Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Current Delivery Update

45 hats, a shawl and some soft toys were sent to Gaza on the eve of the Egyptian revolution. We will add photos of these lovely textiles in another post. As of today, its still unclear if our hats made it into Gaza. Our delivery lady was in Cairo during the heat of the protests and tried to keep in touch with us as often as she could. It wasn't easy with internet blackouts.
As of last communication, she was still safe, still in Cairo, still in possession of the gifts and still hoping to enter Gaza to hand deliver these hats directly to  a youth center where  distribution is direct to the children.
As we hear more, we will update again.
What is going to happen to these gifts if she doesn't get them to the hands of Gazas children? They will come back here and await another opportunity.
Please keep knitting hats, scarves, shawls and toys. Even if a new regime opens the Rafah border permanently, the need will still be there. Our prayers as always are with the people of Gaza and now with the people of Egypt.
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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Yes We Did!

Did you all notice the lovely slide show (look to the top right) that Beeba put together for the blog? I know its a work in progress but I want to thank you Beeba. Great idea and a wonderful end result!
So ladies and gents......Yes We Did! It was a call to action that didn't Change the larger issues but even if only for one winter, our work, which was from the heart, changed the lives of 113 children, innocent victims of the ongoing Israeli blockade on Gaza.
While we want to steer away from out right political discussion, its hard to seperate the fact that as a nation (in the U.S), we are called to action for positive change and yet, as far as matters close to our hearts (the children of Gaza) our hands remain tied. We can work our fingers to the bone for the children but unless U.S. policy towards the situation shifts dramatically, nothing is going to Change.
At this point in time, it's rather hard to envision a free Gaza. In most news articles, when the peace talks are discussed, Gaza is not even mentioned as being on the table! Is Gaza in a permanent state of siege then? And if so, can we accept that?
The less we hear about it, the more it becomes the norm. It isn't normal to imprison an entire population. We should never allow ourselves to become desensitized. Further we cannot allow our neighbors to become so either.
By all means, lets keep knitting! But I am interested in ideas that might help put Gaza on the "Change" list officially, in the White House. Isn't it time we say, "Enough" and demand Change?
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