Showing posts with label being grateful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label being grateful. Show all posts

19 January 2017

Growing up in a little river town.

I grew up in a little river town. I think we had one stoplight. I lived one block from the mighty Mississippi river. I loved the river. We lived on the river in the summer, my dad always had boats and mom and dad and I would pack the coolers, get gas for the boat and launch out for a sun filled boating adventure.

I have been looking at the spirit warrior paintings that keep coming to be for the past several months. They are changing (I actually am liking them) they seem to be bringing me comfort and a sense of home. They are teaching me what is important to my soul at this time in my life. I am listening, paying close attention, journaling and taking notes. How does my style work in this medium? Where is the graphic designer in all of this that I have been for most of my career? I can tell I am heavily influenced by color I was in my design work as well. I still continue to layer, layer and layer more.
 I too do that in my design work. I like these discoveries.

I love what the river and nature has taught me. It feels like home whenever I am around water, sand, fields, docks, cabins. I simply feel alive when I see water. I adore it. I have big plans in my life for this summer (perhaps we will be able to afford a small boat) that would be dreamy.

I know the river has much to teach me still. I feel it. My spirit warriors are starting to become more about nature and elements that breathe life into me. Fire, water, fields, flowers a delicate balance of seeing and capturing these elements with paint. I like it.

I have found that my favorite medium to paint on is heavy wood. I love being able to sand it, cut into it, layer and layer then remove and make marks. It is forgiving and still looks amazing with the raw attempts to texturize it. Yes, I am fond of wood.

Interesting I find that home for me is near water, with a fire, wind, rocks to discover, driftwood to collect, shells to wash ashore. The little girl from the little river town is becoming whole and healing here in this tiny new town of historic everything in the past two years that we have lived here in Galena Illinois.

I have much to give in this artful life I have created. This is the year I give. I show up. I create big huge stuff. I reveal all of my walks, challenges and pray that I help others believe in good, know pure joy, and really appreciate just being alive. I have really big goals this year that I will continue to share. I am full out blasting open every fear and going for it all. I am asking friends for help if I need the connections, I am learning programs, video skills for online class creating. Meeting others who can help guide me to be the best artist I can be.

Tomorrow it is suppose to be 44 degrees here (kind of a heat wave in January)
I will go to the river and thank it for all it continues to bless me with.

Perhaps you have a special place that makes you feel most alive? Maybe, you too can visit it.
I wish this for you.

08 January 2017

2017 blessed, lucky, spirit filled = my life.

blessed spirit. one of my original paintings in my series of spirit warriors. 
I have been thinking lots about what it means to be lucky. What does it mean to be blessed? I am of firm belief that it does not mean you live a super charmed easy life. Nope. Not for me at least. I believe that my life is tested in ways others might not see as lucky or blessed. I seem to have a big bit of huge scary stuff that continues to create me. I am stronger, braver, more blessed because I have survived.

I have been faced with a renal artery aneurysm, a horrible cheating lying marriage (due to his being gay and not admitting), watching someone i love die suddenly in three minutes and being able to do nothing (enlarged heart), several "normal" surgeries gone terribly wrong, people being truly ugly and mean. I know every single soul has big stuff.  I am not saying, "Oh I have so much hard life stuff."
I know that many of you suffer much bigger, much worse and so much harder life stuff. I get it.
My wish is to show others you can survive and be a spirit warrior to not only yourself but, to others as well.

Okay, so the list could go on. Here's what I believe I am really lucky to have seen this part of life, lived through it with all of my imperfections. I am here, I am able to help others (I pray) by showing up and living a full happy, joy filled life. I have financial struggles like some. I get up every single day and choose to see my life as great, filled with more possibilities, more love and really excited to share my joy for living.

I am choosing to make this fine year of 2017 the year I break all of my silences that keep me from being all that I am meant to be. I am going for all of the moments I dream of. I will find ways to finance these dreams. I will make myself known for a shining light and help others dream bigger and know they are loved always. I will write my book and I will publish it.

