorry Dad, I thought it was strange as a kid and I STILL think it's strange!)
5) Potato chips in soda pop (My brother like this.  I know.  Keep in mind you can't pick your family).
6) Bacon and Peanut Butter sandwiches.  (Ewwwwww!!)

Now, I'm not a food snob, and I'm generally an adventurous person.  Hell, I'll try anything once to say that "I've tried it and I still don't like it!"  but seriously, some of these combinations are just plain not right.

But, to those that think they're the best thing since the beginning of time, you all go for it.  I'll be waiting in the sidelines with the Tums and Rolaids for ya!  :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Devil Woman.

My left eye is red and bloodshot ...makes me look slightly demonic.  I have no idea what I did to it.  Blew a blood vessel perhaps?  Scratched it in my sleep?  No idea...but it certainly has been a topic of conversation today. 

Oh...and I haven't had this many people look so deeply in to my eyes since when I fell off the picnic table at campout.  (Some stories are better left untold!)I :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Even Yoginis Get Sick

Its hard to keep a good woman down...and tonight I'm down.  I even cancelled my yoga classes tonight.

What has me down? Stomach blues and headache woes. Hubster had it yesterday ...logic would say I got it from him.  Thanks honey!

My stomach blues are subsiding but ended up taking my migraine medication a bit ago.  Though its helping some its not going away.  I hate migraines!

Hope I get better so I can go to work tomorrow!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

What a weekend!

Yesterday was beautiful.  I picked up my mother in law and we had our usual Saturday outing to the grocery store then out for lunch.  Me with my customary bowl of soup and her with her 1/2 of a hot pork sandwich.  She was hungry cuz she gobbled it up in no time flat.  She needs it..I think she weighs 100 lbs IF she is lucky.

I had planned to go to the gym, but then my nephew Blaine called and asked "what are you doing?"  When he says that, I always know he really doesn't care what I'm doing, but rather how he can relay to me that what he wants to do is far better than anything I may have planned.  It worked. 

I picked Blaine up and up to WalMart we went to cruise the aisles for my much needed household items. While, I might add, he chatted me up and down the aisles.  My guy so likes to talk!  But he had me in stitches when he asked me, "Do you need any Red Solo Cups?"  I lost it right then and there!  Of course, he was said it innocently as we were standing right by the red Solo cups. LOL  I, however,  was reminded of the song "Red Solo Cup" by Toby Keith and started to sing "commence to party."  (Those of you who know me well KNOW that I do NOT sing! but that moment dictated that I step outside my comfort zone!) LOL  It was priceless because he started did the other three people standing beside us! 

From there we went up to IDK for a beer.  And heck...why not hot wings and french fries too!  We were there anyways!  He is so well known that I swear half the patrons of the IDK said "Hey Blaine" as we walked in.   I dropped him off at my sisters place as they were going to watch the KU (Kansas University) basketball game.  Peggy, of course, has loyalties to the team because Karen did her Masters through KU.  I left them alone to drink and holler at the TV, refs, players and anyone else that was causing KU to be behind in the game.  Their rantings and yelling musta worked cuz KU pulled it out of their asses in OT.  Way to go Jayhawks!

Needless to say, getting to the gym didn't happen.  But when the diversion is Blaine, I'll gladly give up the gym anytime!
Today, I PLANNED on going to the gym this afternoon, but this stupid thing called SNOW arrived in the north land.  Epic Fail!  So here I am, updating my blogs, cooking a nice ham dinner, listening to music and giving my body a much needed break from exercise for a few days (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

I'll prepare for the week ahead in a couple hours but for now, I'm relaxing and thinking good thoughts. 

Lazy Sunday's are good once in a while.  I need to remember to take more of them.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

It decides..

To!  Don't know what to think about this.  Moisture is good but I'm not liking this stuff so much.  At least I don't have to be out in it feeding cattle or shoveling side walks or anything.

Other than the white stuff, the day is going good...busy but good.  Thursdays are actually one of my favorite days...its a prelude to the weekend! Duh!

