Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Wipe Your Blackberry

If you are a hard reset on your blackberry, make sure you backup the data - data from contact and personal data from phone memory.

Step - steps you take to perform a hard reset:
1. Select the settings menu from the main menu.
2. Select options, security options, and general settings; then press the menu key and select wipe handheld
3. Select third applications including option to delete the data - third data applications on your blackberry.
4. Select continue and type the Blackberry (or a password that you use on your phone).
Hard reset process takes time, especially if you use the content protection. At the time the process is underway, you can not stop it.

Source:Various Source

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Memory Settings on the BlackBerry Handheld

1. You can check the remaining memory on the handheld blackberry by going to [Options], [Status].

2. Remove applications that are not in use, or not useful, such as sample videos or games. Going to [Options], [Advanced Options] [Applications], [Menu], [Delete].
3. Delete messages that have been read, or arrange for the handset does not store messages for too long.
4. Set [Content Compression] to [Enable] to minimize the size of data on the Blackberry handheld.
5. Clear Browser Cache, by way of opening [Agents], then click the menu, and select [Options], [CacheOperations].
6. If you often use fuel chat, YM, WLM, etc., select [Clear Conversation], or [Clear History] for fuel, or [End Conversation] to get back on the memory used to store the history of the conversation.
7. Soft reset or Hard reset can increase the capacity (free file) on the BlackBerry memory.
8. Clear Event Log. Event log is useful for troubleshooting, for storing data on the events and processes running. But at the same time also use the Event Log on the handheld Blackberry memory to store all the data. To display the Event Log, see box (Secret / Hidden Codes)

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Tips BB :Creating SMS and email in separate folders & Inbox neat and nice views

Creating SMS and email in separate folders:

- Click 'Messages'.
- BBMenu - Options - General Options
- Search for 'SMS and Email Inboxes': -> Separate.

Creating Inbox neat and nice views:
- Click 'Messages'
- BBMenu - Options - General Options
- In line 3, 'Display Order' click and select 'Name, Subject'
- In line 4, 'Display Message Header On' click and select '2 lines'
- In line 10, 'Separators' click and select 'Stripes'
- The bottom line, 'Keep Messages' select '15 days' (does not meet the inbox capacity / memory)

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The meaning of the extension *. cod - *. jad - *. alx on BlackBerry

At the moment we want to place (install) an application to the BB, either through offline DM or OTA (over the air), we'll catch a glimpse of the files with the suffix (extension) is.

# ? *. cod
Is the core of the program files / applications that will be 'install' to our BB.
This file is a combination of several files in the 'zip' / compressed into one file.
Then file ² *. alx and *. jad, is a script file type of installation, required by the application installation. Is the 'offline' or OTA.

#? *. jad
The installation is a direct way via OTA.

#? *. alx
This file is used if we are to 'install' applications through the DM. We need to first copy this file to your PC, then 'install'.
So, to be understood, any application that we 'install'. So the files that play is, as follows. :

1. + *. cod *. jad -> install via OTA.
2. *. *. alx + cod -> install via DM.

*. Jad files can be installed offline as well. By way JAD and COD files in a folder copied on?,Then we 'execute' / 'run' file

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Problems in the Symbian Mobile Phone "Start up failed Contact the Retailer"

"Start up failed Contact the Retailer" Error Message

The following tips for overcoming problems in Symbian when the message "Start up failed Contact the Retailer":

1. We can make the radius format, ie press the number 3, *, the call button and power button simultaneously
2. If the format is the radius does not work, should be done using the method of repair box format user Area
3. If still not successful, do the methods of flashing

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Prevention Tips for BlackBerry Messenger is not attacked by Hackers

Tips for BlackBerry Messenger is not attacked by hackers :

#Report on the service if the received message disturbing impression on the user's BlackBerry
#Do any mengconfirm messages coming from sources that are less known
#Restart the BlackBerry, after upgrade
#Back up through the desktop manager to cope with lost contacts
#Consultations on the service center, the BlackBerry service

Tag:Tips&Trik BlackBerry, BBM Hacker Attack Tips,Hacker Attack On BlackBerry Messenger

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Various kinds Methods of Job Training

Various kinds methods of training according to the Amber Jucius Teguh Sulistiyani & Rosidah (2003: 183), consisting of:

