This is what happens when a two-year-old refuses to take his afternoon nap and eats only a few bites of dinner before succumbing to a deep sleep that his body desperately needs! Yes, it is becoming more and more common around here, since Connell thinks he's all grown up now and fights his naps so much that I've pretty much given up fighting him on it. So every now and then I get lucky enough to have a break when he's really tired, but most days, I go without a break. The plus side is that he goes to bed a little earlier, as long as I can keep him awake until at least until 7:30.
Connell, of course loves candy like every other kid on the earth, and this picture was taken after he took the bag of giant malt balls Dad was breaking into pieces for him and the next thing we knew, he had put two large balls in both cheeks. It was pretty hilarious! He actually was able to chew them both up and eat them before we could get him to take them out of his mouth. Yes, he's gonna love Halloween!
And this picture is of one of Connell's new favorite hobbies: potato heads! This Donald Duck beak is one of his favorite pieces, and he often will put it in his mouth and walk around jabbering like a duck. Very entertaining! I think he does it so often because JayC and I can't stop laughing at him when he does it! Yep, he's our entertainment!
And lastly, we have another exciting update: we finally found out where we're going after Texas!!! It's such a relief to finally know! We're going to Beale Air Force Base in Northern California. It's about 45 minutes north of Sacramento. It's pretty secluded, but there are a few small communites 20-30 minutes away in each direction. So we're hoping it'll work out for us to live on base, so we don't have to commute like we do here. I think we'll like it. It'll be nice to be in California again, aside from all of the state's problems, and the beach will only be 2 hours away. Definitely different than right next to us, but we'll deal with it! I'm especially excited to be able to shop at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods again! So we'll actually be moving there not until March, since JayC found out he has 3 more weeks of training after he graduates from his tech school here. But we'll try to enjoy Texas for the time we have left here, and the fall so far is beautiful!