Agenda tonight is to survive my training session with Jayme who promised to kick my ass.  I trust him to do it too!

Im going to eat my nutritious yet unsatisfying lunch now!  Have a great day.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Brick by Brick

Ok, so most of you blog stalkers know me as a procrastinating perfectionist.  What is it again?  Definition by Sherry is as follows: "If I can't do it right, and in my time frame, I don't do it at all."  Makes perfect sense to me.  Or did.  Until recently.

I'm trying to run.  (Trying being the operative word!).   I do well in the gym.  Outside...ya, not so much! 

I went for a leisurely stroll around the park yesterday.  I was frustrated because I couldn't find my stride, I couldn't breathe "right", and it didn't feel good to me at all.  Here is where the "procrastinating perfectionist" rears it's ugly head.  Because I couldn't do it the way I WANTED or BELIEVED it should be, I wanted to give up.  See me...I want it and I want it now!! (Ok, so I'm also an impatient procrastinating perfectionist!) :)

Thank gawd for friends though!

I've read many of my "athletic" or "runner's" facebook posts (shout outs to Rick, Travis and Brittanyand Glenn) as they always talk about building on the run, improving on their time, building up their stamina and their endurance.  They build on their runs brick by brick.  Minute by minute, mile by mile, one footstep at a time.

A friend recently said to me, "running should be fun, it's just natural movement".  Hmmmm.  That made me stop and think for a bit (Ok, I was gasping for air at the time so it seemed perfectly fine to me that I should stop and think while gasping!)  :)

I remember when, as a child, I would burst in to a run and pick a destination and just laugh with joy when I got there.  Ok, so maybe I was with other kids and it was a race, but I remember it being fun!  I never thought about it, I just did it. 

My trainer Jayme (hey, if you're reading this...Hi!" ) says all the time to me, "Get after it and do it Sherry!". 

Perhaps that's the same mentality I need to apply to the run.  Don't care about how many strides I need to take before I can breath, don't think about how far I'm going, how fast I'm going, or how I look as I'm doing it.  Just go out and have fun.  If I run for the pure joy of running, maybe everything else will fall in to place.

On the sister blog:  I talk about the living moment and enjoying those moments of pleasure that take on a life of their own.  Maybe, just maybe, I need to take my own advice.  Instead of worrying about the run, maybe I should take note of the wind in my hair, the breeze on my face, the crispness of the cold air in my lungs and the sound of my feet hitting the pavement. 

When I live in the moment, that is when things are built, "brick by brick".

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I did it!

I didn't say the words "I can't" to my trainer tonight...although I was seriously tempted as he kept raising the incline and increasing the speed of my treadmill interval workout tonight. 

I don't know if he was blowing smoke up my ass or not, but he told me the treadmill workout I did tonight was one used as conditioning training by the Jimmies (football team).   I'm pretty proud of  the fact that:
  1. I didn't die  (that's pretty huge and important, I'd say!)
  2. I didn't quit
  3. I didn't say "I can't"
He told me..."give me 100% and I'll give you 110% Sherry!  You got this!"   I may have lost my breath a few times, and taken a .45 second break (instead of .30)...but I jumped right back on the horse and did what he asked me to do. 

Was I tired?  Hell ya!
Was I dripping with sweat?  Undoubtedly
Was I glad I finished?  Incredibly
Was I proud of myself?  Words can't describe how I felt!

I tapped in to my psyche and pulled out some incredibly willpower tonight.  I CAN do this!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

It's been said a thousand million times today, I'm sure.   I, for one, can't wait for the new beginnings the new year has to offer.  That is, if I'm willing to stick with my resolutions. 

Yes, I said the word...resolutions.  I normally don't make them because I feel each and every day should be a new beginning.  A chance to wipe the slate clean and make new decisions, better ones, that we can build on each and every day.  

But this year, I decided to make a's pretty broad and open.  It is simply, "To Live."

I've always been a "grab life by the horns and wrestle with it" kind of gal.   Those who know me, know that I don't like to take a back seat in the arena.  So how in the world can I possibly expand anymore with this "To Live" resolution.

