Showing posts with label Sound theAlarm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sound theAlarm. Show all posts

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ghost #4

      Ghost number four is called Sounding the Alarm. It's  a tribute to local firefighters. There was a large tragic fire here in 1904 and after that the local fire department was formed.

      This is the most elaborate of all the statues as it has four separate figures and the fire wagon. 

      Sound the Alarm sits in front of the children's library which was at one time the main fire hall and before that an armory.

The the left side shows the  first phase of the local library . On the right is the old fire hall with Sound the Alarm right at to corner.  The brick building with the tower was the old fire hall.

Harnessing some high strung horses.

I think the artist caught the excitement in this statue with the horses and men getting ready to go to a fire.

The driver was doing all he could to keep control of his horses.