See I am so lucky because since I was a very little girl I have know that my art would matter. That I could do nothing else. I must create every single day. I have so much to share, give and gift in this world. I have often said that if I had lots of money - I mean lots - I would gather handmade gifts and just spend my days = gifting others. I love packaging gifts and sending them out into the world.

Perhaps, my gifts are here in social media too? I know one thing for sure. I am grateful, I am lucky and I am beyond blessed to have this knowing inside my soul.

Loving more. I am choosing this every single day.

12 September 2016

14 years ago today my life was savedi

i believe in prayers and intentions 

i believe in magic and miracles

i believe in being me

Fourteen years ago today I went into Methodist Hospital in Minneapolis to face a surgery that would save my life. No one knew if I would live or die. I had an renal artery aneurysm, it had wrapped itself around my right kidney and made the surgery super risky and surgeons unsure that I would make it. It was a super long surgery and I remember waking up in ICU and asking the nurse if I was alive. I remember her face, I remember all of the tubes coming out from everywhere, mostly I remember that I was alive.

I had made a deal with God the day of my surgery as I walked into the hospital. I remember looking up at the clouds in the blue sky, feeling wind on my face and thinking, "I will see this again!" I also made a promise (my deal with God) that I would start living my life happy, even if it meant changing the reality I lived in.

My recovery was not super fast but, I did do a great job healing, being brave, strong and mindful.

The surgery brought my life into focus, it made me stop and listen to my heart. My world looked different after that. It was changed forever.

I continue to have yearly tests to make sure my renal artery (that is now created from veins in my left leg) the artery is smaller then my original one so I must take care to keep it well. I know that my life is a miracle. It is such a miracle that I am still here after 14 years with this new artery. It is a miracle that I have fully changed my life. REALLY changed my life.

Once, every year when I have the tests I think - wow, will I be okay. What if it is not okay? Then I realize - hey you ended up with 14 more years. Keep going.

I celebrate today in such a meaningful loving way. I try to remember to just keep being me, I am more then enough. I celebrate waking up everyday. Sure I do not have a super easy life. I work hard. I create daily towards bigger dreams that I keep challenging myself with. The very best part of all of this is - I get to. I am alive. I am so beyond grateful to just be alive. Happy re birthday to me.

Love your life. Every minute matters. It truly does.

23 May 2016

day 21, 22 and yes 23 of #100 days of YOU with kelli

original mixed media art, quote by me. love more.

Love your heart with tender care. it matters. Truth. We need to love ourselves with all of our flaws (that we see more then anyone else ever) It is hard to get past lots of old stuff, I know. I also know that living in the moment is everything good. It feels terrific to give love to others. Imagine how great it will feel to show yourself some of that whole love. Yes, let's do it.

I struggle with giving myself the love that I give out so freely to others. I am certainly nice to me, I am so grateful for my body and the life it gives me. I think maybe, loving the emotional parts will be a good practice for me. You know the forgiving ourselves for past hurts, not feeling like we do enough or we are enough. Turn those thoughts around every time one tries to sneak in - just say NO.

This weekend was about loving more for me. Finding ways to show love with words, actions and listening. These are all gifts we all have and can give. Let's just be mindful of who gets US and our love.

Leaving you with this idea. What would it look like to wake up tomorrow and do one really precious milestone thing you have been putting off? Like a thank you call you have been meaning to make, a special moment to share with another person who loves you (hug) even in a short note you mail out, taking a picture of something you never ever want to forget. Have fun with your life. It is precious and I promise this stuff matters the very most.

Love more.

20 May 2016

day 19 and 20 of #100 days of YOU with kelli

what if you face that fear and WIN! make it happen. you can do it. 
Mindfully living is what we are all on this journey for. Connecting with others of like souls, wounds, visions, hope and love. Yes, we are practicing the fine art of mindfully living. Living in the moment, living in the here and now. Practicing letting go of old tapes that no longer serve us. Letting go of the hurts that folks swing at us. No need to hang on to hurt, it truly will only continue to haunt you and will never ever serve you for anything good. I promise.

