Showing posts with label Beekeeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beekeeping. Show all posts

May 2, 2010

We're Getting Bees!

We had our first class yesterday and my head is spinning a bit with all the information.

outlaw beekeeper
Our teacher, the "Outlaw Beekeeper" of Sonoma County

bee frame

By the end of the season, we could have 80 pounds of honey. To get that honey, the worker bees will have flown 4,400,000 miles (that's more than nine round-trip visits to the moon) and visited 160,000,000 flowers! Whew!

worker bees

Our queen and her brood should be ready to come home with us next week.
Do you see the queen?

queen bee

We all held one of the bee-covered frames; it's surprising how calm the bees on the frame are, but with other bees flying all around, it was still exhilarating and a little terrifying.

beekeeper tiana
Tiana and Leandra hold bees for the very first time

Have any of you kept bees? Any advice for us novices?