Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Small Item of Interest - Jim Leitner Edition

I learned today that Jim Leitner is going to work full time at the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

I haven't heard any of the details other than that.

Talk amongst yourselves.


Anonymous said...

Jim Leitner and Alan Bernstein guiding Adrian Garcia at HCSO..........well I feel safe and secure now!

Anonymous said...

I saw Clint Greenwwod up in court a couple of days ago in his S.O.s Major uniform

Anonymous said...

Yes, and they are all destroying that department. Right out of the Obama playbook, all moves are political and no crisis goes to waste.

Anonymous said...

Actually in defense of Clint, he is doing a good job in their OIG/IAD Division. Cases are thoroughly investigated through his leadership and at times forwarded to P.I.G. for follow up and presentation to a Grand Jury.

Anonymous said...

It seemed he already was there full time. How he took any appointment with a straight face was beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he drank Adrian's cool aid

Anonymous said...

anon 10:10 didn't you mean it the other way around?

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, if the P.I.G ADA's pursue us with the same lack of enthusiasm the Intake ADAs show for regular people doing things wrong, I will be shocked if any cops get indicted.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the email post from yesterday?

Anonymous said...

Why was the email post removed? Was the information incorrect, or is there more to this story? sure looked like there could have been some misconduct worth looking into.

Anonymous said...

The HCSO needs to be cleaned up. Sheriff Garcia has been trying to do that. Sheriff Thomas left the department in a huge mess. People do not like change especially racist rednecks with badges. Sheriff Garcia will continue cleaning up the department which is needed.

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