So what if you face that fear and win? What would that look like for you? Would it be a huge mountain to climb and you would be faced with your wildest nightmare? Believe me if you can imagine it, it can happen (probably not) but, it can. I have imagined the worst possible things happening in my life and somehow I have been called out and given bigger more horrible things then my imagination could dream up. Oh, and I have a wild good imagination. My point is I lived through these things with lots of love and help from others. I learned so much. Yes, I suffered greatly. Yes, I live my life practicing the healing love I so deserve and need.

So perhaps you write down your worse fears, and you look at what you would need in your life to change these around and make them go away. SUPER HARD stuff no kidding. We YOU can do it.

I know with my whole heart that we are all capable of more self love. I know it!!! I learn it every single day. Give your best and love YOU.

We are on the mountain together hand in hand and we are doing this!!! Yes, we are taking our fears and making them turn into puffy white clouds that simply float away. I picture my big fears then I turn them into a puffy white pretty cloud and I send them up to the great blue sky. NOT EASY at all. Practicing makes it easier every single day. I love you.

You are safe and loved here on this #100 day journey of YOU with me.

17 May 2016

day 17 of #100 days of YOU with kelli

be kind 
Here we are on day 17 of reflecting on childhood memories, replacing old tapes that no longer serve us with new positive affirmations. We are starting a practice of coming back to be so very kind to ourselves. As kind as we are to others we need to be a zillion times kinder to US!!

When we fill ourselves with self love we have an energy that radiates light and goodness. We know how to pick ourselves up. We surround ourselves with like energy. Mean hurtful situations are easier to walk away from with grace. Looking into what serves us and makes us feel whole is so important.

If we make our vision boards - journal pages - writings in a notebook all about what we need. What life might look at if we gave it the energy, structure we desire. What might that look like? For me it looks like this = Simplify even more, create every day for the power of goodness, take time to do the little things i love (walks, candles, flowers, yummy bites of good food, laughter, setting a pretty table and having a few lovely friends over) the list is long and lots of these things I do. I can do better and I am practicing at the scheduling. Scheduling my time is a challenge for me. I have deadlines which I always meet but, I do let others take my time and energy and sometimes it does not feel good.

So for this week I am focusing on looking at how I give my time and love. Yes, I will always over give (if there is such I thing).

Here is our list of what we are practicing.
• Mindfully waking up and doing things that make us feel good.
• Journal writing to ourselves about how our life might look if we change some habits that no longer   serve us in a positive way.
• Affirmations - creating our own or using the page I created for us.

We can share this journey on our facebook page more if you like. Please let me know how you are doing and what's working for you and what's hard.

This is a journey all about YOU. Let's make it happen together. Love love love YOU!!!!

14 May 2016

Day 13 and 14 of #100 days of YOU with Kelli

one word 
Hi, I have been thinking about words. Lots of words and all the meanings that they have. The permanent places words can hold in our lives if we choose to let them. Sometimes it is a word that makes our day seem better or it can turn our day around and hurt us (only if we let it).

I like to find words that move me to a feeling of good. I love the word SHINE. I love the word HOPE. I love the word KIND. There are so many words that move me but, these three stay constant.

When I turned 50 I wanted a tat that said shine - why? I wanted to remind myself daily that I could make a choice to shine in my light and to be a good bringer of shine to others. I have never not loved this word on my forearm. Each day I still am reminded of exactly why I put it there.

Our affirmations are much like my tattoo. Less permanent in some ways but, can make a permanent place in our minds and hearts. I love this.

Making mindful choices of what we want to tell ourselves everyday matters. I hope you are all making a list of sorts. Helping affirmations that will help you practice daily goodness to YOU.

I am so grateful that you are here. This next week we will start our journal making together. I look forward to sharing more of my heart with you.

11 May 2016

painting sold. words matter. 

from one of my journals. play today. 

every new day you can begin again

her spirit moved mountains. painting sold. words matter..
Happy day 10 and 11. So sorry yesterday was a blur. Hard as I tried I had deadlines in my design world that kept busting me. So proof that I am human and I missed our day 10 together. Every new day you can begin again. I love this and it is pure truth.

