HolyCoast: global warming
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Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global warming. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Global Warming Quote of the Day

From George Monbiot, one of the nuttiest of the global warming/end of the world promoters, on the current UN global warming conference in Rio:
We know it's rubbish....
True. The entire global warming movement is basically liberals with a massively inflated sense of their own importance and their scientific knowledge. It's about controlling people, not saving the planet.

And in other global warming news:
Oregon State University chemistry professor Nicholas Drapela was fired without warning three weeks ago and has still been given no reason for the university’s decision to “not renew his contract.”

Drapela, an outspoken critic of man-made climate change, worked at the university for 10 years.
Universities are full of the same kinds of nuts that are in Rio and they don't like anyone expressing what they consider heresy about global warming.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Obama Plans a Litany of Lefty Pipe Dreams For His Second Term

I guess he's given up on fixing the economy:
President Barack Obama’s priorities in a second term could include tackling climate change, halting nuclear proliferation, bolstering overseas aid and immigration reform, according to his senior advisers.

Although on the campaign trail Obama insists that the central campaign issue is ‘how we build an economy that works for everybody’, White House aides, speaking to the New Yorker in a lengthy article about Obama’s plans for a second term, stressed other themes.

Officials insist that they are not taking Obama’s re-election for granted. But Ryan Lizza, author of the article, revealed that Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former chief of staff, had told him right at the start of Obama’s presidency ‘that the White House was already contemplating the Presidency in terms of eight years’.
The guy's a lefty ideologue, pure and simple. He can't help himself. He has to work on issues of little or no consequence because that's what liberals do. Results don't matter, only intentions.

But of course, he won't get another four years.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Global Warming Was Worse in the 1930's Than Today

Imagine that:
Recently unearthed photographs taken by Danish explorers in the 1930s show glaciers in Greenland retreating faster than they are today, according to researchers.
Maybe Hillary Clinton better go check it out.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Clinton Sent to the Arctic

Could this be punishment for Bill's endorsement of Romney's business history?
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took a first-hand look Saturday at the way a warming climate is changing the Arctic, opening the region to competition for vast oil reserves.
Seriously, why is the Secretary of State off on a silly global warming mission like this? Have all the other disputes in the world been settled and there's nothing left for her to do?


How about just opening our own oil resources in ANWR?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Climate is Changing...Back

Reader Sam points out this story from Tim Blair:
The heaviest polar ice in more than a decade could postpone the start of offshore oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean until the beginning of August, a delay of up to two weeks, Shell Alaska officials said …

The summer ice melt in the Arctic has often reached record levels in recent years in what many scientists believe is a sign of climate change.

But this year a high pressure zone over the coast of Alaska, low winter temperatures and certain ocean currents have combined to bring unusually large amounts of ice not only to Alaska’s northern coast, but farther south in the Bering Sea as well, National Weather Service officials said.
The next story we'll see is how polar bears are being threatened because there's too much ice. It will include a picture of a bear wandering in futile search of open water where he can hunt.

And it will be our fault.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The More People Know About Science, The Less They Worry About Global Warming

Global warming alarmists have tried to suggest that people who oppose the notion of man-made global warming are simply ignorant about science. Not so:
Are global warming skeptics anti-science? Or just ignorant about science?

Maybe neither. A study published Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change finds that people who are not that worried about the effects of global warming tend to have a slightly higher level of scientific knowledge than those who are worried, as determined by their answers to questions like:

"Electrons are smaller than atoms -- true or false?”

"How long does it take the Earth to go around the Sun? One day, one month, or one year?"

“Lasers work by focusing sound waves -- true or false?”

The quiz, containing 22 questions about both science and statistics, was given to 1,540 representative Americans. Respondents who were relatively less worried about global warming got 57 percent of them right, on average, just barely outscoring those whose who saw global warming as a bigger threat. They got 56 percent of the questions correct.

