Showing posts with label 55 Flash Fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 55 Flash Fiction. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2011

55: (W)Hole

Marvin had a gap between his teeth
a mouth full of cavities, empty pockets,
worn out shoes and a congenital heart defect.

Few family, fewer friends,  always searching
for something.

"Life is full of holes" he would say....

They buried him in another mans suit.
With no holes.

Dead Marvin smiled.

Finally at peace.


 Posted  for Flash Fiction Friday
This week's Magpie is also a 55

Thursday, June 9, 2011

55: stuck

stuck, and yet somehow coming
unglued at the seams. it seems i
didn''t adhere to the doctors orders
"you have to stick with this" he said
"even if you're feeling better..."
 i tried to solve my problem
with a quick fix, then dissolved
now i'm holding fast, slowly
waiting for the meds to kick in.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

55 Wet and Dry

still hot and slightly damp
she walked naked across
the cool porcelain tile
opening the door, the
clothes now lay piled in a
scattered jumble on the floor
she smiled, a huge grin 
anticipating the thrill of
what was to come next...
'cause nothing beats a
steamy shower and clean
laundry straight from the dryer

Posted for Three Word Wednesday (prompt: grin, jumble, naked )
And for 55 Flash Fiction

Friday, May 6, 2011

55. Happily Ever After

The two friends sat huddled whispering
over half filled wine glasses.
"I still can't believe he's dead at forty five..."
"Well, they say alcohol and diabetes dont mix"
"I don't know what to say to her..."
Beth walked into the kitchen.
"Why the long faces?
Raise your glasses and say
"Cheers" the merry widow!"

Friday, April 29, 2011

55 ( minus 1)

i can't pick up wet soap
or fish with one hand
can't count endless stars
or hourglass sand
can't knit without needles
shower without h2o
make tequila without agave
or a snowman without snow
write poems without a muse
or in shallow waters dive
i can write 54
can't write 55

Monday, April 11, 2011

55 - girl on a string

cute little puppet
marionette plaything
cut chrysalis cords
for butterfly wings
can't tie her up or
tie her down, both
feet off the ground
she's a flight of
fantasy, an errant 
kite that wrapped
me tight around her 
finger like a mellow
 yellow lead balloon
bursting into a
 nothing fling 
my girl on a string

Thursday, April 7, 2011

55 - less is more

shrinkwrapped like
deli meat, drinking h2o
on the go, downsized
from a D to a C
so i could B...A
little less of me
and more like what
you want me to be
still you're relentless
and more and more
i'm begining to see
that less of you is
more of what i want