Showing posts with label icloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label icloud. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

iPad Stuff

     I've had a problem with my ipad recently. Me! I haven't used it much for the last six months. I have watched the charge and kept the battery charged.

     Two or three months age I decided that maybe I should use the ipad so that it updates. Well icloud asked for a password. Easy peasy! But icloud did not accept my password. I tried a few more times and I was stumped.

     Now I'm not an Apple person. I admit that I have difficulty working with apple.

    Our library provides one on one help for seniors on their computers. So off I went.  Hey , they didn't even ask for my age. 

    Well it took a few tries before we satisfied icloud. It was a challenge. I now know how to retrieve a password or set a new one.

     Then my trusty librarian friend showed me many more tricks to work on the ipad. I was amazed at the simple ways to do things. Apple thinks I'm very busy when I don't close anything and then gets very slow. So I learned how to clear off all the sites I left open and don't use.

     Then the friendly techy noticed that my version of ipad was out of date so we downloaded the latest version. All the time he was showing me how to fumble my way around apple. 

     Then because I'm such a whimp I wanted google chrome for a browser so no problem. You can download it. 

     So I came home with a different point of view on my ipad. If I use it more I may become more familiar with it and like it.

So there. I emailed a selfie to myself and put it on the blog!!!!