Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day to all those who served in our Nation's military.

A few years ago, I wrote this post which included a letter that my grandfather wrote to my father, Louis M. Newman III, when Dad was just a baby.

As I mentioned in that post, Dad went on to serve as a United States Marine who completed three tours of duty in Vietnam between 1967-1969.  He won two Purple Hearts, one Bronze Star and a Silver Star.

For those of us who have never served in the military and earned the title of Veteran, the idea of being in an actual combat situation is something that we cannot begin to comprehend.  It should not be lost on us that the reason that we cannot comprehend combat is because of the men and women who fought for us.

My Dad is proud of his time in the Marine Corps and the men he fought alongside in Vietnam.

But he isn't nearly as proud of his service as I am of being his son.


Anonymous said...

Great post Murray and your dad looks like a total bad ass; guess that gene skips a generation.

One correction though - your dad did not "WIN" those awards, he earned them or received them. It was not a contest, but something given to him to recognize his valor and courage in defending freedom.

Anonymous said...

Very nice tribute to your father who is a wonderful man and father. He is as proud of you as you are of him.

Anonymous said...

First Lieutenant L.M. Newman II looks like a 1st class grunt................oooooh rah!

Any photo shopped pics of Rage?

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