Saturday, December 31, 2016

The black guy's about to not play golf again!

You really do wonder if the Times has a policy of letting the print edition look all mature -- if incomprehensibly boring, headline-wise -- while saving the cask-strength stuff for online readers:
That explains why Trump is in the 1A print headline but doesn't appear anywhere in the frontpage text -- this is a story about an "Obama snub." Of what, you ask?

Of all the perks of the presidency that Barack Obama will miss as he leaves the White House, it’s a good bet that Camp David won’t rank high on the list.

Compared with his predecessors, President Obama has spent little downtime over the past eight years at the secluded presidential retreat in the mountains overlooking Thurmont, Maryland. In total, Mr. Obama has visited Camp David 39 times, spanning all or parts of 93 days — barely 3 percent of his two-term tenure.

By contrast, President George W. Bush made 149 visits to Camp David in two terms, covering all or parts of 487 days, said Mark Knoller, the CBS News White House reporter who keeps meticulous records of presidential comings and goings.

In other words, this is more or less the same story that the same reporter wrote in May 2014:

President Obama differs from his predecessor on more than just policy.

Compared with President George W. Bush, Mr. Obama has rarely visited Camp David, the sprawling, secluded retreat in northern Maryland that has become a regular getaway spot for presidents over the past 70 years.

Read more »

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Sunday, October 30, 2016

The black guy played golf in 2013 again!

You guys! Guess what party the McClatchy Washington Bureau is arriving late at:

On a windy winter day in 2013 at one of Florida’s top golf courses, President Obama and Tiger Woods played a friendly round together for the first time.

Some 44 months later, the president’s trip to Port St. Lucie, Florida, has been revealed: $3.6 million.

Read more here:

Strictly speaking, no. As the fourth graf suggests, the trip was "revealed" in (ahem) 2013. (Fox, usually better at chronicling the usurper's hijinx, caught up the following day, though it had borrowed a precede from the Daily Caller earlier.) Perhaps we meant the cost had been revealed?

... The GAO report was requested by Sen. John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican.

Read more here:

That's a relief. I thought for a moment there it might be someone who didn't already have a Washington bureau to call their own. Anyway, now that McClatchy has awakened to the scope of the Kenyan menace, could we suggest some stories to catch up on?

Obama uses first-person pronouns!
Hillary wrote a paper about ALINSKY!!!!!
Obama wants the Marines to wear girly hats!
Obama sat next to an Arab guy at dinner this one time!
Hillary is running for office, with politics!

Let me know if I can help.

* McClatchy could also take a note from the follow-up -- just like in the textbook, kids! -- pointing out that Obama didn't seem to have learned much.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Remain calm! All is well!

Your lips to God's ears -- or, more specifically, from Gateway Pundit to Drudge to the Washington Times to the Fox Nation. The black guy's playing golf again!

That puts into context Monday morning's commentary from Howard Kurtz, called in to explain the latest outburst from the Party Leader:

... There are two simultaneous realities here: The media are in the midst of the most one-sided reporting and analysis I’ve ever seen in a presidential campaign. And Trump keeps giving them ammunition. Even if they are overplaying and misinterpreting his comments on “Second Amendment people” and “founder of ISIS” and the like, these are his words, on videotape, that stir the constant controversies that have overshadowed the coverage of Hillary Clinton.

Kurtz is taking on the Chip Diller role at Fox here: Remain calm! It's the media! All is well! And no doubt he's right: it might well be the most one-sided reporting of a campaign he's ever seen, or at least that he remembers having seen. Howard Kurtz lives and works on a planet on which there's actually an FDA-recommended adult minimum for stories in which everything the Kenyan usurper does (golfing, having dinner, raising teenagers) is an affront to American values, just by his doing it. That's the context in which to take the claim that an unhealthy focus on the Party Leader's moral and lexical cluelessness is diverting attention from "coverage of Hillary Clinton."

A balanced campaign story would look more like this:

 ... in which "'rigging' charge" is a thing, rather than an object of ridicule.

I don't mean to suggest that there's no room left for an even-handed, indoor-voices presentation of the relevant evidence that allows the masses to do their democratic duty. I would suggest that Howard Kurtz is rapidly running out of lipstick to dress up the truckload of pigs that Fox leaves in his inbox every day.

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Tuesday, May 06, 2014

The black guy's playing golf again

Here's the NRO post Drudge links to from the above:

Had you noticed we were enjoying a “Year of Action”? Are you enjoying it?

On Saturday President Obama enjoyed his 11th golf outing of the year before heading off to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Today the president meets with President Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti and then hosts a Cinco de Mayo reception in the Rose Garden. Later this week, the president will attend four Democratic fundraisers in California.

But perhaps the clearest sign of the “Year of Action” is in the results.

Further questions?

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Thursday, March 06, 2014

The black guy's allegedly playing golf again

It took 'em a few ties to get it right, but the nice folks over at Glenn Beck's The Blaze finally figured out the right hed to go with the picture and story:

President Barack Obama’s plate is full of difficult situations, foreign and domestic. From the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea to the instability brewing in Venezuela and North Korea still lobbing missiles into the sea. And then there is the President’s ongoing battle against income inequality in America.

If there was only a place that where he could go to relax. A place that believes, “the busier life gets, the more we seek true tranquility, a place where the world’s clamor can be shut out and forgotten for a while.” Luckily, the president has found such a place.

Good to know somebody's always on the Black Guy Playing Golf beat!

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