Sunday, November 24, 2002

The bird is in the fridge thawing. Won't be blogging much this week because I must watch Food Network 24/7 to figure out what to do with this stupid thing.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

And this just in from Jesus...
This evening I heard the Rev. Jim Ball of EEN (Evangelical Ecological Network of Washington, D.C.) illuminating the viewers of FoxNews' The Big Story with John Gibson about, and I'm not kidding, WHAT WOULD JESUS DRIVE! It seems Rev. Ball believes Jesus prefers that we drive the "most fuel efficient vehicles available" -- not SUVs. Wow, I had no idea Jesus was troubled with fuel efficiency! Thanks, Rev. Ball, for enlightening me. Although Rev. Ball didn't elaborate on just what vehicles Jesus prefers, I imagine it must be something like this. I must now go e-mail my uncle, a minister, and give him the sad news that Jesus opposes his Jeep Cherokee.

Hmmm, maybe in addition to automobile critiques, Jesus is in the business of home inspections. When I opened up the local yellow pages yesterday, I found the following entry:
Christian Home Inspection Services
I'm not sure what that entails, but I sure as heck would love to turn them loose on my downstairs neighbors.

Friday, November 15, 2002

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

If I elaborated on the events of the past week, you wouldn't believe me -- it's been stranger than fiction. So let me just give the following reasons for not blogging much:
1) I bought a house.
2) A co-worker committed suicide.

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Neighbor Hell Update
The animal abusers frenzied fornicators neighbors from hell have added a part-husky dog to their palace of sin household. This would be problem enough if they treated the dog humanely as dogs are strictly prohibited by our lease agreements. Don't get me wrong -- I LOVE dogs. I cannot, however, stand to watch ignorant trash morons mistreat animals.
So, I have started looking for houses and am considering making an offer on a modest shack dwelling on a flat lot (almost unheard of here in Mountaineer city) in a quiet neighborhood across town.

Friday, November 01, 2002

Will be out of town and not blogging through Tuesday, Nov. 5...not that it matters.
Little Green Footballs has the most adorable Halloween photo posted today.
I'm happy to report that Ronald Lantz, the truck driver who spotted the snipers, is originally from Ellamore, W. Va.
Hey, I think we've found the answer for dealing with Saddam!

Popular Weed Killer Feminizes Native Leopard Frogs Across Midwest