Now is a great time to talk about why we are so hard on ourselves? What good does it serve us? Why do we choose to not be as kind to ourselves as we are with others? I do not believe it is our nature to do this. At least I hope not. I believe that we think we are going to push ourselves more if we are hard on ourselves. I am learning that when I do this for month at a time, I just shut down. SO new way of thinking = every time I think I am going to be hard on ME, I say STOP, I train myself to say this, "you are doing your very best, showing up everyday, YOU matter keep going."

I know by practicing we can stop the negative self talk, the non positive positioning we but, ourselves in. No fun to feel trapped by your own limitations. Time to practice your way OUT.

You can write about what this looks like for you. You can paint about it. You can build a visual page about it with pictures and words clipped from magazines. Any way that you can express and work on releasing what it is that you are unhappy with. DO IT!!! In time it changes YOU for the healthier better YOU.

Let's share together how this journey of YOU is feeling. Thank you for being here and taking this journey of 100 days with me. Love Kelli

09 May 2016

Day 9 of #100 days of YOU with kelli

we are telling our stories. right here right now. 
We are into our second week of this journey together. Lots of feeling come up. Some are not so fun to look at. I know this. Here are a few ideas and ways that I have honored the hard times and bad memories but, let them go.

Remember, you do not have to be that person who is hurt and angry anymore. You can choose to move past your fears. Letting go of anger does not mean that you have to forget what has happened in your life to make you feel the things you feel. It simply means you no longer want to hold space in your precious heart for things that make you feel bad.

Write your list of happy. Write your list of sad. See which list feels more like YOU. Practice liking yourself without the sadness that was given to you as a child or ever. Practice letting go of these hurts. Replace these hurt feelings with new happy moments. Simply put, when your brain starts remembering or old tapes start repeating in your head - say STOP (you can even say it out loud if it helps) then immediately think of a happy memory and start replacing.

This takes time and lots of practice. I know I have done it. It works. I went through a few years of therapy working on these practices. I am now a huge fan of believing in good over bad.

So for today let it be enough that we are owning our feelings. We are loved and sharing and everything is unfolding as it should.

Thank you for showing up on day 9. I love you.

Day 8 of "100 days of YOU with kelli"

me at 52 sharing my life with you. grateful. i am. 
Hello day 8. I think this is going great! Yes, I do. I love that a few of you are sharing and really diving into this journey with me. Thank you so very much.

I have decided that it would be a great idea for me to talk about some biggies that I have climbed over. How I have put these moments in my life and turned them around to give me more passion and grace.

We have been thinking of our childhood loves. How our childhood free thoughts and sense of wonder was so giving and such a carefree time. I love to hold onto the really great stuff. We all have some I just know it, along with hard stuff that we have overcome.

When I was growing up I was bullied A LOT! I grew up in a small river town in Iowa so everyone knew everyone. There were some really mean girls that would bully me. I would walk to school in fear, I would have tons of fear in the locker room or even just at my locker in the hall. Yes, I was treated terribly. Of course, my parents were always having my back and trying to make this stop. As we all know sometimes this makes it worse. Drats!!! I learned a few great things about mean bully people. I learned that it is always about the other person who just needs to act out and hurt others because they feel good pushing someone smaller around. I learned that I could rise above it and succeed with my ability to ignore. I would find great comfort in my art and would develop a wonderful imagination to feel beyond the hurt. I continue to rise above mean people. Sure I am sensitive and I have feelings that get hurt from time to time. I will say this - I tell myself how lucky I am to be alive, how blessed I am to be able to show love and give love, I tell myself that I am so heavenly lucky to not be a bully or mean person. Grace is a gift. I give myself grace and love every single day. I turn away from people or moments in my life that do not serve me to my greater good.
NO this is not easy - but with practice it becomes easy and so healing.

Maybe, when we think about our childhood some icky feeling pop up. Yes, that is okay because we are being given the gift of healing those long ago hurts. How wonderful to know that we can heal even a zillion years later. Yes, we are strong, brave and showing up to create our best life yet.