"As respondents’ science literacy scores increased, their concern with climate change decreased," the paper, which was funded by the National Science Foundation, notes.
I would surmise that the more people know about science, and especially if their knowledge of science is coupled with a knowledge of historic climate trends, the less likely they are to believe that man is capable of creating the kind of chaos about which global warming alarmists whine.  It becomes much more obvious that global warming alarmism is more about politics, money and control than it is about real science.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fight Climate Change! Use Giant Helicopters!

He has been picked as an expert judge to help find the nation's next biggest superstar on hit TV show The Voice.

But when Will.i.am arrived at a climate change debate recently, he showed a shocking lack of judgement.

The 37-year-old Black Eyed Peas star arrived for the talk at Oxford University in his private helicopter....

His trip from London was a total of 286 miles and used 71.5 gallons of fuel, ploughing three-quarters of a tonne of CO2 into the atmosphere, which is the same as the average UK person produces in an entire month.

He landed his enormous green helicopter in Oxford's University Parks and travelled to meet Mr Allen at the Radcliffe Observatory weather centre on a much more environmentally-conscious bike.
Guys like this just make me laugh because you just know he spent his time at the event urging others to conserve.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Good Thing the Dinosaurs Are Gone

If dinosaurs still roamed the earth global warming would be completely out of control:
British scientists have calculated that the dinosaur population produced over 520 million pounds of methane gas annually, according to the BBC. Scientists suggest that the gas could have played a role in climate warming 150 million years ago.
This is the same role played by vegetarians today.

Bill Nye the Science Guy is spewing some global warming gasses of his own:
Bill Nye the Science Guy told the Daily Caller on Tuesday that climate change is a bigger problem than the economy or high unemployment.

He also said that “this notion that government is inherently bad is new,” and after the November election, President Barack Obama will “have a freer hand.”
That's exactly what we're afraid of. We want Obama to be completely free after the election...to find another job.

Friday, May 04, 2012

It's a Miracle! Obama Has Slowed the Rise of the Sea!

That's what he promised in his nomination speech:
A decade-long, eye-in-the-sky study of nearly 200 major outlet glaciers found that they haven’t been tumbling into the ocean with the dramatic acceleration once feared — and that means these colossal rivers of ice might not contribute as much to a catastrophic sea-level rise as predicted by some worst-case scenarios.

Some climate studies had suggested that Greenland’s coastal glaciers were poised to produce enough fresh water to raise the global sea level by 2.5 to 6.5 feet over the next 90 years.

But their tidewater meltdown — if it doesn’t speed up beyond the rates seen during the past 10 years — will likely deliver a sea level boost measured in inches rather than feet, according to a new study published this week in the journal of Science.

“Our wide sampling of actual 2000 to 2010 changes shows that glacier acceleration across the ice sheet remains far below (the high-end) estimates, suggesting that sea level rise associated with Greenland glacier dynamics remains well below the low-end scenario (of about four to five inches by 2100) at present,” wrote lead researcher Twila Moon and three co-authors.
With all the hot air Obama has pumped out in the last three years I'm frankly surprised there are any glaciers left.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Global Warming Headlines of the Day

From Drudge:
GORE: Global warming IS REAL; Blasts talkradio show hosts... 

Earned 'D' In Natural Sciences At Harvard...
I saw a term this weekend that I liked: Enviro-fundamentalist. That describes Gore to a tee. He thinks he's global warming's answer to Billy Graham, but he's really nothing but a snake oil salesman.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Catcher Who Has Taken Too Many Foul Balls Off the Mask Suggests Global Warming Causing More Home Runs

Personally, I think it's steroids, but let's see what Tim McCarver thinks:
Tim McCarver: “[T]he air is thinning…. There have been climatic changes over the last 50 years…. I think that’s one of the reasons balls are carrying much better now.”

Joe Buck [Fox Sports play-by-play announcer]: “So that’s your ‘inconvenient truth’ about it?”

