Showing posts with label dates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dates. Show all posts

Sep 30, 2015

Chocolate Marbled Energy Bars

Breakfast is the most neglected meal of the day. On busy weekday mornings, most people are in a great rush to reach workplaces, schools, just about anywhere. No wonder then, that, people do not spare time for breakfast. Yet, starting a day without breakfast just works against what we set out to achieve. We are more likely to be zapped of energy and enthusiasm early into the workday. To help us perform better at our tasks, a healthy breakfast is vital. If so, would it not be wonderful if we could have breakfast on the go? Enter granola bars, energy bars, muesli bars. Call them by any name. They are just as convenient, delicious and perfect snacks or meal on the go.

Energy bars can be made ahead, store well, and can be packed as breakfast on the go, or anytime snacks, or on road trips, picnic munchies. They are great for a pre workout or a post workout snack too.

I came across these chocolate marbled energy bars first in ‘Chocolate’ by Delia Smith. The book is filled with decadent chocolate based recipes. However, these energy bars were the ones that caught my eyes first. I tweaked around the ingredients and proportions to suit my requirement. I have substituted the condensed milk with brown sugar/jaggery syrup. You could add both the condensed milk and jaggery syrup to increase the richness of the energy bar too. If using condensed milk, keep the total liquid at the same volume as mentioned in this recipes. I have added popped amaranth seeds to add a good protein to the bar. The only part I have left unchanged is the beautiful marbled chocolate topping! I had to work on the recipe a few times to get a proportion that works best. One that gave just the right hint of sweetness, and had just enough liquid to solid ratio to bake well. I also made sure that the baked energy bars could be cut into neat squares!

Healthy Chocolate marbled Energy Bars

I am sure you are eager to get to the recipe and make some for yourself too. So here goes…


  • Has gluten from oats. NOT SUITABLE for people with gluten intolerance. Substitute oats with total 5 cups rice flakes to make it gluten free. 
  • This recipe does NOT contain lactose. Suitable for people with lactose intolerance. However, adding condensed milk will bring lactose into the recipe.
  • Does NOT contain corn, soya, eggs.
  • Contains nuts. Omit nuts if you have nut allergy.

Preparation Time – 20 minutes, Cooking Time – 30 minutes, Makes 9 squares


COOKWARE – Convection oven, 8 inch square baking tray, baking paper to line tray, deep mixing bowl, rubber spatula, sauce pan, 2 glass bowls, steel fine mesh filter, sharp knife


  1. 4 cups quick cooking oats
  2. 1 cup popped amaranth seeds
  3. 1 cup thin rice flakes (poha, aval, attukulu, avalakki)
  4. 1 cup deseeded, chopped sweet dates
  5. 1/2 cup dried cranberries/strawberries/blueberries (optional)
  6. 1/4 cup chopped walnuts/almonds
  7. 1 cup powdered jaggery/brown sugar
  8. 1/2 cup drinking water
  9. 1/2 cup dark cooking chocolate
  10. 1/2 cup white cooking chocolate


  1. Bring the water to boil in a saucepan, add the jaggery, mix and let it rest for a few minutes for the jaggery to dissolve. When the jaggery has dissolved completely, strain through the mesh filter to remove impurities. Collect the jaggery solution in the deep mixing bowl.
  2. To the bowl add the oats, popped amaranth, rice flakes, dates, dried berries (if using), and nuts. Mix all the ingredients together until the liquid has coated all dry ingredients.
  3. Preheat oven to 180 C.
  4. Line the baking tray with paper leaving an overhang.
  5. Pat the mixture into the tray, pressing down firmly with a rubber spatula. Make sure there are no dry bits of ingredients on the surface. If needed, sprinkle a few drops of water on top to moisten, and pat down again.
  6. Bake in preheated oven for 20-23 minutes.
  7. Remove and cool the tray on a cooling rack. Do not remove granola from tray. Cool for 20-30 minutes.
  8. Chop the dark and white cooking chocolate into different glass bowls. Microwave in bursts of 20-30 seconds until just beginning to melt. Do not overheat the chocolate, stop heating when there a few bits of chocolate left to melt. Keep stirring with a metal spoon, to get a smooth melted chocolate.
  9. Spoon both the dark and white melted chocolate alternately in a wave pattern over the baked granola. Drag wavy lines using a fork tip or toothpick to create marbled patterns while chocolate is still wet. Tap the tray sharply on the counter top a few times for chocolate to even out.
  10. Place the tray in the fridge to set quickly.
  11. After half an hour, remove from fridge and set on counter top. Wait for the chocolate layer to warm up to room temperature a bit. I left it on the countertop for 10 minutes. Room temperature at my home is around 23C-25C. Cut into 9 squares with a sharp knife. If the chocolate layer seems to crack rather than cut up, wait for some more time and then cut up. The marbled energy bars are ready.
  12. Store in air-tight box. Stays good for at least 1 week, maybe more. I never got a chance to find out! Pack in baking paper for road trips or any place out of home. These marbled energy bars are great for breakfast on the go, for school snack boxes, for pre or post workout snacks, as well as a healthy snack option.

