Showing posts with label 80s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 80s. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2012

Top 10 Things to Do When Your Floor Has Been Plastic-Wrapped

Yes, This is happening this week:

In case you can't tell, that's plastic wrap on the floor of our apartment hallway.

So, this post:  

10.  Rub dishsoap on the floor by the elevators and laugh at all the suckers who fall

9.  Play Scrabble directly on the floor with dry erase markers

8.  Shmop a carpeted floor!

7.  Carry leaky garbage to the garbage chute with no remorse

5.  Slip'n'Slide!!!!

4.  Shave your head.  I dunno, it just feels right.

3.  String up caution tape, put on a hazmat suit, and redirect people coming off the elevators

2.  Watch Friday Night Lights.  Duh.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Saturday, September 19, 2009


When I was a kid, my mom used to take me with her to her aerobics class each week. A whole bunch of young to middle-aged women would dance around in the gym

while us kids would play with our tonkas.

Anyway, it was the same CD every week, so I really have this engrained heritage of 80s songs that are on automatic play in my brain every time I work out. The trouble is, they're not exactly the kind of songs that I would ever listen to on my own, so I only know the songs through the filter of a three-year-old mind.

Like today, after Sarah and I ran to the gym, worked out, and ran back, I just couldn't get the "guacamole" song out of my head. The trouble is, I couldn't get enough of it in to my head to explain to Sarah what song was stuck in my head. So I went to and spent three unsuccessful minutes singing "guacamole, mo mo mo" with no tangible results. Aparantly I sound more like Daft Punk's Technologic. Bummer. Anyway, I finally figured it out.

It's Billy Idol's "Mony Mony." Maybe I would have guess that if Mony was actually a word. So, I had to hear the song again, which meant coming across this little gem of a video:

I think I understand now why those women wore those leotards. I mean, Billy Idol was pretty bad-a.