We are all here and climbing our mountain together. I love us. I love you.

Thank you for being present, for taking time to notice the stuff in your life that works for you.
This matters. You matter the very most.

07 May 2016

Day 7 of #100 days of YOU with kelli

affirmations designed by me = for you 

Happy one week of being here in this sacred space together. I do hope you are getting the magic that is here for you. I know it takes so much to start changing habits and practicing new ideas. I am positive that by being mindful and loving your intentions your new practice of loving YOU will happen. Yes, it might take 100 days or the rest of your life, either way it is a practice worth investing in = because it is YOU.

I feel like it is important for me to really open up and share my life with you. It gives me a foundations to start from and for you to see me. I have always been open and sharing. I have always been an over gifter (if there is such a thing) I know that about me. I do not do it for praise or to make someone like me. I do it because I absolutely LOVE making others feel loved, noticed, appreciated.
It is my dream that I will reach far into the world with my light, love and desire to share more.

I think it is so important for us to remember all that we have accomplished up until this very moment. Really it is crazy how much we live through, how strong we really are, our minds do the self preservation thing where we tend not to hold onto the really hard stuff - I for one am super thrilled about that. I have lived through more really hard things then lots of people. For those of you who do not know me you might be surprised. Instead of thinking about my past I practice really really hard at staying in the present, the here and now. I know we have no control over what tomorrow might bring. Live as fully out loud with joy, grace, giddy silly goofy stuff right now. Just let go of the stuff you are holding. Just let it go. Practice at just letting it go.

I have found it really useful to write what I am trying to let go of. Often times I burn the letter up while saying a little prayer of intention with it. It is enough for me to write it, spill it out and then start the real life practice of letting it go.

So maybe, we can all find a few things we would be better off without? I know I have some.

Thank you for walking this path with me. I am honored beyond that you are here. I love you.

link to our closed facebook group. please join us if you like.

14 December 2015

being grateful and giving back tis the season

my biggest sale EVER. happening right now.

custom dream catcher. filled with many layers of beauty.

original painting. layers of dreams and truth found here.

handmade gorgeous. hands stitched tiny bits. vintage linen.

the most beautiful inspired secret treasure box.

a princess crown of love. 

I live my life practicing being grateful. I am grateful just to wake up each day. I do my best to make moments matter. I try hard to give back to others and really to over give (if there is such a thing).

I have said for many many years how I wish that I were independently wealthy and could create for free. I would in a nano second. I am not fortunate to be able to do this. I will keep wishing and doing and perhaps one day this will be so for me.

I build a wildly successful career as a graphic designer and illustrator working for big huge fortune 500 companies for lots of years. Two years ago I decided I wanted a life where I created from me for me. I had a dream where I would create happy and share with this big world. I have mindfully been finding my path to making this happen. I am once again living the life of a struggling artist financially. Hard facts to admit but, so true. I know deep inside that this will change. I will find the right people in the perfect time and space who will notice my talents, my passion and my desire to make a difference in some small way in this big world.

I am empowered to make this happen as I see it in my soul when I rest at night. I am driven when I wake each day to work harder, create more pure art and be seen.  I am not meant to worry about money each day. I am meant to share and give and then love more.

I think by being open and honest about my life I can inspire and help others. This is my wish. This is my gift that sits inside my heart patiently waiting to shine.

I am grateful for this time in my life to be able to create for me and try with all of my might to be seen. I am grateful to all of my friends and kindred spirits who follow me. I never ever take any of this for granted.

Loving more every single day. I am.

24 September 2015

wide open land. wide open life. keep dreaming.

oh this. memories for me. dreams that still need nurtured.
land. fields. trees. barns. gravel. space.
my little family dreaming with me. hubby and pearl button.
I often write about how fast time dashes by. Seems like I can blink and one month is gone. I have been searching, dreaming, moving, reaching, building, working so hard for the past two years. I know the only way to achieve all that I need to fill my soul up is to work really hard and focus. Lessons that I have know most of my life. Listening to my heart. Listening to the voices that speak the loudest to me. Listening to this art filled life of mine that keeps me inspired, keeps me loving big, keeps me pushing.