Quite honestly, I'm not sure.   All I know is that I turn 50 this year and, although it's not thee end of the world,  I don't want to hit 50 and wonder "what did I do with my life."

So, I'm going to live!  Live like it's my last day on earth.  If I want to learn to eat with chopsticks, I'm going to do it.  If I want to sing Karaoke even though I sing like a hyena, I'm going to do it.  I'm going to dance like I'm in a blender and I don't give a damn if anyone likes it or not. 

In the words of my sky jumping cousin Ryan, "I'm going to Live Large or go home!"

Pay attention now....let me know if you see a difference.  It means you're paying attention..  :)

The living moment is everything. ~D.H. Lawrence

Monday, December 5, 2011

Colder Weather

Now, I absolutely love the song "Colder Weather" by the Zac Brown Band.  I am not, however, in love with the colder weather happening outside at the present moment. 

Although I know it could always be worse, this first cold blast of Arctic air is always a shock to the system.  That being said, I'm a native of this frozen tundra.  I know what to expect and I know that after a few days/weeks of the frigid temperatures, 20 degrees will feel like a heat wave.

I've had the opportunity to befriend a new officer working at my facility.  He is from  New York, but his heritage is from West Africa.  

Now, if I AM cold, can you imagine what he is feeling?  LOL

It's really all good though.  Last year at this time we had a foot of snow on the ground.  Last night we  received a dusting of snow.  I can handle that.  Bring on the colder weather and leave the snow for someone else.  After the last three winters, I'm kinda diggin the thought of a brown Christmas. LOL



Sunday, December 4, 2011

So much to write..

..and I do not know where to start.

As you may guess from the tag line, my life has been quite hectic...yet again. 

I had training two days last week on Motivational Interviewing - a communication skill used to dig "deeper" in to conversation.  In my work setting, it's geared towards inmates and getting them to see the "bigger picture."  In order to effectively use this skill, we had to practice using the skills on each other by interviewing each other on "target behaviors" we wanted to change in ourselves.  I picked "over scheduling."  Surprise, surprise.

When I was interviewed by a few of the team members in my group, they kept asking or intimating if I was dissatisfied with my life or unhappy with the things that I was doing.  I simply laughed.  My response to both were, "No, I am not dissatisfied with what I'm doing, I just want to do MORE of what I'm doing..therein lies the problem!"  Pure and simple.

For those that know me, and know me well, you know that I'm a go-getter.  I don't like to sit down, I  want to be going and doing and...and..quite simply..Living Life!!

One of the individuals says, "and why is that a problem?"  My response, "To me, it's not..but I don't want it to become a problem either." 

So what has been taking up my time recently?  In general, it's LIFE.  Work, family, friends, keeping up with things on the home front (laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc), teaching yoga, bookwork, emails, phone calls, holidays now that they're upon us, gym, training with Casey (more on that later), and just general stuff. 

My overscheduling comes in when I try and fit too many things in to my week.  Recently I had one...count it..ONE night out of seven.  What did I do?  I scheduled in time with some of my family, met up with some friends, and went home to hubster  (who was asked but didn't want to join in on the meeting with friends and family) to watch a movie and eat popcorn.

My dilemna is I feel bad for neglecting my husband, family and friends.  It's no secret that I teach yoga and go to the gym in an effort to keep healthy in both mind and body.  It wasn't always a priority for me and I damn near lost my life because I wasn't healthy in either mind or body.   When I do get spare time, I try to schedule things so I am not one of those poeple who "isn't there for anyone."... know what I mean?  I can only hope that those who love me, know me, and support me in my quest to live life to the fullest.

What else is going on?

Well, I'm losing my 4th trainer - Casey - in a few weeks.  :(   I'm seriously going to miss this young man.  We bonded immediately and he's become a good friend as well as an awesome trainer.  He will be graduating or leaving JC December 15th...which means he'll also be leaving Anytime Fitness.   We had a training session last week that was hilarious.  He whipped off his "TRAINER" shirt and commenced to working out right alongside me.  Rep for rep, set for set.  Of course, he had to show off and do heavier weights.  LOL  I gave him as much grief as he gave me.  We were both laughing so hard ...but I loved every minute of it.   I have two session left with him I think.  I'm going to have to think of a great going away/thank you gift to give him.  Anyone have any ideas?

