Showing posts with label spring time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring time. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2013

Easter 2013

This will be the last time (for a long time) that there will be only two baskets left by the easter bunny. She had too much fun filling them with his & hers books, toys, and candy that mommy loves too...

Here are a handful of just-before-church Easter photos. I let Wendy wear this super frilly dress that my moms friend sweetly gave her just in time for Easter. She LOOOVVVED it. Maybe it's the pregnant laziness, or the way her face lit up when she put it on, but I didn't even have a desire to fight it. She kept spinning and curtsy-ing with her ankles crossed (as you can see in the first picture). She was very careful not to get any chocolate on it and to hold up a piece when she walked, like a real princess. Harvey, on the other hand, was not so careful and was changed into a different Easter outfit minutes after his drooly first bite of chocolate (as you will see in the later pictures).

*wendy and her favorite/only girl cousin, ruby

This is the only picture I got of the traditional confetti egg war. I was too busy hunting for eggs and smashing them on peoples heads/comforting Harvey who hates this game. It's one of those traditions that I married into and I love. 

Harvey was infatuated with this little garden gnome. He carried it around even though it was like 50 pounds. He waddled around the back yard with it until he gave up and just stayed by it, talking to it for a while. I guess I know what the easter bunny should bring him next year.

 *photo by Ruby, I kinda like it. 



Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

Here we are, ready for church and all decked out for Saint Patrick in my favorite color. LUCKY for me, my Wendy wondered aloud what that sneaky leprechaun would do to our house this year (he probably would have forgot if she didn't mention it). This year, he left foot prints ALL OVER the house (skipper doll feet dipped in washable green paint), he left us a pot of rolo's/gold at the end of our rainbow, a box of his favorite cerial with a note, turned our milk green, and (ahem) relieved himself in our bathroom. I hope that doesn't mean he pee'd in our milk.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Chubby Bunny


Love, The Williams Family

(Harvey was not as freaked out as he looks in this picture. He actually really liked the easter bunny, just not the noise-maker the photographer used to get his attention).

*his & hers

*Harvey's 1st Easter

Our Easter family tradition, on Ryan's (Mexican) side, is to search for and smash confetti eggs on each others heads during the egg hunt. The smashing gets a little painful so we usually crush them in our hands and sprinkling each other with confetti & egg shell. As you can see, my son does not prefer this tradition. But, honestly, how adorable can this little boy be?! (forgive all the pictures, I couldn't help it.) 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Saint Patrick's Day 2012 Instagram Breakdown

This year, Saint Patrick's Day fell on a rainy Saturday, so we spent the day indoors "celebrating." This was also the first year Wendy had any clue what St. Patrick's Day was (thanks to her preschool teachers at tiny tots who went all out and had a leprechaun reap havoc on their classroom). So because of that (and some mom guilt from ideas seen on pinterest) I decided I was going to make it fun.

Photo breakdown:

1. Separated fruit loops by color for some St. Patty's Day art (tried to slow my daughter down from eating the whole box in one day... it took her two.)
2. The proud artist with her pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. She really did most of the work, it turned out super cute but baby brother tried to eat it.
3. Woke up St. Patrick's Day morning to some leprechaun mischief... he ate the rest of our fruit loops & left tiny footprints
4. Wendy helped me make green (scrambled) eggs and ham (bacon) with shamrock cinnamon toast for breakfast. She had a lot of fun making it but wasn't so sure about eating it.
5.We looked around the house and followed some more footprints to leprechaun mischief... he left us a message on the chalkboard door AND (not pictured) played around Wendy's dollhouse, it's just his size.
6. ...apparently he had to go to the bathroom as well.
7. During baby brother's nap we painted our nails with "Pot of Gold" glitter polish.
8. Even though we saw no one all day, we all wore lots of green - didn't want any pinching going on in our house.
9. The "Harvey's 1st Saint Patrick's Day" shot.