Showing posts with label stats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stats. Show all posts

2010 - numbers and facts

It was a colorful and interesting year and to sum it up, I decided to put some of my little moments in writing...

So, this year I...
  1. Made some amazing new friends. Love you, guys! xo
  2. Opened 2 Etsy stores
  3. Had my first Etsy sale, total amount of sales on Etsy: 20 + 63=83
  4. Had many returning customers with challenging orders
  5. Created several new jewelry pieces... I think around 200...
  6. Started regular blogging, number of blog followers - 97
  7. Made bedroom and workroom makeovers, plus, small bathroom tuning
  8. Counted the potted plants in the house. Result - way too many
  9. Bought a sewing machine with a hope to learn to sew
  10. Had a visit from a close friend for whole weekend, which made me very happy
  11. Celebrated Liisa's second birthday
  12. Spent many hours flea market shopping
  13. Spent even more hours cooking delicious meals for my loved ones
  14. Visited my family as often as possible
  15. Read many inspiring books
  16. Started new family business
  17. Discovered a good Chinese restaurant
  18. Enjoyed summer walks at the seaside
  19. Discovered new things about myself
I hope you had a wonderful year! And even better year is coming!

Happy New Year, dear friends!

See you next year! ;)