McCarver: “You’re going to find it out one of these days, yes.”
Too many foul balls...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Global Warming Quote of the Day

From the father of the "Gaia" movement Jim Lovelock:
“The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included – because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn’t happened,” Lovelock said.

“The climate is doing its usual tricks. There’s nothing much really happening yet. We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now,” he said.

“The world has not warmed up very much since the millennium. Twelve years is a reasonable time… it (the temperature) has stayed almost constant, whereas it should have been rising -- carbon dioxide is rising, no question about that,” he added.
Bottom line - they don't know crap about what the Earth is doing or likely to do, or how CO2 will affect it...if at all.  Their models all turned out wrong and all they've got left is clinging to the hope that somehow we're all doomed.  I'd hate to live like that.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Lock Up Global Warming Activists For Fraud

Don Surber makes the point:
So far this month, the public has learned that the Arctic is overrun with polar bears,according to a Canadian study. The poster child for fear-warmongering by junk-science global warmists not only survives but thrives.

Then an actual count of penguins found that there are twice as many Emperor Penguins in Antarctica than previously thought, a second study found.

Then, another study found that far from melting in 23 years as the Nobel Peace Prize-winning IPCC report predicted, the glaciers of the Himalaya mountains are doing just fine.

The time has come to investigate James Hansen, Michael Mann, Al Gore and other global warming stars for fraud. They lied. They manipulated data. They made false predictions of doom in their over-heated sales pitches. I know that Hansen and Gore made millions off these false alarms of ecological doom. We must now hold them accountable for false claims and the spreading of rumors.
So, will Obama de-list the Polar Bear from the endangered species list? That designation has locked up millions of acres of arctic lands that could be developed for their energy potential. These activists have been responsible for taking trillions out of the world economy in the useless pursuit of "green" energy and other globaloney nonsense. They must be held accountable for their fraud and misrepresentation.

Remember Bernie Madoff?   His fraud pales in comparison to what these guys have done and he's sitting in jail.  Time to open up a couple more cells.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Astronauts and Scientists Show They Really Do Have the Right Stuff

A group of NASA astronauts and scientists have had it with NASA's obsession with global warming:
In an unprecedented slap at NASA’s endorsement of global warming science, nearly 50 former astronauts and scientists--including the ex-boss of the Johnson Space Center--claim the agency is on the wrong side of science and must change course or ruin the reputation of the world’s top space agency.

Challenging statements from NASA that man is causing climate change, the former NASA executives demanded in a letter to Administrator Charles Bolden that he and the agency “refrain from including unproven remarks” supporting global warming in the media.

“We feel that NASA’s advocacy of an extreme position, prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers is inappropriate,” they wrote. “At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.”

The letter was signed by seven Apollo astronauts, a deputy associate administrator, several scientists, and even the deputy director of the space shuttle program.

NASA had no immediate comment.
I'll bet NASA's got some comments, most of which couldn't be printed here.

I've got my own theory about NASA's globaloney obsession: Funding. They can't get funding to keep sending Space Shuttles up, so they've changed their emphasis to something more politically correct, knowing that Obama and other Dem leaders get all warm and squishy when someone talks climate change to them. They're trying to preserve a reason for their existence now that our manned space program is essentially kaput.  They can continue to milk billions from the lefties in Congress to deal with a non-existent problem.

The best news for NASA is they don't actually have to fix or accomplish anything.  Just like Congress.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Sen. Durbin: Buy Hybrids Or We'll Have More Tornadoes

Sen. Dick Durbin reacts to the tornadoes in Dallas, Texas earlier this week. Durbin calls for more laws regulating carbon output while he sends a dire warning that we must convert to hybrid cars or lose our life. Durbin says we must spend money now to fix the problem.