1. On the job training (training in the workplace); is the recommended exercises performed on a new labor.
2. Vestibule Training; is a short course, like engineered so that the condition of the course and facilities close to the actual work situation.
3. Apprentice Training (internship); is an exercise that is used for this type of work that has a high skill, so under the direct supervision of an expert job.
4. Intership Training; a training program conducted an educational institution with other institutions such as corporations, government agencies, to provide training to the students / students.
5. Learner Training (training of students); a training method in which the company sent a number of existing workers to undertake training at the school - a certain vocational schools.
6. Outside Course; is the training method performed by a professional agency working with a particular company.
7. Retraining and Upgrading; is training that aims to improve the quality of employee skills to anticipate the environmental conditions that constantly change and develop

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The basics of good service in a telephone Manner

Telephone is the medium of oral communication indirect communication means are separated by distance.
The basics of good service in a telephone Manner:
a. Be alert
Raise and answer the telephone promptly, give full attention to the other person.
b. Be Yourself
Talk is natural and not artificial.
c. Be Friendly
Show attitude, polite, friendly and helpful
d. Be distinc
Use plain language and easy to understand
e. Be enthusiastic
Talk with depicting spirit of personality

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5 Alasan Utama Memilih Hp Thin Clients

1. Lebih Terjangkau
Hp Thien Clients didesain oleh para ahli HP agar biaya pemeliharaan tetap minimal, tetapi dengan menyediakan disain mutakhir dengan kinerja optimal : Disain yang sangat indah tanpa bagian yang dapat dilepas sehingga biaya pemeliharaan relatif rendah.

2. Didisain ramah lingkungan : Komitmen hp untuk melindungi lingkungan , HP thin Clients dibuat secara khusus untuk menjadi ramah lingkungan
- Penggunaan bahan-bahan ramah lingkungan, mengurangi kerusakan lingkungan
- Proses kemasan yang lebih efisien
- Penggunaan listrik yang lebih kecil dan efisien
- Program HP planet Partnetrs TM menawarkan inisiatif daur ulang untuk melindungi lingkungan

3. Mudah digunakan
Hp Thin Clients dikemas untuk kenyamanan dan kecepatan para pemakainya.
- Langsung siap digunakan pada saat dikeluarkan dari kemasan
- hanya membutuhkan beberapa menit untuk pemasangan
- Sangat mudah dikonfigurasikan dengan menggunakan HP management tools

4. Mudah diatasi
Dengan berbagai solusi persiapan dan pengaturan yang sangat mudah
Hp Thin clients siap membantu perusahaan kecil dan besar mengatur keanekaragaman situasi bisnis hanya dari satu mesin

5. Sistem Keamanan Canggih
Produk ini didesain khusus untuk menjaga kelangsungan bisnis anda dan memperbaiki kerusakan data, HP thin clients menyimpan data dan apliikasi penting pada server pusat dengan mematikan penyimpanan lokal, membatasi informasi untuk pengguna lokal dan juga meningkatkan keamanan data

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Add-Ons For Firefox Browser Accelerating

Firefox is the browser of the most favored, because Firefox is one of the fastest browser.
Firefox claimed to be the fastest and less useful in memory usage.
If you are a firefox user browser, here are some tips to speed up again your Firefox browser.
If we often do browsing, Firefox was saving our history into the database and the database can cause slow startup process firefox.
To overcome this you can use the add-ons called Vacuum.
Add-ons Vacuum serves to "tidy up" the database files so they can optimize firefox firefox speed when performing loading.
Download and install these add-ons and you can feel the changes.

Download add-ons Vacuum:
https: / /

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The things that must be considered by a leader

The things that must be considered by a leader is as follows:
1. Sets goals and performance criteria that is set in a clear organizational goals and also set its performance criteria.

2. Provides incentives, so that subordinate want to reach goals and meet the performance criteria of the company that is always providing incentives (labor force) are interesting, either in the form of cash awards as well as in other forms, especially for workers willing employees achieve goals through efforts to achieve performance in accordance with the criteria set.

3. Give regular objective feed back so that people know they share stands in the work means that leaders explain regularly feedback organizational goals, so that every employee knows their role in the company's position.

4. Uses techniques of paticipative whereby employees participate when it is appropriate in decisions which affect them and their work means to use participative management ways in which the employees involved in certain decisions where they can do their jobs better.

