Sunday, April 15, 2018


We are, if we are very lucky in life, to have a group of people with whom we have forged tight bonds and friendships.    These bonds - connections - are forged through shared experiences, similarities, and affection.  Trust is earned, and these people have earned our trust.  They know your dirt - and they still like you.  

We are fortunate to have these people as support systems, to help us navigate through the mine field of life.  We call upon them in troubling times to listen, offer advice, to laugh with or to shoot straight from the hip with the "what were you thinking!".    Those of us fortunate enough to have such people in our life, cannot fathom life without them.   

I have many acquaintances in life, but a very VERY tight circle of friends with whom I have this trust, connection.    They are my tribe.   Each has a significant role in my life; each brings with them their own particular strength and wisdom which I need in my life to help me through whatever trials or tribulations I may be experiencing.   

These connections are precious.   They need nurturing; they need tending as much as a farmer tends his crops.   Sporadic contact will not feed these connections; they will starve and fall dead to us.  We must also assume that even the closely tended friendships evolve and change throughout the different stages of life each of us goes through.  I firmly believe that people are brought in to lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.   Some may leave us because their reason or season has served their purpose.   It is the way of life - perpetual change.   But oh, those that stick with us, see us through the muck, day in- day out, they are the lifers...the lifetime friends that you hold on to with both hands and never let go matter what.

You came in to my life when I was searching for my soul,
my darkest hours had me shaken to the core.
Your gentleness, your kindness reaffirmed in me
everything I was, everything I believed,
was something to be treasured,
a me, proud to be.

Your faith in me, your trust
was all I needed to see,
that in you, in us,
our friendship was to be.

A reason, a season,
a lifetime will it be?  
The answer remains to be seen,
You makes no difference,
you're a friend
to me.
April 15, 2018

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Little Trips

T and I had the most marvelous time in Minneapolis....Owatana...this weekend.   Thanks to an understanding and gracious supervisor, I was able to take the entire day (Friday) off from work so that we could leave a bit earlier and make the trek.  

The roads were a bit frightful for the first 30 miles, but after that they were fine.   Of course, the brutal cold and the wind were another thing.   Despite that, we had a great time.   

We've been going to the Gopher  State Archeological Society's annual show for the last 15 years or so.  It had been a  time to get away from the farm for at least 24 hours (when we were ranching/farming) and to show off part of T's collection of artifacts.   It was probably our only time away from the farm.  

He looks forward to it every year - and so do I.  We've met so many wonderful people through the years; there's always a comradery amongst collectors and like-minded people.   They're always so supportive of each other's collections, finds, trials and tribulations.   They speak their own language of hammers, axes, Clovis points, bird points, grinding stones, dovetails, patina, pottery, beads, bone owls.  And of course, each can't wait to show the others the "find of a lifetime."

T's collection is just as good, if not better, than a lot who display there.   It's so fun to watch him meander around the room and visit the other tables.   Of course, I'm along to mind our own tables, which allows him to leave and do his visiting.  I don't mind at all.  In fact, I enjoy it.  I've learned a thing or two throughout the last 29 years.  I can hold my own when visitors come to our table and ask questions.  But T is ever watchful and is quick to return to the table if he notices a crowd gathering around our display tables.   When it's quiet, I have my nose stuck in a book.

There are very few wives that come with their husbands to these shows or auctions.   I wouldn't even dream of not attending with him, unless there was a conflict in schedules (as was the case last year).   I enjoy it as much of he does, and I'm quite proud of him and his knowledge on the subject and his collection.  

Perhaps the best part is the uninterrupted driving time.  Other than the occasional ccellphone call, it's just the two of us, alone.  Sometimes we talk, sometimes we don't.  We figure out some problems, sometimes we create them.  But most importantly, we're communicating and we are together.   

Friday, April 6, 2018

New Goal

I should be further along in my my health/fitness goals than I am.  I keep seeing the scale yo-yo between five pounds lost/gained.   In truth, I'm not as concerned about the scale as I am my over all health and fitness. 

I can blame a host of things - like weather, depression, schedule, age - but it all boils down to determination, willpower and the desire to stay healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.

So, now that I made the declaration yesterday (on my Instagram account), what am I going to do to achieve my goals?)

Well, it all starts with a plan, right?   Here's mine.

  1. Portion Control
  2. More vegetables/limited fruits
  3. Less processed (white sugar, white flour) foods
  4. More protein, fish, nuts, legumes

  1. Trainer 2x per week
  2. Weekend workouts (Sat, Sun)
  3. After May 19th (when yoga ends), add in 1 or 2 fitness classes at the gym 
  4. Cycling. - lots and lots of cycling

  1.  Believe everything happens for a reason and is life is as it should be in the moment
  2. Work is a job, it isn't my life.
  3.  Enjoy life, stress less.
  4.  Smile, laugh, dance, sing
  5.  Live the best me that I can be every day.  
  6.  Be true to me

Pretty tall list, huh?   Achievable 100% every day?  Absolutely not.  I'm not perfect, and never will be.  I'm smart enough to know that my plan is always just that...a plan.  Some days I will succeed, somedays I will not,

The key is to Never, Never, Ever Quit.

And just like that, the year of January has ended. Thank goodness! It was long, cold, dark and depressing! February shows promise of what is...