Dreams are funny things. I know that dreams only come true with tons of hard work. I have had so many of my dreams come true. Seems funny I can still want more, I do. I want what I know is inside of me just waiting to SHINE out.  I stumble, I flat out fall but, I get back up and keep pushing the mountains aside.

Drive. I sometimes ask myself - where does my drive come from? Is it just survival? No, not for me.
I want to thrive in giving love. I want to share my messages of hope, surviving, dreaming big and creating a life well lived.

Hard lessons only push me harder. I pray to be a light for others.

Why the pictures of this farm and land? Right now in this time and space the rolling hills, the green grass, gravel roads, crickets singing, grasshoppers hopping and mind stopping beauty has my heart.
I wonder do I need to be out in the midst of 20 acres creating, retreating and making my biggest dream come true?

Come with me and see this adventure that is wide open. Grateful to be noticing my days with grace and appreciation. Never ever take your life for granted. You are precious. my new website where you can learn more about my life and my art.

21 July 2015

my summer of learning and listening

stitch. pray. heal.

finding delight in the tiny details. every single day.
Wow it has been over one month since I have blogged. I have been living in a sort of constant days and nights rolling into one month of time. This is my summer of fighting shingles. Fighting is not the best word to use when describing non stop pain. I usually try to surround everything in my body with love and positive words. Lately I've been feeling like this really is a fight to survive with my mental goodness. I am not good at resting non stop. I like to do things. I love adventures and outings and finding unexpected fun.

This is a time in my life to learn lessons about healing, about myself and really listen. I am not sure I am really good at this listening part. I am practicing on getting better at it daily.

I have been stitching a great deal as I can rest and still create. I often write that creating is like breathing to me. I must do it. So I have found a way to create even while healing. I am so grateful for this.

My days are getting better as I do have more energy then I did one month ago. I know that good things take time. My healing is a very good thing so I will surround this time with as much love as I know how to.

I have been extremely blessed with the love from others. Prayers are being heard and I am most thankful. I will continue to create each day in the ways that I can hoping that my dreams will continue to grow and the mountains I need to climb will be waiting for me.

Looking forward to life after shingle pain.

27 April 2015

what it takes to make a life long dream come true = by me

love with all my soul = Pearl Button

paint, illustrate, create more, layer more, be mindful

notice the path of my life that has me here right NOW

styling spaces = oh i love this stuff = watch out booth #1559 NYC

get published A LOT and get your artwork on the cover

be true to yourself = be raw and be seen
It has been way to long since I blogged. My days turn into nights into weeks into months lately.
I am good with that. I am grateful for that. I am so insanely blessed to be right here, right now and to really notice how very lucky I am.

Truth. I have created my own luck. I have worked seriously hard to be in this very place and time.
I have climbed a whole bunch of big scary mountains. Mountains that had winding paths of betrayal,
death, life changing illness, self doubt, anxiety, panic attacks and more self doubt. I have been an artist my entire life. I have created for fortune 500 companies for many many years. I have no real ego. Truth. I care most about loving and giving and yes, being loved back.

I thought it might be nice to share some bits of what I have done to arrive at this very space in time to get to my dream of debuting my line of ME at the National Stationary Show. I know I make it look easy as I stay positive and keep my life in good energy. I practice daily at showing up to do the really hard work. I know I am lucky to be given gifts and I am meant to share.

It took me so very many years and so much help from loves in my life to get me here.

We have sold a home I adored to be able to have money to design just for me. I let go of clients and income that I depended on to live. I have trusted in being good and giving and creating in life.

In the past two years come this May. We have sold 80 percent of everything we owned (with my darling hubby supporting and working with me to make this happen). We have moved from Minneapolis to Sarasota Florida then near the beach Siesta Key and now to Galena Illinois. I have created enough art to submit and be published in 8 magazines, continued working on my favorite clients in Minneapolis (okay, I need some income) and being mindful of having a good life, a true and loving marriage, being a good daughter, friend and showing up.

