Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Good Day.

Reasons why today was awesome:

1. I got a special visit from my good friends, Lana & Melany, who were visiting from Utah. I love them. They're the kind of girls that make you feel comfortable, even though you haven't seen them for years, even though your patio room is a wreck and you're not wearing any make-up, even though your lovely daughter decided to have a crazy meltdown because you won't give her "fifty-thousand m&m's for lunch." It's like we've been hanging out every day for years.

2. Wendy fell asleep cuddling with me on the couch during "quiet time" (the special mommy & wendy time when Harvey is napping, where we do quiet activities, so as to not wake baby brother up). She was obviously pretty tired after the show of a tantrum she threw for my friends. I loved the rare cuddling and the 2 hours that both my children were asleep at the same time.

3. After my babies woke up rested, we headed off to a little place called Disneyland for dinner with my parents & siblings. I love that I live close enough to just go for dinner and a ride.

Good day.

*our kids, minus sweet Penny, who was deep in dollhouse heaven