Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Another Year

Yesterday was my 57th birthday.  I can't say that I feel any older though.  Really, what difference does a number make?  I still feel 45ish in mind...the body slightly older.

It was a quiet day for the most part.  My supervisor brought caramel rolls for my birthday, which was nice of her.  And I received the customary phone calls from siblings.  Several staff  made a trip to my corner to give me birthday greetings and hugs.

I could have taken the night off from the gym, but decided to stick to my recommitment of Health.  I'm glad I did, because it was a kick ass workout.

My Birthday wish was for a quiet night at home, which I received.  Sometimes it really IS about the simple things!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Value of Time

Here we are, September 8th.  I can make the usual comment of "where did time go to?"  But I won't.  We all experience the passing of time at frightening speed.  I've never been one to wish away time...it's a precious commodity - just ask someone who is battling cancer or someone who has just lost a family member.    The older I get, the more I appreciate my time;  I guard with every fiber of my being.  Gosh, that sounds terribly anti-social or selfish, doesn't it.   

Allow me to explain. 

I'm entering the 2nd half of my life.  I'm closer to my death than my birth (fact and reality...and no, I'm not kicking the bucket any time soon - at least I hope not!)   In my youth, I was busy making a life for myself - making friends, having fun,  building a career, making money, accumulating material things.  Carefree and unworried about what my future held.  I didn't plan beyond the next day because the next day always came.

As I've aged, I've become aware that there is a very distinct possibility that the next day may very well not come.  Oh, I know that there is never a guarantee at any age that tomorrow will come...we're all living on borrowed time, right?   What I mean to say is that I value tomorrow more now than I used to.    And because I value tomorrow, I have learned to appreciate today

 Follow me?   Let me explain further.    

I stated earlier about guarding my time.  One of the biggest things I consciously do is to spend time with quality people; family and friends who value me as much a I value them.  I have many acquaintances but my circle of true-blue friends is tight.  I've learned to weed out the fakes or those that are using me for their personal gain.  I will not tolerate them and have zero time for them. Does that sound snobbish?  Perhaps...but I don't care.  My well being is paramount and if cutting toxic people out of my life helps to maintain my well being - then so be it.  

The world has become a toxic place.  As an empath, I feel the toxicity - the dark energy coming off people.  So my time at home is treasured; it is my sanctuary.  I recharge, regroup by cleaning, reading, writing, cooking, napping, listening to music, puttering doing projects, spending  time with hubster.   And when I leave my home, it is truly because I want to.  Am I a recluse? Not at all!  Merely a person who is selective.

And it goes without saying that the gift of health is more important now more than ever.  I've been on a journey the last 20 years to improve my health through diet and exercise.   Recently I've been more focused on well being.  Fitness is a small part of the wellness equation.  I'm taking more time to meditate on a regular basis, research and read more on the divine being and connecting with what makes my soul happy.   We can go through life on autopilot and never really figure out what makes up tics.  Perhaps because we really have to get uncomfortable and acknowledge the inadequacies ; the chink in our armor..... Be vulnerable.  It's tough to do, but necessary.   Why? Because in our vulnerability we find our courage.  And in our courage, we find our life.


And just like that, the year of January has ended. Thank goodness! It was long, cold, dark and depressing! February shows promise of what is...