Guilt free healthy snacks

Notes -

  • Diabetics may/may not be able to eat these energy bars. Remember although the recipe uses jaggery, there is more sugar in the dates as well as chocolate. Omitting the chocolate could bring the sugar content of the energy bars lower.
  • The energy bars cut up neatly if baked through well. Also wait patiently for the top chocolate layer to set before cutting into squares.
  • Do not over heat the chocolate. Stop heating when three fourths of the chocolate is melted. Keep stirring in a circular motion, in the same direction for a smooth glossy chocolate.

Jul 19, 2014

My Bircher Muesli


We first sampled Bircher Muesli a couple of years ago at  Hong Kong Sky City, Marriott. Vacationing at Hong Kong, we were tucking into the amazing breakfast spread (which is a lot to say for vegetarians.)  My interest was sparked at the sight of very cute jars of muesli sitting on a bed of crushed ice. I enjoy hot muesli by pouring steaming skim milk over muesli, but this? On crushed ice? After confirming with the wait staff that it had all vegetarian ingredients (you never know, after all, even congee there has bacon in it) we tentatively sampled one jar, and boy, fell in love with it. My son declared, “Mom, we have been wasting life by not having this wonderful breakfast dish”.

I researched into it’s origin, and discovered that Bircher muesli was first developed by a Swiss doctor, Dr. Bircher – Brenner. First used for patients, the recipe has become hugely popular in Switzerland and Germany. It is traditionally made by soaking rolled oats in yoghurt/curd along with grated apple, apple juice and left overnight in the fridge. The next morning, it is enjoyed for breakfast along with choice of toppings such as roasted nuts, or more fresh fruit. With it’s easy make-ahead prep, versatile choice of toppings, and deliciousness in every spoonful, it’s not difficult to love Bircher Muesli.

But wait, what’s a recipe without customisation? I am a big fan of eating local, buying seasonal. So the muesli had to be localised and include seasonal fruit too. The apple had to give way to mango, the fruit of the season.The Bircher muesli became muesli parfait. Another ingredient, popped amaranth just begged to go in too. Some easily available dry fruits and nuts completed the meal-in-a-jar. Local ingredients, global flavours! Good morning muesli

So I set about soaking oats in skim milk yoghurt. I also soaked some pitted dates and raisins in honey in a separate bowl and left them to rest in the fridge overnight. The next morning, I chopped up some mangoes, toasted a few almonds and walnuts. Now I was ready to assemble. The layering of the ‘breakfast-parfait’ began with a few spoons of the soaked oats. On this, I piled some chopped mangoes, then came the turn of another star ingredient, popped amaranth. A few drizzles of honey and then the turn of the oats again. The soaked dates+raisins went in next followed by some more chopped mangoes and popped amaranth. The parfait was finished off with nuts and another drizzle of honey. There, so simple. It took 5 minutes to assemble two servings. A most delicious, filling, uber healthy breakfast ready. Needless to say it was demolished as quickly as it was assembled.

While you can play around with ingredients and serving size, I am giving the ingredients and measures I followed. Feel free to play around the main theme and come up with a combination that your family loves.

Preparation time –15 minutes+8 hours soaking time, Cooking Time –3 minutes, Serves – 2

Allergy Information

  • Does NOT contain egg, soya, peanuts, corn, milk.
  • Contains yoghurt, some gluten from oats.

You Need

Cookware –2 mixing bowls, chopping board, knife, small saucepan,300-400 ml jars to assemble the meal.