"It's your money or your life," he said a press conference. "We are either going to dedicate ourselves to a cleaner, more livable planet and accept the initial investment necessary or we're going to pay a heavier price in terms of loss of human life, damage and costs associated with it."
There's no connection between your car's carbon footprint and tornadoes in Texas in the Springtime. It's Spring...in Texas...they have tornadoes every year. Durbin is an idiot.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Nutty Professor: Doubting Global Warming Equals Racism

Of course it does.  Any disagreement with the politically correct is racism:
Scepticism regarding the need for immediate and massive action against carbon emissions is asickness of societies and individuals which needs to be “treated”, according to an Oregon-based professor of “sociology and environmental studies”. Professor Kari Norgaard compares the struggle against climate scepticism to that against racism and slavery in the US South.

According to an Oregon uni statement announcing the paper:

Resistance at individual and societal levels must be recognized and treated …

“This kind of cultural resistance to very significant social threat is something that we would expect in any society facing a massive threat,” [Norgaard] said.

The discussion, she said, is comparable to what happened with challenges to racism or slavery in the U.S. South.’
This is pretty much all the proof you need that calling something "racist" doesn't have any power anymore.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yes, the Earth Has Warmed Up Before Without Any Help From Us

Some new information has come out about the Medieval Warm Period that's giving the vapors to the global warming crowd:
Current theories of the causes and impact of global warming have been thrown into question by a new study which shows that during medieval times the whole of the planet heated up.

It then cooled down naturally and there was even a 'mini ice age'.

A team of scientists led by geochemist Zunli Lu from Syracuse University in New York state, has found that contrary to the ‘consensus’, the ‘Medieval Warm Period’ approximately 500 to 1,000 years ago wasn’t just confined to Europe.

In fact, it extended all the way down to Antarctica – which means that the Earth has already experience global warming without the aid of human CO2 emissions.
Read the whole thing for the details. Bottom line, the earth warms and cools according to its own schedule (and the sun's) and we really don't have much to do with it. Therefore, throwing trillions of dollars in new taxes and regulations at it will be meaningless.

EPA To Issue Rules That Will Effective Ban All New Coal-Fired Power Plants

Because after all, we need to stop the non-existent problem of global warming:
The Environmental Protection Agency will issue the first limits on greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants as early as Tuesday, according to several people briefed on the proposal. The move could end the construction of conventional coal-fired facilities in the United States.

The proposed rule — years in the making and approved by the White House after months of review — will require any new power plant to emit no more than 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt of electricity produced. The average U.S. natural gas plant, which emits 800 to 850 pounds of CO2 per megawatt, meets that standard; coal plants emit an average of 1,768 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt.
We are the Saudi Arabia of coal - we're awash in the stuff. But Obama won't let us use it because we're also the Saudi Arabia of unicorn farts, and that's what we're going to power the future with. Sadly, our unicorn farms aren't quite ready for national production so you can plan to pay a lot more for electricity until they're brought online.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

India Tells The EU To Stuff Their Carbon Tax

Fewer and fewer people are being fooled by global warming scams:
India has barred its airlines from complying with the European Union carbon tax scheme, joining China in resistance to plans that have caused a backlash among the EU's trade partners.

The European Union imposed a carbon levy on air travel with effect from January 1, but no airline will face a bill until 2013 after this year's carbon emissions have been tallied.

Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh told parliament on Thursday that "the imposition of carbon tax does not arise" because Indian airlines would simply refuse to hand over their emissions data.

"Though the European Union has directed Indian carriers to submit emission details of their aircraft by March 31, 2012, no Indian carrier is submitting them in view of the position of the government," he said.

India's resolution to boycott the scheme follows China's decision last month to prevent its airlines from complying with the EU directive.

The two Asian giants have attacked the EU scheme, calling it a unilateral trade levy disguised as an attempt to fight climate change.

Of course it is. Good for them for fighting back. US Airlines, take note.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Great Global Warming Smackdown

In a piece way too long to excerpt here, Lord Monckton takes on the professors and environwacko students at Union College in New York.  Monckton knows his stuff and it's clear the professors and students didn't.  Read it all and marvel at the man's intellect and style.