5. Hold regularly, two way meetings with subordinates communicative means in this case between leaders and employees must be good listeners in the good underlying intentions for improving organizational performance

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All About Butterfly Gardening

When creating a butterfly garden, the possibilities of what to include in your butterfly garden design are endless. Below are some suggestions to help get you started. They are designed to spark the creative process of your mind and get you started on your way to creating a lovely butterfly garden.

Before you even begin your butterfly garden, find out which species of butterflies are in your area. Consider taking an exploratory hike around your location with a butterfly identification book. This may take a little extra time and effort, but the results will be worth it. After you have compiled your list of local butterfly species, be sure to write down in your butterfly garden plan what these particular species of butterflies use for nectar and food plants.

Be sure that your garden is in a location that provides at least six hours of sunlight per day. Butterflies are cold-blooded creatures and therefore do better where they are warm and sheltered.

Wind can be a butterfly's worst enemy so be sure to have plenty of wind protection in your design. You can plant tall shrubs and other plants in order to create a wind break, but a location that avoids heavy winds is even better.
The best of all would be a butterfly garden placed on the sunny side of your home with windbreaks on both the west and east sides, or wherever the prevailing wonds come from in your area. Try and locate your garden close to a window so you can view the butterflies from indoors. Provide seating outside too.

If possible, you could excavate an area and build a stone wall around it. This would create the ideal windbreak for your butterflies. Mmake gravel pathways around your garden to save walking in mud.

There are many creative ways for constructing a butterfly garden. Take your time to design a garden that you will enjoy and be proud of.

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Rules for Work

Rules for Work :
1. Never give me work in the morning. Always wait until 4:00 and the bring it to me. The chalenge of a deadline is refreshing
2. If its’s really a rush job, run in and interrupt me every 10 minutes to inquire how its going. That helps. Or even better, hover behind me, advising me at every keystroke

3. Always leave without telling anyone where you’re going . it gives me a chance to be creative when someone asks where you are.
4. If my arms are full of papers, boxes, books, or supplies, dont open the door for me. I need to learn how to function as a paraplegic and opening doors with no arms is good training in case i should ever be injured and lose all use of my limbs.

5. If you give me more than one job to do, dont tell me which is priority. I am physic.
6. Do your best to keep me late. I adore this office and really have nowhere to go anything to do. I have no life beyond work

7. If a job i do pleases you, keep it a secret. If thats gets out, it could mean a promotion.
8. If you dont like my work , tell everyone. I like my name to be popular in conversations. I was born to be whipped.

9. If you have special instructions for a job, dont write them down. In fact, save them until the job is almost done. No use confusing me with useful information
10. Never introduce me to the people you’re with. I have not right to know anything. In the corporate food chain, I am plankton. When you refer to them later, my shrewd deductions will identify them

11. Be nice to me only when the job im doing for you could really change your life and send you straight to managers hell.
12. Tell me all yout little problem. No one else has any and its nice to know someone is less fortunate. I especially like the story about having to pay so much taxes on the bonus check you received for being such a good manager.

13. Wait until my yearly review and THEN tell me what my goals Should have been. Give me a mediocre performance rating with a cost of living increase. I’m not here for the money anyway.

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Old Occupations – What Happens When people Of Different Occupation get Old

What Happens???
- Old Accountants never die, they just lose their balance
- Old actors never die, they just drop apart
- Old archers never die, they just bow and quiver
- Old bankers never die , they just lose interest
- Old basketballs players never die, they just go on dribbling
- Old cashiers never die, they just kick the bucket
- Old Chauffeurs never die, they just lose their drive
- Old Cleaning people never die, they just lose kick the bucket
- Old deans never die, they just lose their faculties
- Old doctors never die, they just lose their patience
- Old Electricians never die, they just lose contact
- Old farmers never die, they just go to seed
- Old hippies never die, they just smell that way
- Old horticulturist never die, they just goto pot
- Old investors never die, they just roll over
- Old laser physicists never die, they just become inherent
- Old lawyers never die, they lose their appeal
- Old limbo never die, they just go under
- Old Mathematicians never die, they just disintegrated
- Old musicians never die, they just get palyed out
- Old printers never die, they’re just not the type
- Old wrestlers never die, they just lose their grip
(karir-up magazine)

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