I am seeing the light of our travels to NYC on May 12th. I still have to reach the top of the mountain. Believe me I have tons of work to do to get there. I can honestly say (and I am SO hard on myself) but, I have 80 cards that I adore and other cool products for the show.

I hope that I can inspire one person to really go for your dream. No matter how big or small. We are blessed with one life (that I know of) and it matters that we show up and continue to love ourselves.

I cannot thank my hubby enough for believing in me. I really am very lucky. Love sweet love. Shine.

27 August 2014

dreaming even bigger = starts now

dreaming bigger making it happen = moving another mountain

always knowing what really matters in life.
 today was a good day. i learned a great deal about staying true to my soul and my art. i had all sorts of people i do not really even know share the kindest words to me about my art. i know that i am meant to move great things with my art. i am doing it and it is only going to shine brighter.

i am in the middle of making a huge dream come true. my hubby is a huge part in making this happen with me. my little jrt pearl button is always by my side telling me i can do more hard things with great love.

so tonight i rest knowing that my world is unfolding in its perfect time and space. sure some things are rattled around from time to time, that is life. being alive allows us to dance around and grow our thinking = oh i am grateful for these gifts.

love sweet love.

08 May 2014

shaken and grateful = strength

layered, painted. stitched, vintage. designed = me grateful as can be.
This past week I have been shaken to my core. I have had faith and hope to search for and know it would fill me. I have been blessed beyond by the love of friends and soul connections. Prayers were answered (they always are) in ways that I could not have guessed.

I am so incredibly happy to know that creating and living my life as a designer and artist keeps me alive = mind, body and soul.

Sometimes it is good to be shaken. Sometimes it is okay to be raw and ask for help. We learn so much about ourselves, if we listen and really pay attention.

I am here paying listening, creating and pouring more of me into all I do.

Grateful for strength and love sweet love. Knowing. Noticing. Doing the best everyday that I can.

12 May 2012

happy mothers day = mom.

oh how i loved ballet

i still twirl my hair. no thumb sucking though.
Today is all about mothers day. I am an only child and I can tell you this ~ I am most grateful for my life. Thanks Mom. I have always been cherished and loved and taken care of. Funny as we get older we appreciate different things about our childhood. I am very very lucky.

I have never had the fortune of having a child. I have had dogs ~ yes, I know they are not kids but, to me they are.

To live each moment knowing you have someone who treasures you and cares for you all of the time ~ yes, that is what I have been blessed with from both of my parents.

My mom has always been strong, pretty, talented, wise, fun, funny, interesting, giving and so very very sweet. I hope that if someone were to describe me I would be lucky enough to have a few of these kind words said.

I love you to the moon and back Mom.  Thanks for being you.

07 March 2012

sending packages = i adore

i had a ball putting this package together today.

happy banner, 53 cards nested, tin cowboy, you name it = fun filled
One of my favorite things to do in the studio is to create really fun packages that i know the person receiving will have fun opening. I love layering treats on top of treats on top of more treats. I really just enjoy all the energy that goes out in a package.

This package contains my 53 cards I posted yesterday with some other fun goodies. A jumble of my life and loves and silly things around me that I cherish.

The person receiving this package has never received one from me before. Ooh more fresh goodness.

For today I am grateful for the ability to create for a living, to have daily passion to make things, to have an abundance of ideas and be able to bring them to life. I wish this for every single soul who reads this. Feed your soul daily it always gives back.

More creative by me

14 February 2012

simply say i love you.

mercury glass heart in our entry way = welcome love

tiny mercury glass hearts floating in our room = charmed.

handmade heart = the best kind.

simple flowers, candles, shells and my love = lucky me
Today we celebrate love. I say let's celebrate it everyday. I try to. Yep. I know that Valentines is a fun red pink and glowy time to say I love you.

I really like finding simple ways to show love.  I am very blessed to be loved and cared for. I am one of the lucky ones who really knows what love is. I never take it for granted and I always count it as one of my best blessings when I go to bed each night.

So for today on Valentines Day I wish for everyone to feel loved. Enjoy this sweet tender day and just play!!!