my flash

Showing posts with label Anak mama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anak mama. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our weekend


This weekend was the most challenging weekend that we had gone through...Areefa, down with some sort of rashes on her face...poor her...

Start with just tiny, red rashes on one side of her forehead..then transform into a painful, watery spots..that has also cause her right eyelid to swell...I mean, really swollen until she couldn't even open her right eye...;(
This pic was taken in the car, on the way to Metro Specialist Hospital in Sg Petani... Our panel doctor recommended us to go there since she saw that Areefa's condition showed no improvement and she suspected that she has "kayap"..don't really know the correct word in English...

The paediatrician recommended that Areefa should be warded so that they can closely monitor her recovery, but we insisted of taking her home...and take the medicine instead of taking a jab (which is suppose to have a faster effect)...This is private hospital maa...just imagine what it'll cost you if you you stayed overnite...hahaha..

However, the cost is just one tiny factor...we had discussed with the paed and he agreed that if we take her home, the medicines should be given properly and then come back for a follow-up...

So, off we head home with a bunch of medicines...Luckily, Areefa has no problem consuming medicines..any medicines...any long as it has nice colors...hahaha...

One of the medicine is an anti-viral..(sounds like an antivirus..hahah..we almost laugh when the paed mentioned it earlier)...The medicine is in a tablet form and it has to be crushed, dissolved then consumed. Guess what..?? Areefa had no trouble with it..alhamdulillah....

Hopefully, insyaAllah, she'll get better soon...poor little girl..even adults complained upon this "kayap" pains...hope Allah will help you endure the pain and recover sooon...

Kay, off to bed...feeling rather sleepy due to a few sleepless nights....;) Goodnite...sleep tight...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Aktiviti hujung minggu....


Abah dengan aksi mengepam kolam...jenuh gaklah...
Akhirnya...mama beli pam, dan abah pasang paip kat porch....
(kolam ni dah beli lama dah, ada lah dalam 2,3 bulan)
Yipee...mandiiiiiiiiiiii !

Mula2 malu2...sopan jer...akhirnya...bolennnnn....(hahaha)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Alahai anak mama...

Sekejap je masa berlalu..pejam celik Areefa dah dua tahun lebih dah...setakat ni masih belum ada rezeki adik lagi nmpknyer..hehehe...Sabo Areefa yer...

Makin lama makin pandai sekecik mama nih..Semalam, kami ronda2 naik keta...Sebabnyer, panas giler duk kat umah..berpeluh2...So, pas Areefa makan nasi, abah pun start enjin, jalaaaaannn....Takde hala tuju pun sebenarnya, so gilah kedai je gi beli mayones...hihihi...(carik gak benda nk beli tuh)..

The rest, jalan2 naik keta, pasang ekon kuat2...ahhh..lega...Sambil2 tu, pasanglah radio...areefa pun ikut sama nyanyi2..hehehe..tapi bila mama ngn abah nyanyi, tau dia kata apa "Abah, bicing lah..(bisinglah)"..hehehe...Sabo jer anak mama nih...

Dan sekarang, kami dah ada satu speedometer baru dalam keta...kalau laju sket jer...speedometer akan berbunyi..."Mama..laju nih"...hik hik hik....

Kat umah lak, kalau pakai baju baru sket, yg anak mama tak penah tengok, dengan manjanya dia akan kata, "Cantiknyer baju..." hehehe...abah kata areefa bodek mama... kecik mama..nih...sayang anak mama sgt2...

Monday, March 1, 2010


Anak mama..cayang..

Pensyarah baru : Cik Areefa Dalila...
Last weekend, aku kena jaga test...Sorang lak tuh, pasal kengkawan balik kampung..yelah..minggu Maulidur Rasul..tapi aku ok jer...hehehe..
So, kisahnyer, angkutlah anak aku sekali...aku jaga test, Areefa duk ngn abah dia kat bilik mama...Mula2 ok..last2, ngamuk2...(pasal nmpk aku duk jaga exam kat laman kat bawah)..
Apalgi..watlah drama sebabak..."mama..mama.." hihihi...last2 aku angkut skali bawak gi jaga exam...terus Areefa wat muka puas hati..hehehe..dah boring agaknyer...jenuh abah kena buli...hihihi...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Cuci..cuci Services...

Anda rasa kereta anda kotor?? Mehla kami cucikan....;)

Dua pekerja yang sgt sibuk...

Basahkan kain dulu...

Lap..jgn tak lap...lap sampai bersih yer...(pekerja bawah umur)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Anak mama...

Wah..bergayanyer pakai tudung mama....Alhamdulillah...

Khusyuk mengisi tabung "froggie bank"

Ting..ting...kayalah anak mama...

Sayang anak abah juga...
Pakai baju KLCC (nenek belikan)