The meandering thoughts of a modern-day hearth witch.

Showing posts with label lammas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lammas. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Wheel of the Year // Lammas

Lammas, which falls in the Northern Hemisphere on August 1st or 2nd, marks the half way point between Litha (Midsummer Solstice) and Mabon (Autumnal Equinox) on the Wheel of the Year. Its name derives from the words 'loaf-mass' because it is a celebration of the first wheat harvest. 

Traditions which have passed down across the centuries, still associated with this day, are harvest festivals, wheat weaving (making 'corn dollies') and bread baking. It is a time of year where we begin to reap the rewards of our hard toils and harvest the fruits of our labour. 

For B and I, Lammas falls at the time of our 'anniversary', so we always mark the day in celebration, saying thanks for the rewards of the work we put into our relationship; this year, of course we also have to say our thanks to the sun, rain and earth for the abundant harvests they have provided for us in our allotment.

Lammastide blessings.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Belated Lammas Blessings

 One of the things I love most about living in the countryside is that you can see the seasons changing, almost moment by moment, everywhere around you. 

This field was crammed full of wheat when I walked through it a couple of weeks ago.
On Sunday, there was not a grain in sight: it had all been harvested.

August 1st, although called by different names according to different traditions and cultures, is known to myself and many others here in England as Lammas. This comes from the phrase 'loaf mass' in reference to the first wheat harvest. By baking and breaking bread, on this day we celebrate the success of the crops.

This year I celebrated Lammas day with a family feast and a long walk, enjoying the blessings of the land, the sun and the food they provide. 

I hope you all enjoyed yours. 
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