Enough for now...going to go chill out for a bit and get ready for another hectic week ahead.  :)

Love to all!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

This is so cool!!!

A couple of weeks ago I was talking with my trainer, Casey, that I seemed to be hitting a wall in my workouts.  He, in typical fashion, said "work harder."   No shit Sherlock!

Then he suggested that I get a heart rate monitor so that I could see how long I was in the zone and how hard I was working.

Great idea....I immediately went home and started shopping and came up with the "Polar FT-4"

This is a cool little unit!!  First of all, it's pretty pink...  and it does everything but sing to me.  (I'm sure it does that too if I could figure out how to run all the features on it!"

Anywho...tonight at the gym I strapped this baby on for the third time and commenced to working out.

Casey and I had already decided determined that my heartrate zone should be between 128 (min) -148 (max).   I asked what happened if I went in to the 150's and Casey says, "go for it, just don't die on my watch."  Gotta love that guy!  LOL

So...back to my story.

Tonight I was definitely looking to step things up a notch.  And I did just that!

Duration:  1:15:54
Calories: 514
In Zone: 49:11
Average HR: 138
Maximum HR: 156

Keep in mind that this was not all cardio....I was lifting 3 sets of 12-15 reps on legs and arms.

Not bad for a 49 yr old yoga instructor!  

Monday, November 7, 2011


This whole time change thing is really messing with my head.  It was rather nice this morning to actually drive to work in the daylight.   However, having dusk at 6pm in the evening bites!  Just sayin!

I'm not one to suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), but if I was, I'd be moving to someplace that is sunny and warm ALL the time.   Come to think of it, maybe I'll just move to some place sunny and warm anyways! lol

Now, in an attempt to be fair and positive, I'm going to sit down and find five GOOD things to say about this time change and the dwindling daylight hours.

1) Driving to work in daylight at 7:30 was pleasant.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

What? It's been THAT long?

OK, I know that I've been busy, but this is ridiculous!  I didn't realize that my last published post to this blog was September 29th.  Sheeeeeshhh!!!  My bad, folks!

I need to get better at sitting down and writing something every day so you blog stalkers (you know who you are!) have more insight to my quirky mind!  ;)

So, what has been going on?   Family, yoga, family, yoga, work, exercise, family, yoga, yoga, and more yoga. 

OK.  End of post!   JUST KIDDING!!  lol 

The month of October started out with my cousins Valerie and Keith coming from California so that Keith could experience bow hunting (deer) North Dakota style.   He left without a deer.  lol.   Hey...that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.  However, he may have left without a deer, but he and his sister Valerie left some pretty freaking fantastic memories of what us NoDak cousins are all about. 

I took three days off from work so that I could spend time with my cousins and I thoroughly enjoyed every minutes.  Saying goodbye was tough to do though.  

The very next week was the annual Schulz Oktoberfest held at The Bunker.  As usual, it's all about getting together, having some food (duh!  We ARE Schulz's!!) and drink (uhhh...hello!!  Schulz +.Oktoberfest =Beer!).  Besides that, it's about family.  I wouldn't trade those moments with my family for all the gold in the world.  They mean everything to me!

We were missing a few this year:  Shelly, Randy, Glenn, Michael, and Joan.   We'll hope that next year brings us all together and in good health.

As I'm writing this, I just finished my first every yoga retreat.  You'll have to go to my yoga blog to read all about and see just a few of the pictures from the weekend (more will be posted later).

So ya, October was a busy month for me to say the least.  Truth be told, November isn't looking much better. LOL  Oh least I'm living life to the fullest and not watching it pass me by. 

Until next time my friends,


And just like that, the year of January has ended. Thank goodness! It was long, cold, dark and depressing! February shows promise of what is...