I have been writing about many things the past few months and been writing about others are writing elsewhere but realized this past week that I have not truly noted what other Indiana family law blogs are writing about. I think all of us have a slightly different slant (I sometime call my cantankerously pedantic) That is my mea culpa and here is what I have for you.
writes South Bend, IndianaIndiana Family Law. He may have even started his blog before me and is consistent on his emphasis on collaborative family law. Here reminded us back in October that the new child support guidelines take effect next month - Indiana Child Support Guidelines changing. Here are some other posts very much worth reading:
- Why can’t my child decide which parent he wants to live with?
- What is it like to go to court? Looking for stories There is a good point here for non-lawyers and lawyers in this one. A point I may be just as guilty of anyone else - remembering that non-lawyers have no idea what court will be like. (And he is looking for comments, if you got stories then let him know!)
- How to survive your divorce: a free ebook. Thinking I want to see this, too.
- Joint Legal Custody - Religious Services and Parenting Time
- Retirement and Divorce - Are Paid Health Insurance Premiums An Asset? (He has been much better than I have been lately of writing up new appellate cases.
- Indiana Child Support Guidelines - High Earners Pay More, Low Earners Pay Less. Pay attention to this one - another article about our new child support guidelines - these will be a major disruption from what I have heard and what I have been able to get read.
- Indiana Family Law Case Update: refusal to sign joint tax return & taking kids to church during visitation. Another reminder that I have been remiss in not reporting on new Indiana cases.
- Split custody of siblings - not a subject I have seen discussed anywhere else.
- Taking your child holiday shopping for your ex-spouse. Again, something I have not seen written about.