Showing posts with label pen and ink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pen and ink. Show all posts

23 May 2014

discovering what makes me tick = again.

mixed giddy = inks, acrylics, pens, tapes, coffee stained papers illustration

pen and ink, acrylic inks, torn papers, illustration

a section of larger piece = inks, acrylics, pen and ink, oil pastels = illustration

torn pages, acrylics, pen and ink, inner most thoughts = illustration

Sometimes you get really lucky when you dream big. For me it was to move across the country and create, create, create. Well we celebrate one year of moving and boy have i learned SO MUCH. Grateful for these lessons = some very hard.

I have found my place of creating that is real, all me, no holding back, putting it all out there.
It feels great.

Now i can create the cards, the books, get the publishers (good news on this note), find the licensed folks that are a perfect fit for me, and so it goes. I am creating more packages of my art and sending to the dream folks = loving the process.

My dream is BIG and i am marching fearless (okay, still fears at times) Staying true to me.
Supported by my hubby who believes in me big time. I love that in my life.

Color, embracing all of life, giving more, taking less, opening up to feel everything. Its all good. Thanks for following my life here on my simple little blog.

Blessed beyond and knowing.