  1. Quick cooking oats – 4 tbsp
  2. Skim milk yoghurt – 400 ml ( 2 cups)
  3. Skinned and chopped mango – 1/2 cup
  4. Popped amaranth – 3-4 tbsp
  5. Dates – 6-8
  6. Golden raisins – 12
  7. Almonds – 6
  8. Walnuts – 2
  9. Honey – 2 tbsp+2 tsp

To Assemble

  1. Mix the measured oats into the yoghurt, stir in well, cover and rest in refrigerator overnight. Also place the pitted dates and raisins with 2 tbsp honey in a small bowl, cover and store in refrigerator.
  2. I popped the amaranth at home from amaranth seeds. To pop, you add amaranth seeds to a super hot wok, a tsp at a time, stir gently and watch them seeds merrily popping and dancing in front of your eyes! You could use store bought popped amaranth or omit it entirely too. Or attempt popping at home if you get hold of amaranth seeds.
  3. Chop the mangoes and almonds, keep aside.
  4. Take the serving bowls, or jar or tall glass to assemble the parfait. Rinse well and wipe dry.
  5. Layer the soaked oats at the bottom, 2 tsp should suffice. Place the chopped fruit on the oats. Next, add the popped amaranth, about 1 tbsp would do. Place the soaked and plump dates+raisins mixture over this and cover again with a couple of tsp of soaked oats. A drizzle of honey, then fruit, popped amaranth and finally topped with toasted nuts follow. Finish off with a good drizzle of honey.
  6. Enjoy for breakfast, or assemble in ajar with screw top lid, and carry to work. Ideal for mid-morning or 4 p.m. hunger pangs.

Meal in a jar


Bircher Muesli Parfait

Jan 4, 2011

Almond and dates halwa

‘A Very Happy And healthy New Year ‘ to all readers from Healthy Slurps. What better way to start a New year than with a sweet dish! If the sweet can also pack in a healthy punch - well, I can’t ask for more. Here is a super simple, yummy recipe for an un – put – downable halwa. Go ahead, start the new year with a BANG!! with this melt in the mouth creation….I must thank my dear sis-in-law, Deepa for giving me this recipe.
Almond and dates halwa
You need
  1. Whole almonds with skin – 1 cup
 whole almonds     chopped dates    skim milk    melted butter 
  1. Seedless soft dates – chopped fine, 1 cup ( I used Lion seedless dates)
  2. Skim milk, boiled – 1 cup ( I used 3% milk)
  3. White cooking butter, melted – 1 cup
  4. Sugar – 2 cups
To assemble
  1. Warm the almonds lightly in a microwave, this helps quick powdering. Use the pulse button in your mixer, and pulse grind the almonds to a soft powder along with the skin. The powder should look like this-
powdered almonds
  1. Take a heavy bottomed sauce pan or use a non-stick pot.
  2. Pour in all five ingredients together into the pot.ready to be halwaed!
  3. Stir the contents over fire. You can start off with a high flame, and then reduce flame to medium once the ingredients are incorporated well together and begin to bubble.
  4. It took me 15 minutes of stirring continuously over medium flame to complete cooking the halwa.
  5. The halwa is done when it starts frothing around the sides of the pot and begins to leave the sides.Remove to a storage bowl immediately.
  6. This does not need any garnishing, and can be served spooned warm. Perfect for cold wintry weekend treats!
Creamy, frothy slurrpy halwa
  • Take care to pulse grind almond powder – avoid extracting almond oil !
  • Chop dates as fine as possible.
  • Keep stirring over flame to avoid burning at the bottom of the pan.
  • Do not overcook – else it will turn out to be a brittle texture, instead of a moist one. If in doubt, you can remove from fire and can cool a spoon of halwa, check if it is done and then return to fire if it is still liquidy.
Nutri notes
  • Almonds are a great source of protein, fat, fibre, of vitamins-thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin E; and of minerals- iron, copper, zinc. This unique combination makes it wonderful for growing children.The fat is mostly of monounsaturated kind which is helpful in building HDL cholesterol, and reducing LDL cholesterol.For more information on health benefits of almonds look here.
  • Dates are energy packed, bursting with iron, zinc. Also a good source of potassium which is very necessary for smooth working of heart muscles and an efficient nervous system.Foods high on potassium also help in regulating sodium in the body, hence control blood pressure.
  • Dates contain no fat. The high fibre content in dates makes sure the body escapes constipation, colon cancer.
  • Dates also pack in several B complex vitamins such as niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid.This makes it a handy snack for pregnant and lactating women as well as children in growth phase, especially if they are active in sports.
  • This recipe combines the two wonder ingredients almonds and dates and combines milk and butter to it as a bonus!The use of butter does make it a high calorie dish – however it is good to remember healthy, active children need no calorie restriction and you may just be able to get a reluctant child to eat this delicious form of dates or almond.As for the others, moderation is the key word to remember! Do indulge in this ‘healthy sin’ in moderation and remember to work out a little extra to deserve this lovely treat!
    Sending this dish to The Veggie Hut as my entry to ongoing event ' Winter warmers'